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Challenging Silouen

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Old December 1st 05, 03:51 PM posted to alt.astronomy,alt.fan.art-bell,alt.usenet.kooks
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Default Challenging Silouen

Dr. Flonkenstein wrote:

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 21:00:51 -0700, Art Deco wrote:

Dr. Flonkenstein wrote:

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 20:07:29 -0700, Art Deco wrote:

Dr. Flonkenstein wrote:

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 19:40:21 -0700, Art Dec[o wrote:

Charles D. Bohne wrote:

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 20:10:10 GMT, "Silouen"

You are not posting to astronomy group because you like astronomy.
You and your following are here to disrupt. You play the victim, but
you are no better than the rest.

Proves my point: you ARE CLUELESS.

Hi, Ch*ck!
Hi, C*uck!
Hi, C*uck!

[mpmmffmpm ffmppffmf fmmmppmpp mfpmfffmm ppmfmfmfmfmmmfpppffmp?]
[fppmfpmmmfmp ppmfmfmfmfmmmfpppffmp, Mff mpmmffmpmppp'fmp mfmmppfmp
fmpmfpmpp ppmmppppmppf?]


mfffmp mpmppfmppfmmppp'fmp fmmfmfpffpfmpffmfffmmmpp ppmmpp mfpmpp
mmfmmmpmfpmffmm mfpmffppmfmmmpppmfmpf mmm pfmpmfmppmmmmpmmffmmmppp

Mmm mpfpffmffmpppppmpmpmfffm, pfmmppmmmmmfmppmpffmfpmf
Pfmpmfmppmffmmmmpmmffmmmppp fppmfpppf fmppffmffmppfmm fmpppf
mmfppfpppfmppffppfpmf pfmmppppfpfmpmfmpp fmpmfpmmmfmp mpfmmmmffpmf
fmpppf pmpmfffmmfmm mfpmfffmm pffmffpppmfm.

Official Associate AFA-B Vote Rustler
Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in alt.astronomy

"The original human being was a female hermaphrodite with
both male and female genitalia."

"Human beings CAN NOT live in a solar system without a sun
with a ferrite core and a planet without a solid iron core."

-- Alexa Cameron, Kook of the Year 2004

"I am a sean being from another planet."
-- Darla aka Dr. Why aka Dr. Yubiwan aka Silouen aka ...
Old December 1st 05, 09:23 PM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default Challenging Silouen

"Charles D. Bohne" wrote in message
On 30 Nov 2005 13:43:55 -0800, "Double-A" wrote:

Perhaps it was the arrival of the
Seans and their taking mankind on as a project that slowly began moving
our ancestors toward civilization.

There are no "seans", just a group of East coast people with all the
typical prejudices as well as cut and dried opinions. With "aliens"
like those you may abandon all your hopes.


I know a "Sean" ... One that has the streak of a human that neither male
or female running it!!

In the physical it is in the form of a 'he' .. yet mostly resembles from
past life stuff .... alienations of such g


Old December 2nd 05, 12:09 PM posted to alt.astronomy,alt.fan.art-bell,alt.usenet.kooks
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Default Challenging Silouen

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 19:41:44 -0700, Art Deco

Double-A wrote:

Charles D. Bohne wrote:
On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 13:24:54 GMT, "Silouen"


What is there that you could teach us now, that you had not been able to
teach us thousand years ago?

Perhaps they are just bringing us along at a measured pace.

Who are "they", saucerhead?

That's a very good question, Art.

Hasn't it
ever seemed odd to you that humans sat around for a million years in
the bush as complete ignoramuses and then during the last 6,000 years
have become greatly enlightened? Perhaps it was the arrival of the
Seans and their taking mankind on as a project that slowly began moving
our ancestors toward civilization.

Haven't you ever wondered why often more than one scientist has made
the same discovery at about the same time in history? Perhaps it was
the Seans dropping hints here and there.

