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A positive leap second will be introduced in UTC on 31 December 2005

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Old July 9th 05, 02:45 PM
Sam Wormley
external usenet poster
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Default A positive leap second will be introduced in UTC on 31 December 2005




61, Av. de l'Observatoire 75014 PARIS (France)
Tel. : 33 (0) 1 40 51 22 26
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Paris, 4 July 2005

Bulletin C 30

To authorities responsible
for the measurement and
distribution of time

on the 1st of January 2006

A positive leap second will be introduced at the end of December 2005.
The sequence of dates of the UTC second markers will be:

2005 December 31, 23h 59m 59s
2005 December 31, 23h 59m 60s
2006 January 1, 0h 0m 0s

The difference between UTC and the International Atomic Time TAI is:

from 1999 January 1, 0h UTC, to 2006 January 1 0h UTC : UTC-TAI = - 32s
from 2006 January 1, 0h UTC, until further notice : UTC-TAI = - 33s

Leap seconds can be introduced in UTC at the end of the months of December
or June, depending on the evolution of UT1-TAI. Bulletin C is mailed every
six months, either to announce a time step in UTC or to confirm that there
will be no time step at the next possible date.

Earth Orientation Center of IERS
Observatoire de Paris, France


************************************************** ********************
* *
* I E R S B U L L E T I N - A *
* *
* Rapid Service/Prediction of Earth Orientation *
************************************************** ********************
7 July 2005 Vol. XVIII No. 027
__________________________________________________ ____________________
To receive this information electronically, contact:
or use http://maia.usno.navy.mil/
MJD = Julian Date - 2 400 000.5 days
UT2-UT1 = 0.022 sin(2*pi*T) - 0.012 cos(2*pi*T)
- 0.006 sin(4*pi*T) + 0.007 cos(4*pi*T)
where pi = 3.14159265... and T is the date in Besselian years.
TT = TAI + 32.184 seconds
DUT1= (UT1-UTC) transmitted with time signals
= -0.6 seconds beginning 17 March 2005 at 0000 UTC
Beginning 1 January 1999:
TAI-UTC(BIPM) = 32.000 000 seconds
************************************************** ********************
* No leap second was introduced in UTC on 30 June 2005. A positive *
* leap second will be introduced in UTC on 31 December 2005. *
* Bulletin A is now compliant with IAU 2000 resolutions. *
* See notice at the end of this Bulletin A for more details. *
************************************************** ********************
__________________________________________________ ______________________
The contributed observations used in the preparation of this Bulletin
are available at http://maia.usno.navy.mil/bulla-data.html. The
contributed analysis results are based on data from Very Long Baseline
Interferometry (VLBI), Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), the Global
Positioning System (GPS) satellites, Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR), and
meteorological predictions of variations in Atmospheric Angular
Momentum (AAM).
__________________________________________________ ______________________


IERS Rapid Service
MJD x error y error UT1-UTC error
" " " " s s
5 7 1 53552 -.03989 .00005 .39674 .00007 -.615444 .000013
5 7 2 53553 -.03932 .00004 .39771 .00007 -.615117 .000013
5 7 3 53554 -.03851 .00003 .39868 .00007 -.614462 .000012
5 7 4 53555 -.03750 .00003 .39965 .00006 -.613527 .000010
5 7 5 53556 -.03621 .00003 .40091 .00005 -.612465 .000010
5 7 6 53557 -.03451 .00003 .40253 .00005 -.611406 .000009
5 7 7 53558 -.03272 .00002 .40431 .00004 -.610404 .000010

IERS Final Values
" " s
5 5 5 53495 -.0606 .3057 -.60185
5 5 6 53496 -.0608 .3076 -.60320
5 5 7 53497 -.0607 .3095 -.60440
5 5 8 53498 -.0606 .3113 -.60541
5 5 9 53499 -.0607 .3129 -.60621
5 5 10 53500 -.0609 .3145 -.60679
5 5 11 53501 -.0613 .3159 -.60718
5 5 12 53502 -.0620 .3173 -.60747
5 5 13 53503 -.0631 .3187 -.60768
5 5 14 53504 -.0645 .3201 -.60791
5 5 15 53505 -.0658 .3216 -.60829
5 5 16 53506 -.0667 .3232 -.60885
5 5 17 53507 -.0675 .3248 -.60957
5 5 18 53508 -.0683 .3262 -.61041
5 5 19 53509 -.0691 .3276 -.61136
5 5 20 53510 -.0700 .3290 -.61239
5 5 21 53511 -.0706 .3304 -.61336
5 5 22 53512 -.0709 .3320 -.61422
5 5 23 53513 -.0712 .3337 -.61486
5 5 24 53514 -.0714 .3353 -.61514
5 5 25 53515 -.0713 .3371 -.61512
5 5 26 53516 -.0703 .3390 -.61488
5 5 27 53517 -.0690 .3413 -.61457
5 5 28 53518 -.0680 .3435 -.61439
5 5 29 53519 -.0671 .3456 -.61450
5 5 30 53520 -.0659 .3477 -.61486
5 5 31 53521 -.0645 .3495 -.61541
5 6 1 53522 -.0629 .3509 -.61610
5 6 2 53523 -.0616 .3524 -.61682
5 6 3 53524 -.0605 .3542 -.61737

