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10 grams of push of PNN SUB321N !

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Old May 1st 21, 09:22 AM posted to sci.space.policy
Doctor Who[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 103
Default 10 grams of push of PNN SUB321N !

On Sat, 1 May 2021 16:53:33 +1000, Sylvia Else

On 01-May-21 3:55 pm, pnn calmagorod wrote:
Il giorno sabato 1 maggio 2021 alle 01:26:00 UTC+2 Sylvia Else ha scritto:
On 30-Apr-21 8:40 pm, pnn calmagorod wrote:
Il giorno martedì 27 aprile 2021 alle 07:35:51 UTC+2 Sylvia Else ha scritto:
On 24-Apr-21 3:34 pm, pnn calmagorod wrote:

Dal nostro agente americano sperimentatore Michael:
“Congrats on being invited to APEC! I heard from Gabriel. I'll be around to help explain the concept. I've made some improvements (F432 ndr) which I will be testing in the fall. “

-Da Gabriel Socio Asps
“Aspetto che mi contatti lui come gli hai scritto tu di fare; se ritarda mi faccio vivo io.
Quando gli hai scritto dei 10 gr (di spinta di SUB321N ndr) ci sarà rimasto male Precedente mi ha scritto che era riuscito a potenziare F432 ma non so di quanto o altri dettagli.
Ti aggiorno “

-Dal fronte gotha italico fankazzista idrofobo , “no no no no la pnn non esiste , le solite ciarle , la PNN non volerà mai “ :-)
E bbuuuuuuahhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Botoli italici del Mar Morto attaccatevi agli alettoni e ai cojoni di Musk ! ?

E sballo


"The key point is: Subitam is capable of exceeding 4 grams of thrust. As
always, the power has been cut off quickly to avoid overheating, so this
is not the maximum thrust that it can supply."

So, it gets hot. Perhaps the thrust is from convection.

BTW, love the evidence offered - a video of a digital scale measuring

If anyone's been invited to APEC over this, more fool APEC.


Sylvia don't run away you just have to say if this event of electrodynamic forces between open circuits:
from https://neolegesmotus.com/2020/11/02...etic-thruster/

that is, i.e. if the two Lorentz elementary electrodynamic forces have or do not have a resultant NOT Null!
Which everyone has also seen in:
Did you understand? Or should you NOT understand? ?

That experimental setup is worthless.

At now we don't offer the setup of a PNN that can fly :-) ... be patient :if you want humans reach Mars , WE ASPS ( www.asps.it ) MUST DO ALL BY YOURSELF | while Musk play with comic rockets and Nasa with helicopters :-)

At the very least, the experiment
needs to be done in a vacuum.

this www.asps.it/impnn2.png needn't vacuum ... are Lorentz forces and sum of Lorentz forces :-)


To reach Mars we need of a propulsion system that have NO MASS LOSS! ..... and powered by nuclear reactors


You've been promising much, and delivering lit... er, I mean nothing,
for a long time now. I don't expect that to change.


Can we put the pnn setup inside your skull ?
there we find absolute vacuum :-)

and lol


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