Perhaps we owe them credit for just about everything we know. But our
human race, just like an individual, has to start their education in
kindergarten, not at the university.


Have you ever noticed how saucerheads hate the idea that humans are
intelligent? It's always the "aliens" that achieve, never the men who
actually did it. The saucerheads practically fall all over themselves
in their rush to credit their "aliens", instead of the folks who
really deserve the credit: human beings.

Goes to show how much they hate themselves, that their self-loathing
spills on over to their fellow men.


Bookman -The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in AFA-B
Kazoo Konspirator #668 (The Neighbor of the Beast)
Clue-Bat Wrangler
Keeper of the Nickname Lists
Despotic Kookologist of the New World Order
Monthly Hammer of Thor award, October 2005
"I'd love to kill you in a ring" - Bartmo gets all touchy-feely
"****SPV....... So yes I am an idiot."
- Mr. Turi explains how to accurately predict hurricanes
Old December 2nd 05, 11:14 PM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default Challenging Silouen

"Greysky" wrote in message
. net...

"Silouen" wrote in message
"Double-A" wrote in message

Charles D. Bohne wrote:
On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 13:24:54 GMT, "Silouen"


What is there that you could teach us now, that you had not been able
teach us thousand years ago?

Perhaps they are just bringing us along at a measured pace. Hasn't it
ever seemed odd to you that humans sat around for a million years in
the bush as complete ignoramuses and then during the last 6,000 years
have become greatly enlightened? Perhaps it was the arrival of the
Seans and their taking mankind on as a project that slowly began moving
our ancestors toward civilization.

Haven't you ever wondered why often more than one scientist has made
the same discovery at about the same time in history? Perhaps it was
the Seans dropping hints here and there.

Perhaps we owe them credit for just about everything we know. But our
human race, just like an individual, has to start their education in
kindergarten, not at the university.


Hey again, Double-A!

I thought Darla had covered this, but maybe not.
Not crazy about humans hearing this for the first time from me, but what
Not only was I and a few others on our sean crew actually born in

sea, but seans have been caring for this solar system since before

ever even evolved.

Hi Sil, glad to see you are keeping busy 'out there' but not too busy to
talk to us for a while. I think Darla did mention you were birthed in our
oceans. So, how has the cosmic mission been going? Darla's adventures

be quite a story to tell when she returns.

Hi Greysky, Darla and crew wishes you well!
They are all in good health and full of anticipation.
Right about now they are approaching the center of our supercluster.
You call it Virgo.
We are told that there are lifeforms there who have traveled from
supercluster to supercluster.
I can't wait to find out how they do that.

I am not a 'visitor' as Mr. Bohne seems to think I am.
I was born here, I've spent most of my life here, Earth is my home.

May be humans are the visitors?

Yes, now you know our big secret We are actually pan dimensional
superbeings who only occupy this region of 3-space because we have nothing
better to do... heh heh. I have always suspected that some part of us were
extra terrestrial. I just haven't figured out which part it is yet.

Well, you might begin with parts of the brain which don't jibe well with
other primates and mammals.
And why do humans only rarely have a whole lot of fur?
A third might be to ask why the human heart is stronger and more lasting by
far than Any other animal's heart.
There is a definite list of human anomalies if one goes looking for them.

To keep that from sounding too eerie, let me add that nothing would

us more than for humans to continue 'visiting' for eons into the future.
It would be really well if you could last longer at least than the
acorn-brained dinosaurs!

Wel at least an acorn is bigger than a peanut, eh? Even then, I think

hardly any brain is what allowed those lizards to survive contentedly for

hundred million years. It should give all those peanut headed humans

around down here something to shoot for at least. Hey, speaking of hope

knuckleheads, you guys have gotten the Canadians all stirred up. They want
to open up official contact relations with you 'ethical aliens'. I say

set a date and I'll bring the Vino- just remember to request the presence

all your friends South of the border, OK?