__________________________________________________ _____________________

The following formulas will not reproduce the predictions given below,
but may be used to extend the predictions beyond the end of this table.

x = .0525 + .0276 cos A + .0854 sin A - .1169 cos C - .0238 sin C
y = .3468 + .0817 cos A - .0248 sin A - .0238 cos C + .1169 sin C
UT1-UTC = -.6023 - .00040 (MJD - 53563) - (UT2-UT1)

where A = 2*pi*(MJD-53558)/365.25 and C = 2*pi*(MJD-53558)/435.

TAI-UTC(MJD 53559) = 32.0
The accuracy may be estimated from the expressions:
S x,y = 0.00068 (MJD-53558)**0.80 S t = 0.00025 (MJD-53558)**0.75
Estimated accuracies a Predictions 10 d 20 d 30 d 40 d
Polar coord's 0.004 0.007 0.010 0.013
UT1-UTC 0.0014 0.0024 0.0032 0.0040

MJD x(arcsec) y(arcsec) UT1-UTC(sec)
2005 7 8 53559 -0.0310 0.4060 -0.60953
2005 7 9 53560 -0.0294 0.4076 -0.60886
2005 7 10 53561 -0.0278 0.4091 -0.60837
2005 7 11 53562 -0.0263 0.4106 -0.60805
2005 7 12 53563 -0.0248 0.4119 -0.60789
2005 7 13 53564 -0.0234 0.4132 -0.60782
2005 7 14 53565 -0.0219 0.4144 -0.60780
2005 7 15 53566 -0.0205 0.4155 -0.60771
2005 7 16 53567 -0.0192 0.4166 -0.60746
2005 7 17 53568 -0.0178 0.4176 -0.60699
2005 7 18 53569 -0.0164 0.4186 -0.60632
2005 7 19 53570 -0.0151 0.4196 -0.60549
2005 7 20 53571 -0.0137 0.4205 -0.60458
2005 7 21 53572 -0.0123 0.4214 -0.60377
2005 7 22 53573 -0.0110 0.4222 -0.60320
2005 7 23 53574 -0.0096 0.4230 -0.60295
2005 7 24 53575 -0.0083 0.4238 -0.60301
2005 7 25 53576 -0.0069 0.4246 -0.60328
2005 7 26 53577 -0.0056 0.4253 -0.60360
2005 7 27 53578 -0.0042 0.4260 -0.60381
2005 7 28 53579 -0.0028 0.4267 -0.60381
2005 7 29 53580 -0.0014 0.4274 -0.60354
2005 7 30 53581 -0.0001 0.4280 -0.60301
2005 7 31 53582 0.0013 0.4287 -0.60228
2005 8 1 53583 0.0027 0.4293 -0.60139
2005 8 2 53584 0.0041 0.4299 -0.60044
2005 8 3 53585 0.0055 0.4304 -0.59950
2005 8 4 53586 0.0069 0.4310 -0.59863
2005 8 5 53587 0.0082 0.4315 -0.59790
2005 8 6 53588 0.0096 0.4320 -0.59735
2005 8 7 53589 0.0110 0.4325 -0.59700
2005 8 8 53590 0.0124 0.4329 -0.59683
2005 8 9 53591 0.0138 0.4334 -0.59680
2005 8 10 53592 0.0152 0.4338 -0.59684
2005 8 11 53593 0.0166 0.4342 -0.59689
2005 8 12 53594 0.0180 0.4346 -0.59687
2005 8 13 53595 0.0194 0.4350 -0.59672
2005 8 14 53596 0.0208 0.4353 -0.59640
2005 8 15 53597 0.0222 0.4356 -0.59591
2005 8 16 53598 0.0236 0.4360 -0.59531
2005 8 17 53599 0.0250 0.4363 -0.59474
2005 8 18 53600 0.0263 0.4365 -0.59435
2005 8 19 53601 0.0277 0.4368 -0.59425
2005 8 20 53602 0.0291 0.4370 -0.59450
2005 8 21 53603 0.0304 0.4372 -0.59505
2005 8 22 53604 0.0318 0.4374 -0.59575
2005 8 23 53605 0.0332 0.4376 -0.59643
2005 8 24 53606 0.0345 0.4378 -0.59694
2005 8 25 53607 0.0359 0.4379 -0.59717
2005 8 26 53608 0.0372 0.4380 -0.59712
2005 8 27 53609 0.0385 0.4381 -0.59682
2005 8 28 53610 0.0399 0.4382 -0.59633
2005 8 29 53611 0.0412 0.4383 -0.59575
2005 8 30 53612 0.0425 0.4383 -0.59517
2005 8 31 53613 0.0438 0.4384 -0.59466
2005 9 1 53614 0.0451 0.4384 -0.59427
2005 9 2 53615 0.0464 0.4384 -0.59406
2005 9 3 53616 0.0477 0.4383 -0.59404
2005 9 4 53617 0.0489 0.4383 -0.59421
2005 9 5 53618 0.0501 0.4382 -0.59451
2005 9 6 53619 0.0514 0.4381 -0.59489
2005 9 7 53620 0.0526 0.4380 -0.59527
2005 9 8 53621 0.0539 0.4379 -0.59556
2005 9 9 53622 0.0551 0.4378 -0.59571
2005 9 10 53623 0.0563 0.4376 -0.59568
2005 9 11 53624 0.0575 0.4374 -0.59547
2005 9 12 53625 0.0587 0.4373 -0.59515
2005 9 13 53626 0.0599 0.4371 -0.59480
2005 9 14 53627 0.0611 0.4368 -0.59459
2005 9 15 53628 0.0623 0.4365 -0.59464
2005 9 16 53629 0.0635 0.4363 -0.59505
2005 9 17 53630 0.0646 0.4360 -0.59581
2005 9 18 53631 0.0657 0.4357 -0.59682
2005 9 19 53632 0.0669 0.4354 -0.59793
2005 9 20 53633 0.0680 0.4351 -0.59895
