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earth tilt to 45 deg?

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Old December 24th 18, 04:22 PM posted to sci.astro.amateur
Jibini Kula Tumbili Kujisalimisha
external usenet poster
Posts: 331
Default earth tilt to 45 deg?

I know you are, but what am I?

StarDust wrote in

On Friday, December 21, 2018 at 9:26:20 AM UTC-8, Jibini Kula
Tumbili Kujisalimisha wrote:
I know you are, but what am I?

On Friday, December 21, 2018 at 8:48:35 AM UTC-8, Jibini Kula
Tumbili Kujisalimisha wrote:

On Thursday, December 20, 2018 at 3:40:42 PM UTC-8, Jibini
Kula Tumbili Kujisalimisha wrote:

On Thursday, December 20, 2018 at 1:46:35 PM UTC-8,
Jibini Kula Tumbili Kujisalimisha wrote:

On Thursday, December 20, 2018 at 8:22:43 AM UTC-8,
Jibini Kula Tumbili Kujisalimisha wrote:

On Wednesday, December 19, 2018 at 6:22:38 PM
UTC-8, Ninapenda Jibini wrote:

On Wednesday, December 19, 2018 at 4:39:41 PM
UTC-8, Jibini Kula Tumbili

On Wednesday, December 19, 2018 at 1:48:37
PM UTC-8, Jibini Kula Tumbili Kujisalimisha

What would happen if the Earth's tilt
would shift to 45 deg suddenly or in a
short period of time? Would we survive?

The amount of energy involved to cause
that would vaporize the planet and
everything on it.

Terry Austin

Vacation photos from Iceland:

"Terry Austin: like the polio vaccine,
only with more asshole."
-- David Bilek

Jesus forgives sinners, not criminals.

Don't see why would our planet vaporise?

Says more about you and your (lack of)
understanding of fairly basic physics.

Let's say a large asteroid would hit our
Moon, knocking it out of orbit or much
farther away, so earth would wobble more?

An asteroid big enough (or fast enough) to
have enough energy the moon out of its orbit
wouldn't knock the moon out of its orbit, it
would shatter it, and turn a great deal of it
into plasma.

And that wouldn't be nearly enough energy to
alter the Earth's tilt that much.

Terry Austin

Vacation photos from Iceland:

"Terry Austin: like the polio vaccine, only
with more asshole."
-- David Bilek

Jesus forgives sinners, not criminals.

Depends how the Moon is hit and the size of

No, not really, To "knock the moon out of its
orbit" would require a certain amount of energy.
That amount of energy would shatter the moon,
and turn a good deal of it into plasma. The math
isn't that complicated. (And the debris would
probably kill everything living thing on Earth
even if the impact didn't.)

Terry Austin

"Terry Austin: like the polio vaccine, only with
more asshole."
-- David Bilek

Jesus forgives sinners, not criminals.

Moon floats in vacuum and earth gravity holding
it in orbit! I'm saying to move Moons orbit maybe
hundred thousand miles out!

Once again, the amount of energy to do that in a
short time will not move the moon, it will shatter
is, and turn most if not all of it into plasma. No
matter how many times you parrot the same stupid
idea, it won't get any less stupid. So enjoy your
stupid fantasy.

Terry Austin

Vacation photos from Iceland:

"Terry Austin: like the polio vaccine, only with
more asshole."
-- David Bilek

Jesus forgives sinners, not criminals.

Earth did not shatter when some thing hit it
billions of years ago?

It wasn't knocked out of its orbit, and as best we can
tell, the entier surface was turned to molten rock.
And it wasn't knocked out of its orbit.

Your assumption is falls!

You english is crap. And your brain is Jell-O.

Terry Austin

Vacation photos from Iceland:

"Terry Austin: like the polio vaccine, only with more
-- David Bilek

Jesus forgives sinners, not criminals.

Of course, Mr. **** for brain!
What are you Indian?

Not that we needed further proof, but racism is not
possible for someone who isn't mentally retarded.

