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The solar system is an Earth manufacturing and reclamation system

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Old July 31st 20, 05:57 AM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default The solar system is an Earth manufacturing and reclamation system

Here's something to consider:

What if the solar system is an Earth manufacturing and recycling/reclamation system? What if the entire purpose of the solar system is to manufacture Earths, each of which goes through a 7,000 year cycle as per the Biblical narrative?

Here's how it would work:

The process begins in Neptune, which begins a proto-Earth in creation. For the sake of simplicity in understanding, let's say it lays down a "horizontal" foundation on what is essentially a spherical framework, like a house being built. At this stage it looks like an icosphere in Blender in wireframe mode.

Those hexagon shapes observed at the poles of the gas planets ... they're mechanisms which open up allowing proto-Earths in each stage of their manufacturing to exit that planet, and to enter in to another one.

You see, the gas giants are not like they've been described to us by those in power who produce theories. Those in power have been deceived and have taught us lies. What is really in there are planetary cores which are actually machines designed to lay down the various foundations required to build Earths. There are multiple proto-Earths in each planet at any one time, and it takes probably 10s of thousands of years or longer to prepare each stage as they are built literally from nothing up.

After laying down the initial foundation in Neptune over several 10s of thousands years most likely, the proto-Earth leaves Neptune through that opening at the pole and it then goes into Uranus through its opening. There, and because Uranus is tilted about 90 degrees, it begins laying down a different foundation. It lays down "perpendicular members" to those established in Neptune. These new "vertical" components give it a more solid framework, and serve as a spherical structure strong enough to receive also a covering that is flexible and compressible. The proto-Earths at these two stages are roughly the size our Earth is now. Possibly a little bigger, and you'll see why next.

This is why Uranus and Neptune are very similar. They have very similar tasks at stage-1 Neptune and stage-2 Uranus, though they are different, but their goal is to build basically a beach ball with a structure inside capable of being compressed, like those child toys which expand up and down rapidly, but with a covering that shrinks with it, and is very strong and flexible.

After the stage-2 proto-Earth leaves Uranus, it then becomes stage-3 proto-Earth entering into Saturn. There, the greater pressure is applied in stages compressing the stage-3 proto-Earth down to the size of Mars, with banding straps being added at angles at multiple and continuous stages of compression. These are crucial because they later allow this future Earth to be expanded and grown to the size we see today, which will occur after the flood of Noah, and for many years after as the Earth expands from its Mars-like size of initial creation in Earth orbit, to the size we see now. You see, our Earth used to be smaller, which is why there were people all over it even though huge oceans divided up things. There wasn't a Pangaea. There was a smaller Earth, and people walked all around it, and after the flood they divided up into the various areas as the Earth was beginning its expansion to let the water recede. And not only did the water recede, but huge store houses of water deep within the Earth came up to provide even more water than was initially required for Noah's flood.

Yes, all of this is true, and all of what you've been taught by the lying enemy of God and man in this world (Satan) is false.

Going back out to the planets, the rings and moons we see around the planets out beyond us in orbit are storehouses. They hold the raw materials required to build Earths. The moons are machines which apply processes. The rings are sorting systems for things of various sizes, various compositions, various minerals, various materials.

The stage-3 proto-Earth, after leaving Saturn, enters Jupiter as a stage-4 proto-Earth where it is in a Mars-like size/state, but without the outer surface we see on Mars yet. It's been fully banded and that covering put on in Uranus is there on the surface holding in the pressure of Saturn. Once entering Jupiter the most lengthy process of laying down layers of bedrock begins. These are the outer layers we ultimately see today on the surface of Mars, and also what's been photographed on Venus.

These proto-Earths are each completed to their requirements before moving on, and in this final stage-4 in Jupiter everything internally is constructed at this point. Things are filled with water from the reservoirs on Europa, and Jupiter's massive pressure is put inside the proto-Earth which will allow it later to expand as the banding straps are cut in sequence to let the Earth grow. It is filled with magma pockets which are released purposefully during the expansion to seal the cracks and cool under the oceans. It's why we see the lines we do on the ocean floors when looking at Google Earth, for example.
And whatever other mechanisms and machines there are on the inside of the proto-Earth are constructed at this point.