2005 9 21 53634 0.0691 0.4347 -0.59975
2005 9 22 53635 0.0702 0.4344 -0.60026
2005 9 23 53636 0.0713 0.4340 -0.60051
2005 9 24 53637 0.0724 0.4336 -0.60055
2005 9 25 53638 0.0734 0.4332 -0.60047
2005 9 26 53639 0.0745 0.4328 -0.60038
2005 9 27 53640 0.0755 0.4324 -0.60036
2005 9 28 53641 0.0765 0.4319 -0.60046
2005 9 29 53642 0.0776 0.4314 -0.60074
2005 9 30 53643 0.0786 0.4309 -0.60121
2005 10 1 53644 0.0796 0.4305 -0.60187
2005 10 2 53645 0.0806 0.4299 -0.60269
2005 10 3 53646 0.0815 0.4294 -0.60361
2005 10 4 53647 0.0825 0.4289 -0.60454
2005 10 5 53648 0.0834 0.4283 -0.60542
2005 10 6 53649 0.0844 0.4277 -0.60617
2005 10 7 53650 0.0853 0.4272 -0.60673
2005 10 8 53651 0.0862 0.4266 -0.60710
2005 10 9 53652 0.0871 0.4260 -0.60732
2005 10 10 53653 0.0880 0.4253 -0.60749
2005 10 11 53654 0.0889 0.4247 -0.60772
2005 10 12 53655 0.0898 0.4240 -0.60815
2005 10 13 53656 0.0907 0.4234 -0.60886
2005 10 14 53657 0.0915 0.4227 -0.60988
2005 10 15 53658 0.0923 0.4220 -0.61117
2005 10 16 53659 0.0932 0.4213 -0.61261
2005 10 17 53660 0.0940 0.4206 -0.61402
2005 10 18 53661 0.0948 0.4199 -0.61526
2005 10 19 53662 0.0956 0.4191 -0.61622
2005 10 20 53663 0.0964 0.4184 -0.61688
2005 10 21 53664 0.0971 0.4176 -0.61729
2005 10 22 53665 0.0979 0.4169 -0.61752
2005 10 23 53666 0.0986 0.4161 -0.61768
2005 10 24 53667 0.0994 0.4153 -0.61785
2005 10 25 53668 0.1001 0.4145 -0.61813
2005 10 26 53669 0.1008 0.4137 -0.61856
2005 10 27 53670 0.1015 0.4128 -0.61917
2005 10 28 53671 0.1022 0.4120 -0.61996
2005 10 29 53672 0.1029 0.4112 -0.62092
2005 10 30 53673 0.1036 0.4103 -0.62199
2005 10 31 53674 0.1042 0.4095 -0.62311
2005 11 1 53675 0.1049 0.4086 -0.62419
2005 11 2 53676 0.1055 0.4077 -0.62515
2005 11 3 53677 0.1061 0.4068 -0.62592
2005 11 4 53678 0.1067 0.4059 -0.62648
2005 11 5 53679 0.1073 0.4050 -0.62684
2005 11 6 53680 0.1079 0.4041 -0.62711
2005 11 7 53681 0.1085 0.4032 -0.62738
2005 11 8 53682 0.1090 0.4023 -0.62780
2005 11 9 53683 0.1096 0.4013 -0.62846
2005 11 10 53684 0.1101 0.4004 -0.62939
2005 11 11 53685 0.1106 0.3994 -0.63058
2005 11 12 53686 0.1112 0.3985 -0.63192
2005 11 13 53687 0.1117 0.3975 -0.63329
2005 11 14 53688 0.1122 0.3966 -0.63453
2005 11 15 53689 0.1126 0.3956 -0.63554
2005 11 16 53690 0.1131 0.3946 -0.63627
2005 11 17 53691 0.1136 0.3936 -0.63672
2005 11 18 53692 0.1140 0.3926 -0.63696
2005 11 19 53693 0.1144 0.3916 -0.63708
2005 11 20 53694 0.1148 0.3906 -0.63718
2005 11 21 53695 0.1153 0.3896 -0.63735
2005 11 22 53696 0.1156 0.3886 -0.63764
2005 11 23 53697 0.1160 0.3876 -0.63809
2005 11 24 53698 0.1164 0.3866 -0.63871
2005 11 25 53699 0.1168 0.3856 -0.63949
2005 11 26 53700 0.1171 0.3846 -0.64038
2005 11 27 53701 0.1174 0.3835 -0.64134
2005 11 28 53702 0.1177 0.3825 -0.64228
2005 11 29 53703 0.1181 0.3815 -0.64314
2005 11 30 53704 0.1183 0.3805 -0.64382
2005 12 1 53705 0.1186 0.3794 -0.64430
2005 12 2 53706 0.1189 0.3784 -0.64456
2005 12 3 53707 0.1192 0.3773 -0.64469
2005 12 4 53708 0.1194 0.3763 -0.64478
2005 12 5 53709 0.1196 0.3753 -0.64499
2005 12 6 53710 0.1198 0.3742 -0.64542
2005 12 7 53711 0.1200 0.3732 -0.64611
2005 12 8 53712 0.1202 0.3721 -0.64705
2005 12 9 53713 0.1204 0.3711 -0.64815
2005 12 10 53714 0.1206 0.3701 -0.64928
2005 12 11 53715 0.1207 0.3690 -0.65030
2005 12 12 53716 0.1209 0.3680 -0.65111
2005 12 13 53717 0.1210 0.3669 -0.65166
2005 12 14 53718 0.1211 0.3659 -0.65194
2005 12 15 53719 0.1212 0.3649 -0.65199
2005 12 16 53720 0.1213 0.3638 -0.65191
2005 12 17 53721 0.1214 0.3628 -0.65177
2005 12 18 53722 0.1214 0.3618 -0.65167
2005 12 19 53723 0.1215 0.3607 -0.65168
2005 12 20 53724 0.1215 0.3597 -0.65184
2005 12 21 53725 0.1215 0.3587 -0.65216
2005 12 22 53726 0.1215 0.3577 -0.65264
2005 12 23 53727 0.1215 0.3566 -0.65324