Human intelligence enables you to adapt to a changing environment in ways
that no dinosaur, or any other animal for that matter, could possibly
This does not Insure your survival, but it sure does increase its liklihood.

The Canadian people are just being practical, that's all.
We hope they can maintain their vigorous curiosity up until first contact
becomes possible.
I love vino, by the by, but when I drink it makes me hiccup.

You can be assured, Greysky, that you and all the posters who so desire will
be an integral part of first contact!


Old December 2nd 05, 11:57 PM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default Challenging Silouen

"Double-A" wrote in message

Silouen wrote:
"Double-A" wrote in message

Charles D. Bohne wrote:
On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 13:24:54 GMT, "Silouen"


What is there that you could teach us now, that you had not been

able to
teach us thousand years ago?

Perhaps they are just bringing us along at a measured pace. Hasn't it
ever seemed odd to you that humans sat around for a million years in
the bush as complete ignoramuses and then during the last 6,000 years
have become greatly enlightened? Perhaps it was the arrival of the
Seans and their taking mankind on as a project that slowly began

our ancestors toward civilization.

Haven't you ever wondered why often more than one scientist has made
the same discovery at about the same time in history? Perhaps it was
the Seans dropping hints here and there.

Perhaps we owe them credit for just about everything we know. But our
human race, just like an individual, has to start their education in
kindergarten, not at the university.


Hey again, Double-A!

I thought Darla had covered this, but maybe not.
Not crazy about humans hearing this for the first time from me, but what

Not only was I and a few others on our sean crew actually born in

sea, but seans have been caring for this solar system since before

ever even evolved.
I am not a 'visitor' as Mr. Bohne seems to think I am.
I was born here, I've spent most of my life here, Earth is my home.

May be humans are the visitors?

To keep that from sounding too eerie, let me add that nothing would

us more than for humans to continue 'visiting' for eons into the future.
It would be really well if you could last longer at least than the
acorn-brained dinosaurs!


Hey Silouen,

I'll bet those acorn-brained dinosaurs proved hard to educate all
right. They seemed to be nature's experiment in trying to use brute
force to overcome all obstacles. But no way they could cope with a
sudden change in the environment.

There were many sudden radical changes in the environment during the reign
of dinosaurs.
It was more to it than that.
And some dinosaurs rivaled mankind in intelligence, Double-A.
Might even say that some were quite a bit smarter in many ways!

I'm more interested in what happened to the Neanderthal people of
Europe. Their brain sizes averaged larger than ours. Could they
really have been the slow-witted ones? Were they really wiped out in a
genocidal war with Homo sapiens?

Since you claim to have been her longer than humans, was it your
genetic alterations on a higher race of apes that led to our species?
Did you give us the gift of intelligence? Did you take a killer ape
and give it a mind?


Well, first of all, the Neanderthal did have larger cranial capacity, but
the gray matter was poorly organized.
Sort of like comparing a small orderly file to a dumpster.

There was very little large-scale fighting back then.
Things like war and genocide came later with growing numbers of humans.

The Neanderthal people couldn't compete with the more modern humans.
They didn't disappear entirely, though.
They've just gone where few or no modern humans would be interested in

As for seans altering human genes?
Sorry, this never happened.
There have been times when we've performed minor experiments in a Cultural
context, but never have we tried to manipulate any species' physical
Remind me after first contact, though, to tell you of a people who Did do
experiments with human genetics.
Up until recently, they were the most common poachers we dealt with.
They were a dying race, and they no longer live.


Old December 3rd 05, 01:08 AM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default Challenging Silouen

Silouen wrote:
"Double-A" wrote in message

Silouen wrote:
"Double-A" wrote in message

Charles D. Bohne wrote:
On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 13:24:54 GMT, "Silouen"


What is there that you could teach us now, that you had not been

able to
teach us thousand years ago?

