The issue of stellar evolution and solar system evolution is certainly exciting if somewhat untidy presently and that is okay.
"The explosive end to a massive star's life is one of the most powerful blasts in the universe. The material expelled by the violent stellar death enriches our galaxy with heavier elements, the building blocks of new stars and even planetary systems."
In an effort to streamline stellar evolution and planetary development via a supernova event and the geometry involved, the suggestion that a supernova event may be a transition phase rather than the death of a star looks like it may be gaining informational convergence.!searchin/sci.astro.amateur/oriel36$20birth$20solar$20system$20death$20star%7C sort:date/sci.astro.amateur/IeTlfS1zzRg/dmrz26lP5RUJ
I regret my poor proofreading in those old articles and things like that however it is sometimes the only reward to see concepts emerge that were once private. I just assume that further convergence will occur without the usual overheated comments and that is the way it should be.