2005 12 24 53728 0.1215 0.3556 -0.65391
2005 12 25 53729 0.1214 0.3546 -0.65460
2005 12 26 53730 0.1214 0.3536 -0.65522
2005 12 27 53731 0.1213 0.3526 -0.65571
2005 12 28 53732 0.1213 0.3516 -0.65603
2005 12 29 53733 0.1212 0.3506 -0.65614
2005 12 30 53734 0.1211 0.3496 -0.65610
2005 12 31 53735 0.1209 0.3487 -0.65600
2006 1 1 53736 0.1208 0.3477 0.34401
2006 1 2 53737 0.1207 0.3467 0.34380
2006 1 3 53738 0.1205 0.3458 0.34328
2006 1 4 53739 0.1203 0.3448 0.34246
2006 1 5 53740 0.1201 0.3438 0.34142
2006 1 6 53741 0.1199 0.3429 0.34029
2006 1 7 53742 0.1197 0.3420 0.33922
2006 1 8 53743 0.1195 0.3410 0.33831
2006 1 9 53744 0.1193 0.3401 0.33763
2006 1 10 53745 0.1190 0.3392 0.33718
2006 1 11 53746 0.1187 0.3383 0.33693
2006 1 12 53747 0.1185 0.3374 0.33683
2006 1 13 53748 0.1182 0.3365 0.33681
2006 1 14 53749 0.1178 0.3356 0.33680
2006 1 15 53750 0.1175 0.3347 0.33673
2006 1 16 53751 0.1172 0.3339 0.33655
2006 1 17 53752 0.1168 0.3330 0.33623
2006 1 18 53753 0.1164 0.3322 0.33576
2006 1 19 53754 0.1160 0.3313 0.33515
2006 1 20 53755 0.1156 0.3305 0.33447
2006 1 21 53756 0.1152 0.3297 0.33378
2006 1 22 53757 0.1148 0.3288 0.33315
2006 1 23 53758 0.1144 0.3280 0.33265
2006 1 24 53759 0.1139 0.3272 0.33233
2006 1 25 53760 0.1135 0.3265 0.33221
2006 1 26 53761 0.1130 0.3257 0.33226
2006 1 27 53762 0.1125 0.3249 0.33241
2006 1 28 53763 0.1120 0.3242 0.33251
2006 1 29 53764 0.1115 0.3234 0.33242
2006 1 30 53765 0.1110 0.3227 0.33200
2006 1 31 53766 0.1105 0.3220 0.33123
2006 2 1 53767 0.1099 0.3213 0.33017
2006 2 2 53768 0.1094 0.3206 0.32896
2006 2 3 53769 0.1088 0.3199 0.32780
2006 2 4 53770 0.1083 0.3192 0.32682
2006 2 5 53771 0.1077 0.3186 0.32612
2006 2 6 53772 0.1071 0.3179 0.32571
2006 2 7 53773 0.1065 0.3173 0.32555
2006 2 8 53774 0.1059 0.3167 0.32557
2006 2 9 53775 0.1053 0.3161 0.32567
2006 2 10 53776 0.1047 0.3155 0.32575
2006 2 11 53777 0.1041 0.3149 0.32573
2006 2 12 53778 0.1034 0.3143 0.32560
2006 2 13 53779 0.1028 0.3137 0.32526
2006 2 14 53780 0.1021 0.3132 0.32477
2006 2 15 53781 0.1015 0.3127 0.32414
2006 2 16 53782 0.1008 0.3121 0.32343
2006 2 17 53783 0.1001 0.3116 0.32271
2006 2 18 53784 0.0994 0.3111 0.32202
2006 2 19 53785 0.0987 0.3107 0.32136
2006 2 20 53786 0.0981 0.3102 0.32091
2006 2 21 53787 0.0974 0.3097 0.32067
2006 2 22 53788 0.0967 0.3093 0.32054
2006 2 23 53789 0.0959 0.3089 0.32052
2006 2 24 53790 0.0952 0.3084 0.32052
2006 2 25 53791 0.0945 0.3080 0.32036
2006 2 26 53792 0.0938 0.3076 0.31991
2006 2 27 53793 0.0931 0.3073 0.31911
2006 2 28 53794 0.0923 0.3069 0.31795
2006 3 1 53795 0.0916 0.3065 0.31657
2006 3 2 53796 0.0909 0.3062 0.31515
2006 3 3 53797 0.0901 0.3059 0.31385
2006 3 4 53798 0.0894 0.3056 0.31282
2006 3 5 53799 0.0886 0.3053 0.31211
2006 3 6 53800 0.0879 0.3050 0.31170
2006 3 7 53801 0.0872 0.3047 0.31149
2006 3 8 53802 0.0864 0.3044 0.31135
2006 3 9 53803 0.0857 0.3042 0.31122
2006 3 10 53804 0.0849 0.3039 0.31098
2006 3 11 53805 0.0842 0.3037 0.31056
2006 3 12 53806 0.0834 0.3035 0.31003
2006 3 13 53807 0.0827 0.3033 0.30933
2006 3 14 53808 0.0819 0.3031 0.30848
2006 3 15 53809 0.0812 0.3029 0.30756
2006 3 16 53810 0.0804 0.3028 0.30662
2006 3 17 53811 0.0797 0.3026 0.30575
2006 3 18 53812 0.0790 0.3025 0.30501
2006 3 19 53813 0.0782 0.3023 0.30445
2006 3 20 53814 0.0775 0.3022 0.30407
2006 3 21 53815 0.0768 0.3021 0.30385
2006 3 22 53816 0.0760 0.3020 0.30378
2006 3 23 53817 0.0753 0.3019 0.30380
2006 3 24 53818 0.0746 0.3018 0.30376
2006 3 25 53819 0.0739 0.3018 0.30350
2006 3 26 53820 0.0732 0.3017 0.30290
2006 3 27 53821 0.0725 0.3017 0.30200
2006 3 28 53822 0.0718 0.3016 0.30087
2006 3 29 53823 0.0711 0.3016 0.29964
2006 3 30 53824 0.0704 0.3016 0.29848
2006 3 31 53825 0.0697 0.3016 0.29752
2006 4 1 53826 0.0690 0.3016 0.29685