When completed, the stage-4 proto-Earth emerges and becomes a stage-5 proto-Earth which goes into Mars orbit where whatever final things are done to it in preparation for it becoming a future Earth, which is why Mars still has moons.
Only final things are done at this stage.

So, why does Mars have this huge canyon across its surface? Because the pressure inside of Mars, put in there when it was inside Jupiter, is so great that it's bulging! You see, Mars will later receive layers of topsoil and other materials which are what we see covering the portions of our Earth today which are not in the deep parts of the ocean, as the surface area of Earth that's not in those ocean parts is very very close to the surface area of Mars. And once Mars receives that additional material, it will weigh it down and compress it back down into a perfect sphere.

Our Earth began as the Bible describes, with man being put onto it in a garden. Sin is real. Our opportunities to serve God or reject Him are real. Judgment is real. The eternal lake of fire is real (the Sun). And all life goes on here on this Earth for the Biblical timeframes. The Lord comes to save us as is indicated after 4,000 years. The time before His return is 2,000 years. He has a 1,000 year reign at the end of the 6,000 years which goes up to the 7,000 year timeframe when judgment finally comes, just as is indicated in the Bible.

Those who are saved will see the New Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven (probably out of the moon), and it's a type of transport that takes those who believed in truth, who looked forward to the coming Messiah, or who believed in Jesus Christ after the cross and Pentecost, it takes them to some place in the universe.

You see, the Earth was designed for a season, and it's almost spent now. Once it is fully spent, then it will begin the transfer of its surface material to Mars, which will then moves into Earth's current orbit. That Earth that's been spent then moves into the orbit of Venus and a long process of recycling and reclamation begins. Over time the surface temperature is heated up, and the atmosphere is changed. Materials are brought to the surface and things are processed in a chemical bath like how petroleum is processed in a cat cracker. Light things first, heavier things later, meaning some stuff comes off at lower temperatures with a less harsh chemical atmosphere. Other things take longer and over time what was put into the proto-Earth in Jupiter is pumped out so that everything can be reclaimed in stages.

What used to be Venus is fully collapsed and placed into Mercury's orbit, where it is pummeled into a sphere and completes whatever recycling process is left at that point, so it eventually becomes pretty much a hunk of rock only.

And what used to be Mercury is ultimately taken out to the asteroid belt and pulverized into pieces, as the asteroid belt is basically the giant ring of Jupiter that's too big to go around the planet, so it goes around in proximity to its orbit. We've even seen an asteroid get hurled into Jupiter where it struck the atmosphere, which probably entered in at a particular place designed to receive those asteroids, on a part that has a mechanism designed to work like a great catcher's mit. It receives and directs the incoming material toward some kind of cutters which break up the incoming asteroid into manageable pieces used for laying down bedrock layers on the many Earths going through the Jupiter assembly line.

The ring arcs seen on the outer planets provide the lesser raw materials required for their stages of manufacturing. And as things are recycled at Venus and Mercury stages, they are ferried back to their various storehouse locations so those moons and arcs and replenished. The same happens initially with some things taken from the planet in the Earth position, as some of those raw materials can be reclaimed then at that point as well.

Our planet is one of billions in billions of solar systems and galaxies. We are like a field here on Earth in the vast land area that exists providing one crop of man every 7,000 years. Those of which who are saved go on to the next phase of our journey as we leave with the Lord and are married to Him in eternity in that way.

As the seed falls to the ground as just a seed, but when it dies it raises again producing a new thing, so too are we joined with Christ and become that new thing joined with Him. He is married to us, and we to Him, and we become one flesh, just as we see in nature today with the seed moving forward.

God has given us a pattern of how it all works here in the seasons, one we can understand. And now He's given us knowledge of how it applies to the grander scope and cycle of man's existence here for a time. He's given us a pattern of cycles, the pattern of how things reproduce and how single seeds wind up being new creations which produces thousands or millions of seeds, each of which continues the cycle forward likewise.