Obvious, Indians are born **** heads!
Only good for driving taxis!

We know you're mentally retarded (we've always known, from
your first post). There's no need to keep proving it, son.
Now ask Mummy for a cookie, it's time for beddie bye.

Terry Austin

Vacation photos from Iceland:

"Terry Austin: like the polio vaccine, only with more
-- David Bilek

Jesus forgives sinners, not criminals.

Go drive a taxi and don't come back!
Moon may shatter? LOL!

Terry Austin

Vacation photos from Iceland:

"Terry Austin: like the polio vaccine, only with more asshole."
-- David Bilek

Jesus forgives sinners, not criminals.

I don't think, you even have license to drive a taxi cab?

Terry Austin

Vacation photos from Iceland:

"Terry Austin: like the polio vaccine, only with more asshole."
-- David Bilek

Jesus forgives sinners, not criminals.

Old February 16th 19, 07:34 PM posted to sci.astro.amateur
external usenet poster
Posts: 19
Default earth tilt to 45 deg?

On Friday, December 21, 2018 at 11:38:09 PM UTC-8, Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:
Assuming that you would somehow also slow the lunar orbital speed at once to
the right measure, then this would mean, as angular momentum is preserved,
that days on Earth would be much longer than they are today (this is already
happening, slowly, by c. 15 µs/a).


Twitter: @PointedEars2
Please do not cc me. / Bitte keine Kopien per E-Mail.

Close, but not quite correct.

If somehow the Moon were bumped further away from the Earth at just the right angle to put it in a new orbit 1000 miles further away than it is now, the Earth's rotation rate would not change drastically. But the center of mass would be closer to the Earth's surface, so the Moon would orbit the Earth more slowly.

Also, the tidal drag would be reduced, so the Earth's rotation would not slow as quickly as it is currently.

If a huge asteroid did that, there would be a lot of solid and molten rock blasted away from the Moon. A lot of that would fall on the Earth, probably killing most/all life.
Old February 21st 19, 07:10 PM posted to sci.astro.amateur
Jibini Kula Tumbili Kujisalimisha
external usenet poster
Posts: 331
Default earth tilt to 45 deg?

Quadibloc wrote in

as far as what Mr. Peterson *actually* said, he has a point.

The real point here, other than you replying to threads that died two
months ago, is that people named Chris are apparently all idiots.

Terry Austin

Vacation photos from Iceland:

"Terry Austin: like the polio vaccine, only with more asshole."
-- David Bilek

Jesus forgives sinners, not criminals.

Old February 21st 19, 07:20 PM posted to sci.astro.amateur
external usenet poster
Posts: 7,018
Default earth tilt to 45 deg?

On Wednesday, December 19, 2018 at 2:48:37 PM UTC-7, Jibini Kula Tumbili Kujisalimisha wrote:
StarDust wrote in

What would happen if the Earth's tilt would shift to 45 deg
suddenly or in a short period of time? Would we survive?

The amount of energy involved to cause that would vaporize the planet
and everything on it.

That depends on how you define "short". If it took a thousand years for the
Earth's inclination to change from 29 1/2 degrees to 45 degrees, that would
still be a lot quicker than anyone is expecting for such a thing to happen, but
it could be managed without vaporizing anything - but it would make it difficult
for life to adapt in time.

John Savard
Old February 21st 19, 07:36 PM posted to sci.astro.amateur
external usenet poster
Posts: 7,018
Default earth tilt to 45 deg?

On Thursday, December 20, 2018 at 9:23:31 AM UTC-7, Jibini Kula Tumbili Kujisalimisha wrote:
Chris L Peterson wrote in
On Wed, 19 Dec 2018 16:41:07 -0700, Jibini Kula Tumbili
Kujisalimisha wrote:
Chris L Peterson wrote in

I'm all for a reduction of the human population back down to a
billion or less. But ideally by attrition, not cataclysm.

(snip restored)

You volunteering to go first?

I guess you're unfamiliar with the meaning of "attrition".