2006 4 2 53827 0.0684 0.3016 0.29649
2006 4 3 53828 0.0677 0.3016 0.29640
2006 4 4 53829 0.0670 0.3017 0.29647
2006 4 5 53830 0.0664 0.3017 0.29655
2006 4 6 53831 0.0658 0.3018 0.29655
2006 4 7 53832 0.0651 0.3018 0.29635
2006 4 8 53833 0.0645 0.3019 0.29591
2006 4 9 53834 0.0639 0.3020 0.29535
2006 4 10 53835 0.0633 0.3020 0.29463
2006 4 11 53836 0.0627 0.3021 0.29380
2006 4 12 53837 0.0621 0.3022 0.29294
2006 4 13 53838 0.0615 0.3023 0.29206
2006 4 14 53839 0.0609 0.3024 0.29124
2006 4 15 53840 0.0604 0.3026 0.29058
2006 4 16 53841 0.0598 0.3027 0.28995
2006 4 17 53842 0.0593 0.3028 0.28952
2006 4 18 53843 0.0587 0.3029 0.28930
2006 4 19 53844 0.0582 0.3031 0.28922
2006 4 20 53845 0.0577 0.3032 0.28918
2006 4 21 53846 0.0572 0.3034 0.28905
2006 4 22 53847 0.0567 0.3035 0.28872
2006 4 23 53848 0.0562 0.3037 0.28815
2006 4 24 53849 0.0558 0.3039 0.28731
2006 4 25 53850 0.0553 0.3041 0.28623
2006 4 26 53851 0.0548 0.3042 0.28514
2006 4 27 53852 0.0544 0.3044 0.28425
2006 4 28 53853 0.0540 0.3046 0.28361
2006 4 29 53854 0.0536 0.3048 0.28329
2006 4 30 53855 0.0531 0.3050 0.28330
2006 5 1 53856 0.0528 0.3052 0.28351
2006 5 2 53857 0.0524 0.3054 0.28383
2006 5 3 53858 0.0520 0.3056 0.28414
2006 5 4 53859 0.0516 0.3058 0.28437
2006 5 5 53860 0.0513 0.3060 0.28443
2006 5 6 53861 0.0509 0.3062 0.28427
2006 5 7 53862 0.0506 0.3064 0.28395
2006 5 8 53863 0.0503 0.3066 0.28349
2006 5 9 53864 0.0500 0.3068 0.28296
2006 5 10 53865 0.0497 0.3071 0.28244
2006 5 11 53866 0.0494 0.3073 0.28205
2006 5 12 53867 0.0491 0.3075 0.28184
2006 5 13 53868 0.0488 0.3077 0.28189
2006 5 14 53869 0.0486 0.3079 0.28221
2006 5 15 53870 0.0483 0.3082 0.28273
2006 5 16 53871 0.0481 0.3084 0.28335
2006 5 17 53872 0.0479 0.3086 0.28393
2006 5 18 53873 0.0477 0.3088 0.28433
2006 5 19 53874 0.0475 0.3091 0.28442
2006 5 20 53875 0.0473 0.3093 0.28419
2006 5 21 53876 0.0471 0.3095 0.28370
2006 5 22 53877 0.0469 0.3097 0.28297
2006 5 23 53878 0.0467 0.3100 0.28216
2006 5 24 53879 0.0466 0.3102 0.28142
2006 5 25 53880 0.0464 0.3104 0.28092
2006 5 26 53881 0.0463 0.3106 0.28073
2006 5 27 53882 0.0461 0.3108 0.28084
2006 5 28 53883 0.0460 0.3111 0.28113
2006 5 29 53884 0.0459 0.3113 0.28151
2006 5 30 53885 0.0458 0.3115 0.28185
2006 5 31 53886 0.0457 0.3117 0.28218
2006 6 1 53887 0.0456 0.3119 0.28238
2006 6 2 53888 0.0455 0.3121 0.28239
2006 6 3 53889 0.0454 0.3123 0.28223
2006 6 4 53890 0.0454 0.3125 0.28197
2006 6 5 53891 0.0453 0.3127 0.28166
2006 6 6 53892 0.0452 0.3129 0.28134
2006 6 7 53893 0.0452 0.3131 0.28110
2006 6 8 53894 0.0451 0.3133 0.28098
2006 6 9 53895 0.0451 0.3135 0.28102
2006 6 10 53896 0.0451 0.3137 0.28123
2006 6 11 53897 0.0450 0.3139 0.28164
2006 6 12 53898 0.0450 0.3141 0.28216
2006 6 13 53899 0.0450 0.3143 0.28277
2006 6 14 53900 0.0450 0.3145 0.28329
2006 6 15 53901 0.0449 0.3146 0.28363
2006 6 16 53902 0.0449 0.3148 0.28374
2006 6 17 53903 0.0449 0.3150 0.28363
2006 6 18 53904 0.0449 0.3152 0.28338
2006 6 19 53905 0.0449 0.3153 0.28304
2006 6 20 53906 0.0449 0.3155 0.28274
2006 6 21 53907 0.0449 0.3157 0.28261
2006 6 22 53908 0.0449 0.3158 0.28278
2006 6 23 53909 0.0449 0.3160 0.28330
2006 6 24 53910 0.0449 0.3161 0.28407
2006 6 25 53911 0.0449 0.3163 0.28503
2006 6 26 53912 0.0449 0.3164 0.28608
2006 6 27 53913 0.0449 0.3166 0.28709
2006 6 28 53914 0.0450 0.3167 0.28799
2006 6 29 53915 0.0450 0.3169 0.28872
2006 6 30 53916 0.0450 0.3170 0.28929
2006 7 1 53917 0.0450 0.3172 0.28971
2006 7 2 53918 0.0450 0.3173 0.29003
2006 7 3 53919 0.0450 0.3174 0.29031
2006 7 4 53920 0.0450 0.3176 0.29064
2006 7 5 53921 0.0450 0.3177 0.29106
2006 7 6 53922 0.0450 0.3178 0.29160
2006 7 7 53923 0.0450 0.3179 0.29232
These predictions are based on all announced leap seconds.