Perhaps they are just bringing us along at a measured pace. Hasn't it
ever seemed odd to you that humans sat around for a million years in
the bush as complete ignoramuses and then during the last 6,000 years
have become greatly enlightened? Perhaps it was the arrival of the
Seans and their taking mankind on as a project that slowly began

our ancestors toward civilization.

Haven't you ever wondered why often more than one scientist has made
the same discovery at about the same time in history? Perhaps it was
the Seans dropping hints here and there.

Perhaps we owe them credit for just about everything we know. But our
human race, just like an individual, has to start their education in
kindergarten, not at the university.


Hey again, Double-A!

I thought Darla had covered this, but maybe not.
Not crazy about humans hearing this for the first time from me, but what

Not only was I and a few others on our sean crew actually born in

sea, but seans have been caring for this solar system since before

ever even evolved.
I am not a 'visitor' as Mr. Bohne seems to think I am.
I was born here, I've spent most of my life here, Earth is my home.

May be humans are the visitors?

To keep that from sounding too eerie, let me add that nothing would

us more than for humans to continue 'visiting' for eons into the future.
It would be really well if you could last longer at least than the
acorn-brained dinosaurs!


Hey Silouen,

I'll bet those acorn-brained dinosaurs proved hard to educate all
right. They seemed to be nature's experiment in trying to use brute
force to overcome all obstacles. But no way they could cope with a
sudden change in the environment.

There were many sudden radical changes in the environment during the reign
of dinosaurs.
It was more to it than that.
And some dinosaurs rivaled mankind in intelligence, Double-A.
Might even say that some were quite a bit smarter in many ways!

Should I be taking umbrage at that remark?

I'm more interested in what happened to the Neanderthal people of
Europe. Their brain sizes averaged larger than ours. Could they
really have been the slow-witted ones? Were they really wiped out in a
genocidal war with Homo sapiens?

Since you claim to have been her longer than humans, was it your
genetic alterations on a higher race of apes that led to our species?
Did you give us the gift of intelligence? Did you take a killer ape
and give it a mind?


Well, first of all, the Neanderthal did have larger cranial capacity, but
the gray matter was poorly organized.
Sort of like comparing a small orderly file to a dumpster.

There was very little large-scale fighting back then.
Things like war and genocide came later with growing numbers of humans.

The Neanderthal people couldn't compete with the more modern humans.
They didn't disappear entirely, though.
They've just gone where few or no modern humans would be interested in

That sounds intriguing. Of course some think they might have interbred
with us and become blended into our more dominant gene pool.

As for seans altering human genes?
Sorry, this never happened.
There have been times when we've performed minor experiments in a Cultural
context, but never have we tried to manipulate any species' physical
Remind me after first contact, though, to tell you of a people who Did do
experiments with human genetics.
Up until recently, they were the most common poachers we dealt with.
They were a dying race, and they no longer live.


Couldn't they save themselves through genetics?

The Germans tried to develop a super race through traditional selective
breeding techniques. But they didn't have the gene splicing methods we
have now to work with.

I fear that the next Third Reich will have the tools to actually create
a super race!


Old December 3rd 05, 03:43 AM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default Challenging Silouen

Charles D. Bohne wrote:
On 2 Dec 2005 16:08:15 -0800, "Double-A" wrote:

I fear that the next Third Reich will have the tools to actually create
a super race!

Define "super race"! There are no "good genes" vs. "bad genes" -
one can never know which genes may further survival under changing

An excellent point, Charles. My views exactly.

But a totalitarian government is not likely to understand this. After
all, they are all about standardization and conformity.

First they will want to develop the perfect soldier: men with great
strength, cunning, and fearlessness.

Then they will want the model citizen, and the perfect worker, who will
never break the law or bend the rules, and can take the stresses of the
workplace for 50 years without burning out, or developing ulcers.

And they will want to develop higher IQ individuals for the elite
ruling class.

Of course in doing this, they will develop lot of genetic sameness.
And as you alluded above, the next time the environmental wind shifts,
the die off could be total!


