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Corso & Skeptical Inquirer

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Old October 17th 03, 07:59 PM
Jack Sarfatti
external usenet poster
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Default Corso & Skeptical Inquirer

On Friday, October 17, 2003, at 11:03 AM, Ken Shoulders wrote:

Slight modification to the story.
Somewhere around 1949 I met Otmar Stutzer (sp?), one of the German
scientists brought over by the government after WWII, at Wright Field in
Dayton, Ohio. At that time he presented to me the data and German
patents he had on his "Fieldster". By everything I know now or knew
then, this was the forerunner of the FET. I suspect Shockley had heard
about the gadget also and borrowed a little of it.

Very interesting! Thanks.

I am not "promoting" Phil Corso's story as Robert Sheaffer falsely
alleged in the Sept/Oct 2003 Letters of Skeptical Inquirer.
My position on this is spelled out in my book "Destiny Matrix".
I will make this even clearer in my third book of the past year

"Star Gate Universe" sub-title "Making Star Trek Real: Episode III of
Space-Time and Beyond"

I decided not to try to re-edit "Destiny Matrix". The file is too huge
with image files and Word is too unforgiving in making changes to
indexes, footnotes, etc, the prospect too daunting. I will leave it as
it is for posterity including misprints and too rushed organization.
"Star Gate Universe" will be a fresh beginning with all the amazing new
discoveries of the past few months from WMAP & Type Ia supernovae to
Luminet & Weeks' et-al's "Dodecahedral Universe" etc.

What is The Question?

What is the important point here?

UFOs are a useful gedankenexperiment for the theoretical physicist today
in The Age of Dark Energy.

Whether or not they are real is not what is really important in terms of
our World Vision for culture in general, though it is important in the
context of national security, the WMD problem etc since harnessing the
dark energy makes nuclear weapons small in comparison as Sir Martin Rees
makes clear in Ch 9 of "Our Final Hour". We see WMD in the sky in our
violent universe.

Much of what Corso says seems silly and preposterous on the surface. One
cannot take him literally when he starts talking "electromagnetic
physics" and trying to explain what he alleges he saw. He is no
physicist, and even physicists of the day in the 40's, 50's, 60's were
not conceptually equipped to deal with the UFO physics.

A few things Corso did say ring true and fit my own independent
adventures in the high strangeness of UFOs - see Erik Davis's "Tech
Gnosis" for a good orientation.

What I find interesting in Corso's story a

1. Flying saucers come from our future i.e. time travel to the past.

2. Saucers are almost empty inside i.e. nanotechnology metric
engineering of the physical vacuum.

3. Saucers are controlled mentally by thought. No big deal today with
the recent demonstrations of monkeys playing a video game directly by
their thoughts (EM brain waves as the IT to the macro-quantum BIT pilot
wave) bypassing the joystick.

4. The Grays are bio-engineered robots with AI.


Jack Sarfatti wrote:

Thanks for the info. :-)

On Friday, October 17, 2003, at 04:28 AM, wrote:


I spoke with Col. Michael Buckley, USA (ret), in June 2003.
He was 101 years old in May. After WWII he held positions
like Corso - Aide to MacArthur and in Foreign Technology
Assessment (I forget which order). He knew nothing of UFO's,
but remembered German Circular Wind Aircraft Plans ...

The Official Bell Labs story for the transistor goes like this:

Shockley had the Idea of the Field Effect Transistor.
He got two subordinates to help him. Very inconclusive
experimental results were obtained. While Shockley was
away, the subordinates (I believe Bardeen was one of them),
they had the idea of the Point Contact (like 'cat's whisker'
on a galenium - Pbs - crystal, long used as a 'detector' =
diode - since 1920's at least - for Radio Reception
- and when they tried it, IT WORKED WELL, fairly consistently.

When Shockley came back and found the mice had been playing
he took control, and steered toward the junction transistor.
Only LATER would the FET be made real.

The Official 'History' SOUNDS RIGHT, as Cu-CuOxide Rectifier
piles had been used since the early 1900's, and the cat's whisker
phosphore bronze to PbS crystal cleave surface (Point Contact)
had also been around for decades by 1947.

THAT does NOT mean no crash occurred and no information was
acquiired (which could have SPURRED transistor research).



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