The Earth is the focus of our solar system, but it's really us (man) who is the focus of the Earth's existence. We are what goes on, even as this Earth is recycled and ultimately destroyed. Those of us who trust in God are able to go with Him. Those who reject Him are cast into the fire and end their existence.

God the Father is real. God the Son is real. God the Holy Spirit is real. Jesus is our literal Savior and Lord. He is our Bridegroom, and we are His bride. He is the creator of the Earth and all things in it. He promises us that we will know His new name once we get to the other side (past our life's journey here in this flesh), which I believe will be "Teacher" as He begins to take us on a journey of growth to the point where, like the plant eventually producing fruit later on that has seeds within it, each of which will grow and become ready to drop and become a new plant or tree as He was to us, so we will be growing up with Him until we begin to become that fruit and become that seed which can grow with others at some point.

We are part of a system of man being created by God for eternal purposes. He calls us to be a part of His Holy Kingdom, to reject the limited focus / scope of the enemy of this world and the enemy of God and us (Satan), to not focus on world-only things, those things the Bible calls sin, but instead to focus on Him and the eternal things He has for us.

Is all of this I write the truth? It's all just a theory. I can't prove any of it and I could be wrong, but it seems to fit what we see here.

What is true, and what is necessary knowledge, is our true condition of sin and rebellion against God, and that we are each in need of a Savior. We can know that God loves us and wants us to come to Him to be a part of eternity by studying about His Son, Jesus Christ. You can read all about this in the whole Bible, but specifically the last two chapters of Revelation where God calls us to "Come" to Him, and to "take freely from the tree of life, and the river of life." God wants us to be a part of His remarkable creation in eternity, and to not be caught up in the snares of the temporarily shiny things found here on this Earth.

God is in each of us if we seek the truth, because He is truth and He comes to us to guide us.

Look up. Look within. And consider God's call in your life. Are you living like you should before the Lord? Is He your Savior and Lord? Or are you still focused on the shiny Earth-based trinkets that have no longevity, for everything here will be consumed with fervent heat (the Venus reclamation process possibly??).

Trust in God. Do not trust in man. But consider your personal walk with Him, and what you're doing with your life when you consider that everything the lying enemy of this world may have taught you is not only wrong, but a purposeful deception designed to keep you away from God, away from truth, away from God's call upon your life to be a part of His eternal Kingdom.

God is calling you to greatness. He's calling you to shine on like the stars forever.

Share this with your friends. Think about it. And go to the data and images our remote probes have shown us about our solar system as they've flown by taking pictures, or landed somewhere taking measurements and samples. See if this narrative doesn't align with what we see, at least as a possibility even if it's not provable. And consider the eternal nature of God involved in all aspects of our creation, our raising, our lives, and in giving us the opportunity to be part of something bigger than just this Earth and our brief time spent here. God's got it all sorted out, and His ways are easy to know and understand if you will simply trust in Him as a child trusts in their parents. He will guide you rightly, and you can rely upon Him.

And stop worrying about climate change and these ridiculous attempts to upend our societies and cultures by this radical movement from the left toward anarchy. God really is in control, and order and truth and the rule of Law does still exist. God has promised that summer and winter, seed time and harvest, will continue until the end of the Earth, and He has promised a coming tribulation for the rebellious, and then 1,000 years of peace as He returns to the Earth for a time (possibly to prepare the Earth for the next phase -- wouldn't that be something).

Everything is proceeding according to His plan. Take comfort in that by becoming part of His Kingdom today by asking Jesus to forgive your sin right now. Enter in to the beginning of knowledge of His Kingdom by taking this first step, and then watching Him work miracles in your life!

God does not lie. You can trust everything He says. And if you have a problem with that trust, dig deeper. Stop asserting your beliefs and start asking Him to show you. He will, for everyone who seeks the truth.

Peace, my friends. Remember God. Remember eternity. Ask Jesus to make you part of that plan.

