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Husband or Bun. Should I really have to choose? (long and maybe a bit OT)

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Old October 17th 03, 07:33 PM
Information Security
external usenet poster
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Default Husband or Bun. Should I really have to choose? (long and maybe a bit OT)

What did youz expect youz dumb bitch when youz can even keep youz
house clean.

Maybe youz husband should shack up with that dirty little kike cocksucker
cypherpunk. Now he knows how to suck cock. Something your husband hasn't
had yet, from what I've heard. He also likes to wear a buttplug for a reason.
Of course, da wabbit will have ta go.

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM

(JTK) wrote:
Hey another lurker who had to come back again. I've been reading
every day but dont always have any answers to post so rather than put
"here here" i agree inside instead.
And so when there is a problem we come crawling back to you regulars
who keep it going and give us something to read.

So heres mine ... this may seem like the weirdest of situations for
many of you as I know your other halves are mainly really supportive,
but i'm in a real dilemma and don't know what to do.

When Thunderball and I found each other in May 2002 my other half used
to be away all the time so it was just us two. Things were great we
got along fine TB started litter training really well got the hang of
the trays really quickly.

In Jan 2003 we got married and he came back home for good, spending
more time at home he go to know TB aswell and thinks she's quite cute
but cannot stand the mess. She has always been really good at weeing
in the trays but poops as she runs so they can end up anywhere.

This is where the problem lies. TB gets let out of her run to enjoy
the lounge every evening, if she doesnt get let out she rattles the
bars and attempts to break out anyway but when she is out she makes
such a mess. I'm not that bothered by it myself, its little balls and
they hoover up easy enough but if people call round it must look
really bad. This is where he's at with his argument, his friends call
round while i'm out and he's home and he's embarrased by the mess. I
hoover every evening after I put TB to bed and during the evening I
walk around picking up mess if she leaves a few in a cluster, but if
you want to sit and watch something on tv or something you dont want
to be getting up every two minutes. Im not saying I want to be able
to leave TB to her own devices and expect the place to be clean and
tidy after her I know thats not going to happen. I explained to him
that I clean up at the end of the night when she's gone to bed but he
still moans about the mess during the evening. I did snap at one point
and say well clean it up yourself! but then he points out to me that
its my rabbit not his, why should he?

This is beginning to cause real problems between us, for example he
wont put down the new floor tiles cause "she'll only sh*t and p*ss on
them" i think it'll be easier to clean though. So im moaning that he
wont sort the floor out and he moans that its a mess, its a vicous

I know in my heart that and the end of it he neither likes nor wants
the rabbit in the house but since having her I have seen so many
stories of people having rabbits then the novelty wearing off and they
get rid of them and we have so many buns in shelters in need of homes
I cant add another to the list, i'm breaking my heart here cause I
don't know what to do. Some people (and a major part of me) think for
heavens sake its a rabbit, you're taking about your marriage here! I
took my vows because I meant them forever, but that doesn't mean I
took TB with any less commitment. Why do we have the Christmas
adverts a dog is for life?! One apr person I know will say that she
would go with the bun and get rid of the guy but thats easily said
when the relationship isn't long term or all that serious.

I guess i could try agian from scratch with the litter training and
see if i can get her to use the trays absolutely all the time but is
she ever going to get any better than she already is.

I would really appreciate some help on this, as i said at the top,
most of you come accross like you get loads of support from the other
half and they love the bun as much as you do, but has anyone ever had
anything similar to this? Did you find a way to make the two get
along. Do I just have a really messy bun and no one else has this

Please also accept my deepest sympathies if you are one of the so many
who have lost buns lately, there seem to have been too many to even
mention. Only adding to the guilt i'm feeling now at being in this
sh*tty situation.
If anyone feels better answering privately for any reason then the
address is up there, i manage to ignore all the "add yourself a few
inch" campaigns and the mixture of women apparently doing all manner
of things for me!

So i guess thats it, if anyone can think of anything to help me keep
my life together! i'd really like the thought!. I dont think she can
take many more of these impromptu hugs or clean up many more of these
tears off my face.


Terri (big outy bottom lip) & Thunderball (?confused and hurt?)

Old October 18th 03, 03:22 AM
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a
Default Husband or Bun. Should I really have to choose? (long and maybe a bit OT)

Information Security wrote:

What did youz expect youz dumb bitch when youz can even keep youz
house clean.

What does this have to do with Dr. David Tholen?


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