Old December 3rd 05, 05:04 AM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default Challenging Silouen

Charles D. Bohne wrote:
On 2 Dec 2005 16:08:15 -0800, "Double-A" wrote:

I fear that the next Third Reich will have the tools to actually create
a super race!

Define "super race"! There are no "good genes" vs. "bad genes" -
one can never know which genes may further survival under changing

Yep Charles, and as with Double-A, exactly. ...

Nothing wrong with Eugenics in principle ... horsebreeding. ....
Heck, we are genetically and physiologically programmed to selectively
choose out mates. ... The 'wild type' stranger can be very attractive,
for example. ... or detractive, possibly.

We horsebreed amongst ourselves anyhoooo whether we realize or admit it
.. or don't.

Eugenics is roughly being overt and explicit about such concerns.

The problem with selective breeding to improve things ... isn't that
it's good or evil. ... It's that we are ignorant about the outcome.
.... That we fool and risk and harm ourselves by imagining that it were

You really have pointed to the crux.

Old December 4th 05, 03:10 AM posted to alt.astronomy
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Posts: n/a
Default Challenging Silouen

"Silouen" wrote in message
"Greysky" wrote in message
. net...

"Silouen" wrote in message
"Double-A" wrote in message

Charles D. Bohne wrote:
On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 13:24:54 GMT, "Silouen"


What is there that you could teach us now, that you had not been
teach us thousand years ago?

Perhaps they are just bringing us along at a measured pace. Hasn't it
ever seemed odd to you that humans sat around for a million years in
the bush as complete ignoramuses and then during the last 6,000 years
have become greatly enlightened? Perhaps it was the arrival of the
Seans and their taking mankind on as a project that slowly began
our ancestors toward civilization.

Haven't you ever wondered why often more than one scientist has made
the same discovery at about the same time in history? Perhaps it was
the Seans dropping hints here and there.

Perhaps we owe them credit for just about everything we know. But our
human race, just like an individual, has to start their education in
kindergarten, not at the university.


Hey again, Double-A!

I thought Darla had covered this, but maybe not.
Not crazy about humans hearing this for the first time from me, but
Not only was I and a few others on our sean crew actually born in

sea, but seans have been caring for this solar system since before

ever even evolved.

Hi Sil, glad to see you are keeping busy 'out there' but not too busy to
talk to us for a while. I think Darla did mention you were birthed in our
oceans. So, how has the cosmic mission been going? Darla's adventures

be quite a story to tell when she returns.

Hi Greysky, Darla and crew wishes you well!
They are all in good health and full of anticipation.
Right about now they are approaching the center of our supercluster.
You call it Virgo.
We are told that there are lifeforms there who have traveled from
supercluster to supercluster.
I can't wait to find out how they do that.

Yes. Sounds to me as though your people are on the verge of another
'information explosion' on the order of what it took to turn the Renaissance
into the Industrial Revolution down here, as they get all the new
information from those older lifeforms and cultures. Please be careful how
you absorb the newfound knowledge, or these present days may be known as the
"good old days" for your people as well!

I am not a 'visitor' as Mr. Bohne seems to think I am.
I was born here, I've spent most of my life here, Earth is my home.

May be humans are the visitors?

Yes, now you know our big secret We are actually pan dimensional
superbeings who only occupy this region of 3-space because we have
better to do... heh heh. I have always suspected that some part of us
extra terrestrial. I just haven't figured out which part it is yet.

Well, you might begin with parts of the brain which don't jibe well with
other primates and mammals.
And why do humans only rarely have a whole lot of fur?
A third might be to ask why the human heart is stronger and more lasting
far than Any other animal's heart.
There is a definite list of human anomalies if one goes looking for them.