Feel free to attrit the hell out of yourself, son. Really, go for

Attrition means the slow removal or wearing down of a group by removal of its

Thus, a company can say that it has reached an agreement with its union to
reduce its workforce "by attrition". In that case, what is meant is that the
company won't fire or lay off anyone in order to achieve its goal, but will only
reduce its workforce by not hiring replacements for employees who quit.

On the other hand, attrition doesn't _have_ to mean that no active removal of
group members is taking place. Thus, the verb "attrit" was used during the
Vietnam War to refer to inflicting slow but steady casualties on the Viet Cong.

So here Terry Austin has two points in his favor against Chris Peterson:

1) The _literal meaning_ of the word attrition doesn't preclude achieving population control by attrition involving killing people - just not a lot of them in a hurry.

2) In any case, what was posted was: "I'm all for a reduction of the human
population back down to a billion or less. But ideally by attrition, not
cataclysm." So, even if we accept that a sense of "attrition" was meant, as in
the example of reducing a workforce by attrition, that involved no killing, just
not replacing people as quickly as they died naturally, this is only an _ideal_,
and apparently, therefore, if one is "all for" such a reduction in population,
this implies one would still regard it as a positive development if such a
reduction took place even in ways that fell somewhat short of the ideal.

I mean, if you say you're "all for" reducing the human population to a billion
or less, and then start getting picky and opposing anything that comes short of
the _ideal_ way to achieve this, people are going to start to say you weren't
really _that_ enthusiastic about population reduction after all!

Thus, while I suspect that Chris Peterson never really *meant* to come out in
support of, say, a global thermonuclear war as a somewhat less than perfect
means to achieve an urgently needed result, and so Terry Austin is, no doubt,
being disingenuous with respect to what Chris Peterson actually _intended_ to

as far as what Mr. Peterson *actually* said, he has a point.

John Savard
Old February 21st 19, 11:01 PM posted to sci.astro.amateur
Jibini Kula Tumbili Kujisalimisha
external usenet poster
Posts: 331
Default earth tilt to 45 deg?

Chris L Peterson wrote in

On Thu, 21 Feb 2019 10:36:11 -0800 (PST), Quadibloc

as far as what Mr. Peterson *actually* said, he has a point.

You have to realize you are dealing with someone who is extremely
threatened by intelligent people, with the only recourse of lashing
out with inanities.

You are remarkably seld-aware, for someone named Chris.

Terry Austin

Vacation photos from Iceland:

"Terry Austin: like the polio vaccine, only with more asshole."
-- David Bilek

Jesus forgives sinners, not criminals.

Old February 21st 19, 11:15 PM posted to sci.astro.amateur
Chris L Peterson
external usenet poster
Posts: 10,007
Default earth tilt to 45 deg?

On Thu, 21 Feb 2019 10:36:11 -0800 (PST), Quadibloc

as far as what Mr. Peterson *actually* said, he has a point.

You have to realize you are dealing with someone who is extremely
threatened by intelligent people, with the only recourse of lashing
out with inanities.
Old February 22nd 19, 07:40 AM posted to sci.astro.amateur
Ninapenda Jibini
external usenet poster
Posts: 31
Default earth tilt to 45 deg?

Quadibloc wrote in

On Thursday, February 21, 2019 at 3:15:45 PM UTC-7, Chris L
Peterson wrote:
On Thu, 21 Feb 2019 10:36:11 -0800 (PST), Quadibloc

as far as what Mr. Peterson *actually* said, he has a point.

You have to realize you are dealing with someone who is
extremely threatened by intelligent people, with the only
recourse of lashing out with inanities.

Of course he is not here to provide genuine and constructive

Neither are you, and neither is Chris.

He keeps making claims about how stupid you are supposed to be,
although I can't guess how your name could have anything to do
with it.

He's not the only Chris *here* who is a drooling idiot. Honestly, I
can't think of a Chris I've ever known who wasn't.

Terry Austin

"Terry Austin: like the polio vaccine, only with more asshole."
-- David Bilek

Jesus forgives sinners, not criminals.

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