In Christ,
Rick C. Hodgin
Old July 31st 20, 03:29 PM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default The solar system is an Earth manufacturing and reclamation system

Some additional thoughts that go along with the original post:

The pancake volcano areas seen dotting Venus are where the umbilicals or vias were connected when Venus used to be an Earth and the resources were being reclaimed at that stage. Water and/or magma and possibly other materials were passed through from the inner core to whatever ferries or transports were outside. It may also have been what's described in Revelation about the great pit where Satan was bound for 1,000 years, and where the evil spirits come out like locusts, perhaps they were opened like that for a time, and later closed.

The giant volcano on Mars is where one of of those umbilicals is today in preparation for future use. It's so tall because eventually the surface of Mars will be filled up to a certain height by the material from the current Earth, which will make the surface of Mars as it's transforming into Earth be level or a little above or below the surface when completed.

The moons orbiting that gas giants that look like they've been exploded and re-assembled are where recycling has come in and poured out material onto the surface, causing it to shift about and look broken / damaged.

There are purposes for everything in our solar system. It's up to us to look at it from the point of view of God being real, and then ask the questions, "What would God have done here?" "What would God use this system for?"

It's a calling to seek after God once our understanding of things got to a particular point, and our technology was able to reach out and visualize things we could not have known 50 years ago, let alone thousands of years ago..

Trust in God. Ask questions. Seek answers. Work together. Do the things God calls us to do in holiness, purity, truth-seeking, sincerity, with hard work, and teach one another the truth in all things, recognizing that not one person has it all figured out (including me), but that together God gives it to us to the full extent we need to know while still here in this form.

God works through many people working together to receive the big visions. Individuals do their part, but like our body, while the heart is important, so is the blood vessel that carries the blood, and so is the hair which provides protection and warmth. Each of us are important. Each of us are a component of God's knowledge given to man as it is designed to do and will impact our lives toward salvation.

God is calling you. Answer Him. And be glad in your soul as you feel the weight of your sin come off, like you've been paroled. :-)

Rick C. Hodgin
Old July 31st 20, 04:27 PM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default The solar system is an Earth manufacturing and reclamation system

On Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 11:57:25 PM UTC-4, wrote:
At this stage it looks like an icosphere in Blender in wireframe mode.

It could be an icosphere or more probably a UV sphe


As the proto-Earth is compressed in Saturn, it has things which affix to the compression state at each point of reduction, allowing things to be later cut in the reverse sequence allowing it to be expanded back out in a controlled manner.

At least that's one possibility.

Rick C. Hodgin
Old August 8th 20, 09:16 PM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default The solar system is an Earth manufacturing and reclamation system

Remember, the Bible describes that in the beginning God created everything in seven literal days. But even the things He created were not designed for a one-off use. Everything was designed to be part of a system which moves forward from that point forward.

Apple trees were created and they were designed to have seeds within themselves to produce the next generation of trees, and to provide food for the people that would be born.

It's not a stretch to recognize that God initially created everything as the Bible describes, and then there is this cycle which goes on after. It even states in Revelation that John saw a new Heaven and a new Earth, for the first Earth had past away, which is a hint of this scenario.

Revelation 21


1 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,”for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.
3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.
4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

6 He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.
7 Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children.
8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

The NIV translates it as "sulfur" but the original Greek language uses more words to describe it, which are translated as fire and brimstone:


Peter talked about the elements being melted with fervent heat:


10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in
the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and
the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and
the works that are therein shall be burned up.

I contacted someone who is a Christian and a PhD astrophysicist to get their input on this idea, and they would not respond to me after the initial outreach. I don't know why. Even if they concluded it was errant I would've expected a "Go away. You're insane" type response. But nothing.

So, I post it for people to consider.

Rick C. Hodgin
Old August 9th 20, 07:52 AM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default The solar system is an Earth manufacturing and reclamation system

On Sunday, August 9, 2020 at 12:28:57 AM UTC-4, Daniel65 wrote:
Mine says it took God *SIX* days to create everything .... fore on the
seventh day God rested!!

Correct, Daniel. Genesis 2:2, Exodus 20:11.