NEOS Celestial Pole Offset Series
MJD dpsi error deps error
(msec. of arc)
53539 -57.30 .17 -4.95 .34
53540 -57.80 .24 -4.87 .34
53541 -58.11 .24 -4.80 .34
53542 -58.34 .31 -4.92 .34
53543 -58.37 .23 -5.22 .34
53544 -58.06 .23 -5.44 .34
53545 -57.60 .23 -5.41 .34

IERS Celestial Pole Offset Final Series
MJD dpsi deps
(msec. of arc)
53495 -52.1 -5.2
53496 -52.4 -5.0
53497 -52.6 -4.9
53498 -52.7 -4.9
53499 -52.7 -5.0
53500 -52.7 -5.1
53501 -52.7 -5.2
53502 -52.7 -5.3
53503 -52.7 -5.4
53504 -52.6 -5.5
53505 -52.4 -5.7
53506 -52.2 -5.8
53507 -52.1 -5.9
53508 -52.2 -5.8
53509 -52.6 -5.6
53510 -53.1 -5.4
53511 -53.8 -5.2
53512 -54.4 -5.1
53513 -54.8 -5.0
53514 -55.0 -5.1
53515 -54.9 -5.2
53516 -54.6 -5.5
53517 -54.2 -5.7
53518 -53.9 -5.9
53519 -53.7 -6.0
53520 -53.7 -5.9
53521 -53.8 -5.6
53522 -54.0 -5.3
53523 -54.2 -5.0
53524 -54.4 -4.8