Well, the first one I've ever heard of is the anomalous size of the human
er, sex organ. It's too big- proportionately. If this is indeed the result
of alien intervention, I have to wonder about the motivations of those
aliens... but on a more etherial level, I would wonder more about the
changes in the mind, rather than the body. Our conscious mind needs to
communicate better with the unconscious part. How is it with you Seans? Are
your minds more 'integrated', or do you also need head doctors to detrmine
why you do some things? Does Dr. Y do good things for your people, or can
s/he only make money on Earth?

To keep that from sounding too eerie, let me add that nothing would

us more than for humans to continue 'visiting' for eons into the
It would be really well if you could last longer at least than the
acorn-brained dinosaurs!

Wel at least an acorn is bigger than a peanut, eh? Even then, I think

hardly any brain is what allowed those lizards to survive contentedly for

hundred million years. It should give all those peanut headed humans

around down here something to shoot for at least. Hey, speaking of hope

knuckleheads, you guys have gotten the Canadians all stirred up. They
to open up official contact relations with you 'ethical aliens'. I say

set a date and I'll bring the Vino- just remember to request the presence

all your friends South of the border, OK?



Human intelligence enables you to adapt to a changing environment in ways
that no dinosaur, or any other animal for that matter, could possibly
This does not Insure your survival, but it sure does increase its

Well, mere survival isn't enough. I think this is why there are so many
conversants who express dissatisfaction with your policy of non-interference
until Official Contact. Though I can't wait to join up with your crew, I
know there are proceedures- I just hope it happens before I die of old age
The question every human should ask is what happens afterwards - when
they are orbiting a newly discovered planet of sentients that can obviously
use any help they can get. Do you break protocol and help thereby revealing
yourself, or steel yourself against their pleas for aid and head back home,
and make your report? There are gonna be consequences no matter what action
you take...

The Canadian people are just being practical, that's all.
We hope they can maintain their vigorous curiosity up until first contact
becomes possible.
I love vino, by the by, but when I drink it makes me hiccup.

Do not worry, Sil. Neither I nor your nightbat will let that go too far :-)

You can be assured, Greysky, that you and all the posters who so desire
be an integral part of first contact!

I am in a state of eager anticipation - It'll sure be a nice day!



Old December 5th 05, 09:12 AM posted to alt.astronomy
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a
Default Challenging Silouen

"Double-A" wrote in message

BEE wrote:
"Double-A" wrote in message

Charles D. Bohne wrote:
On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 11:24:57 +1100, "BEE"

Well said ol' chap!! g

I have had an encounter with a 'being' being in my face simply
'being' a
being a real pain in my rear .. as it got near ...

Yeah!! I was glad to tell it to GO .. as it was GREY and had no real
about it that gave off any sense
that it was being simply a 'being' wangting a kind connestion of any

No one really wanted to know about this encounter let alone believe

Anywazzzzzz .. Running around inside my very own beleif system is my
idea that resembles
the notion of ..... "We are the aliens ... Wrapped up and shut AWAY
true sleves in the true meaning of 'alien .... 'being' ... that is

If we (as human beings) were not so caught up in the fundamental BS
all we may actually see things as they trully a-)
When we go to the beach and enjoy the beach, do we go into every
detail of how one soaks up the sun and what it is doing to one's self
etc etc ... ?! Not really for most ... Simple terms ... just enjoy
water and soak up the sun:-)


Unfortunately we don't have much sun over here for the moment, ...
days are short and the sky is cloudy .. but we still know there is THE


Ah, right. Bee would be basking in the summer sun about now!

While we northerners shiver in the cold and darkness.

Enjoy, Bee!

Hey there Double A !!!! :-)

Not basking that much as it is trully hot here however, every now and
yes !!!g
Hope you are fighting FIT!!!

Bee ...

Yes, near the summer solstice the Sun can burn your skin so easily.

Be careful.

Just returned from my exercise in the cold clammy fog.

Thinking of sunny you!


Why Thank my sunny ass g

BTW .. I don't mean I speak from there ..

and no ... I am not siamese g

Dam hot here ....

FWIW .. Have a good week :-)



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