My point was that in this model, creation literally happened in seven
literal 24 hour days (six of creation, one of rest, seven total), but
that occurred during creation. And after creation a system was established
which has continued since that time, and there has been no more creation
as there was in the beginning.

It's also just a theory. A presently unprovable one at that.

Rick C. Hodgin
Old August 9th 20, 05:52 PM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default The solar system is an Earth manufacturing and reclamation system

On Sunday, August 9, 2020 at 5:13:24 AM UTC-4, Daniel65 wrote:
And, it just struck me, when scientists talk about the Big Bang Theory,
they admit that The Universe has spread out much further than it should
have in about 14 Billion years and theorise that the Speed of Light
*MUST* have been sooooo much faster, way back then!

Alternatively, maybe time was sooooo much slower way back then .... so
the Biblical Days of Creation would have been sooooo much longer back
then as well!!

Just a thought! ;-P

There are plenty of theories which remove God from everything, or try to
redefine what a Biblical day means as a variable amount of time. The
Bible is perfectly clear it says "And there was evening, and there was
morning, the Nth day."

These are literal 24-hour periods.

What this theory states is that God did create everything in seven days,
in six days of doing work and in one day of resting, and that what He
created was the universe in a mature state. He created everything as is
told in Genesis initially, for it says "In the beginning..." It also goes
on to teach us other things that, within the understanding of this theory,
redefines some prior thinkings, and answers a slew of Biblical questions.

To understand what God did, it's much like how a video game would load.
All the trees are loaded in their place, they're at a mature state of being,
scattered out where they are. All the hills are there, etc. It all is
created as it will be used in the game. If it's a space game, the light
from distant stars is instantiated so we see them. If a star is light-years
away in the game we don't have to wait years for the physics engine to com-
pute that the light has now arrived here. We just see it.

What God would've created was not just what's indicated in the Bible as per
the narrative and the associations we see on Earth (dry land, animals, the
plants, etc.). He would've created the full-fledge system ready to continue
on from that point forward.

It grows God's creation substantially when we realize the tremendous nature
to which He would've created everything. The Bible records, "He created the
stars also." How many stars are there? And if each star is like ours with
a solar system designed to produce Earths, and each Earth has a type of His
creation like us (people made in His image and likeness), then we are part
of something far greater than was ever explained.

Note that when Paul describes a man 14 years ago who was caught up to the
third Heaven, that person heard things unlawful for a man to speak about.
Perhaps it was the literal, knowing existence of what else is up there, and
the full scope of it all.

Regardless, if this theory is true it means God created a system, not just
the Earth and universe, but there would've been multiple proto-Earths in
our planets in our solar system, each at their various stages of development
to allow the next generation of man to come up on the new Heaven and new
Earth. And it means that the stars we see up there may have similar systems
to ours, and He would've created them simultaneously in all of their various
forms, with all of their proto-planets in various stages of development, so
the assembly line can keep moving after each generation / crop is harvested.

This theory affirms God as the creator, leaves the Biblical time frame in
tact for creation, and ascribes a marrying of the Genesis account with the
Revelation account, and relates and answers a multitude of teachings from
within the other books of the Bible.

If it's true, it's proof the Judeo-Christian God created everything, that
everything in the Bible is true, and that what's happening in our lives
right now is far more important than all the distractions the enemy of God
and of us attempts to distract us with. This insane migration away from
the rule of Law in America, to release felons from prison into the general
population, to defund the police, and so much more. These are all things
the enemy is throwing out to try to distract people from the important
things, which is/are their relationship with God and repentance of sin.

If this theory is true, it's time to look up, and stop looking sideways.
It's time to come before God, repent, and ask to be a part of this incredible
plan of man He's created, which is generational even at the scale of Earths.

Find something to break the theory. It's why I posted it. Find something
that we've seen in our solar system travels which couldn't be described as
part of a solar system assembly line. Find something in scripture which
disproves any part of the theory.

I've been working on this for 10 years. This is the first I've posted about
it publicly. I still don't know if it's correct because I don't know enough
about astronomy or probably even the Bible to know everything.