IAU2000A Celestial Pole Offset Series
MJD dX error dY error
(msec. of arc)
53539 -0.113 0.068 -0.174 0.340
53540 -0.101 0.095 -0.162 0.340
53541 -0.085 0.095 -0.154 0.340
53542 -0.070 0.123 -0.138 0.340
53543 -0.070 0.091 -0.127 0.340
53544 -0.078 0.091 -0.129 0.340
53545 -0.077 0.091 -0.145 0.340

IAU2000A Celestial Pole Offset Final Series
(msec. of arc)
53495 0.00 -0.16
53496 -0.02 -0.15
53497 -0.03 -0.19
53498 -0.03 -0.19
53499 -0.00 -0.11
53500 0.03 0.06
53501 0.09 0.15
53502 0.13 0.10
53503 0.13 -0.01
53504 0.11 -0.06
53505 0.08 -0.10
53506 0.02 -0.05
53507 -0.04 -0.16
53508 -0.07 -0.23
53509 -0.05 -0.28
53510 -0.01 -0.30
53511 -0.08 -0.29
53512 -0.19 -0.34
53513 -0.22 -0.27
53514 -0.14 -0.18
53515 -0.01 0.07
53516 0.05 0.06
53517 0.03 -0.07
53518 -0.01 -0.37
53519 0.00 -0.61
53520 0.03 -0.62
53521 0.03 -0.41
53522 -0.01 -0.21
53523 -0.04 -0.07
53524 -0.03 -0.06