I need devout men and women of God and faith to review this and examine the
claims and comments and ideas and theories and compare them against scripture.

To date, for everything I've thought of and considered I've found a Biblical
answer in the traditional texts we all use (King James Bible, for example),
that answers how it would work within this theory.

Break the theory. Put an end to this theory with truth, facts, and Biblical

Rick C. Hodgin
Old August 10th 20, 11:09 AM posted to alt.astronomy
external usenet poster
Posts: 75
Default The solar system is an Earth manufacturing and reclamation system

wrote on 10/08/2020 1:52 AM:
On Sunday, August 9, 2020 at 5:13:24 AM UTC-4, Daniel65 wrote:
And, it just struck me, when scientists talk about the Big Bang Theory,
they admit that The Universe has spread out much further than it should
have in about 14 Billion years and theorise that the Speed of Light
*MUST* have been sooooo much faster, way back then!

Alternatively, maybe time was sooooo much slower way back then .... so
the Biblical Days of Creation would have been sooooo much longer back
then as well!!

Just a thought! ;-P

There are plenty of theories which remove God from everything, or try to
redefine what a Biblical day means as a variable amount of time. The
Bible is perfectly clear it says "And there was evening, and there was
morning, the Nth day."

These are literal 24-hour periods.

What this theory states is that God did create everything in seven days,
in six days of doing work and in one day of resting, and that what He
created was the universe in a mature state. He created everything as is
told in Genesis initially, for it says "In the beginning..." It also goes
on to teach us other things that, within the understanding of this theory,
redefines some prior thinkings, and answers a slew of Biblical questions.

To understand what God did, it's much like how a video game would load.
All the trees are loaded in their place, they're at a mature state of being,
scattered out where they are. All the hills are there, etc. It all is
created as it will be used in the game. If it's a space game, the light
from distant stars is instantiated so we see them. If a star is light-years
away in the game we don't have to wait years for the physics engine to com-
pute that the light has now arrived here. We just see it.

What God would've created was not just what's indicated in the Bible as per
the narrative and the associations we see on Earth (dry land, animals, the
plants, etc.). He would've created the full-fledge system ready to continue
on from that point forward.

Sorry!! Are you now determining what God created 'cause that's not what
my Bibles state??
Old August 10th 20, 06:18 PM posted to alt.astronomy
[email protected]
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Posts: 9
Default The solar system is an Earth manufacturing and reclamation system

On Monday, August 10, 2020 at 5:10:01 AM UTC-4, Daniel65 wrote:
wrote on 10/08/2020 1:52 AM:
What God would've created was not just what's indicated in the Bible as per
the narrative and the associations we see on Earth (dry land, animals, the
plants, etc.). He would've created the full-fledge system ready to continue
on from that point forward.

Sorry!! Are you now determining what God created

No. There's new information which augments the Biblical narrative. In
the past we understood, "And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass,
the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind,
whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so." We knew them
as the seeds coming from mature plants being re-planted for the next
generation. But today we know DNA, so it augments our knowledge of the
extent of God's creation.

In this case, we see that God not only created everything as is indicated
in Genesis, and that He did so in six literal days and one day of rest,
seven days total, but we also now know He created a system of future Earths
that were in various stages of construction in the solar system, within the
gas giants. These future Earths were each in their various stages of devel-
opment so that after the first crop of man was created and harvested, then
the future crops could also be created and harvested.

'cause that's not what
my Bibles state??

It is. Nothing changed. It just now gives an explanation with more of
what we know in 2020, as opposed to what we didn't know in 1950, for ex-
ample, before we sent probes out and started getting images back.

You seem to panic a little bit. Double exclamation points. Double
question marks.

I'm not here to deceive anyone. Everything regarding this theory I've
found to date is exactly backed up with what we find in our existing
Bibles. It doesn't change one word. Doesn't alter any text. What it
does do is shed new light on how things relate to each other, if indeed
the theory is correct.

Maybe try asking questions more since I've had 10 years studying this
idea, and you've had five minutes. Try a little less accusing.

Rick C. Hodgin

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