The IERS Conventions recommended software to predict celestial pole
offsets is available at
ceppred.f and software for the calculation of the dX and dY with
respect to IAU2000A Nutation/Precession Theory can be found at the
http://maia.usno.navy.mil/conv2003.html web site in section chapter 5.

************************************************** ************************
Important Notices - Important Notices - Important Notices
************************************************** ************************

On 04 November 2004 a new VLBI Intensive series produced by USNO's VLBI
Analysis Group was introduced into the Bulletin A EOP series.

************************************************** ************************
Important Notice - IAU 2000 Resolution Compliancy Information
************************************************** ************************

Resolutions passed at the 24th General Assembly of the International
Astronomical Union (IAU) recommend the implementation of a number of new
procedures concerning the transformation between the celestial and
terrestrial reference systems. Information regarding these procedures
is available in Chapter 5 of the IERS Conventions 2003 available at

With these resolutions, beginning on 1 January 2003, IERS Bulletins A and
B will publish new products in addition to those already published. These
products will include the celestial pole offsets X_obs-X_IAU2000A
and Y_obs-Y_IAU2000A where

X_obs and Y_obs are the observed X, Y coordinates of the Celestial
Intermediate Pole in the Geocentric Celestial Reference System, and

X_IAU2000A and Y_IAU2000A are the celestial pole coordinates provided by
using the IAU2000A Precession-Nutation theory.

It is expected that Celestial Pole offsets related to the IAU1980 Nutation
Theory will continue to be published through 30 September 2005. The new
celestial pole offsets related to the new IAU2000A Precession-Nutation
theory will be produced in a separate data file as well as appended to
to this file.

************************************************** ************************
Important Notice - IAU 2000 Resolution Compliancy Information
************************************************** ************************

Old July 9th 05, 05:30 PM
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

So, Sam.... What does this mean? I know that the navigation message
contains the information about the accumulated leap seconds. I even
saw the "A leap second is coming!" part of the navigation message. I
don't know if my old yellow Etrex handles this warning properly. It's
never SEEN a leap second So are there any neat experiments to do at
7PM EST New Year's Eve?

And has anyone told the people wo run Big Ben in London?

Old July 9th 05, 07:47 PM
Dave Martindale
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

" writes:
So, Sam.... What does this mean? I know that the navigation message
contains the information about the accumulated leap seconds. I even
saw the "A leap second is coming!" part of the navigation message. I
don't know if my old yellow Etrex handles this warning properly. It's
never SEEN a leap second So are there any neat experiments to do at
7PM EST New Year's Eve?

Probably depends on what receiver you have. My observations of a couple
of Garmin handhelds at the last leap second suggest that they don't do
anything at the leap second itself - they continue counting time as if
it had not happened. Thus, after midnight, the display is an additional
second slow with respect to UTC. But the displayed time is *already*
about a second late all the time, so it can't be considered a precision
time reference in any case. When the unit is turned off and back on, it
seems to incorporate the new leap second offset at that point.

On the other hand, a GPS-25 board receiver, one that provides a 1 PPS
output for more precise timing use, did handle the leap second properly.
The NMEA output counted


Old July 11th 05, 06:23 PM
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

I even
saw the "A leap second is coming!" part of the navigation message.

And has anyone told the people wo run Big Ben in London?

Why should they? Big Ben is the great bell in the clock tower of the
Houses of Parliament.

It is the people who run the clock itself who need to know, and I am
confident that they are well aware of the occurrence of Leap Seconds and
have adequate arrangements for knowing about them.

Damn and Blast Sirrah!
I'll get "My Man" to remove another fine coin of the Realm to reduce the
timewarp factor and add a Ha'penny to compensate for the bird **** on the



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