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Radiation Pressure&Photon Speculations

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Old November 7th 03, 05:21 PM
ralph sansbury
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a
Default Radiation Pressure&Photon Speculations

In the wave theory of light, the pressure due to radiation
falling on a material body is explained as electromagnetic
momentum delivered to the body by the incident waves. But there
is no medium for waves(Michelson Morely) and so the theory is
just another crackpot theory.
(The energy produced by a source of radiation around it in a
volume of space, dxdydz, is written as u=(1/2)(eE^2 + mH^2) where
E is in Volts/meter or Newtons per Coulomb and H is in Ampere
turns per meter, attributable whatever the actual source to n
circles of wire per meter carrying a current of I Amperes.. This
energy travels at a speed v=c/((eta_m)(mu_m))1/2 where eta_m and
mu_m are the dielectric constant and the magnetic permeability of
the medium relative to a vacuum so in free space, eta = eta_0
and mu = mu_0 and v=c.. The Poynting vector ,P = E X H in
Joules per square meter per second is the energy traveling
through a surface perpendicular to the direction of the vector P
and so g = (1/c^2) (E X H) in kilograms per sec per square meter
is the pressure on that surface. Since E and H are at right
angles to each other always,
g=(1/c^2)EH =(1/c^2)E^2/(eta_0 /mu_0)^1/2 = E^2/c. Thus in free
space, em waves carry momentum equal to the energy that they
carry divided by the speed of light. It is as if energy W had a
mass W/c^2 and were moving at a speed c.)
In the photon theory of light, the pressure due to radiation
falling on a material body is explained by saying that the energy
W, indeed has a mass of W/c^2 and that the energy can be written
as hf so that the momentum p=hf/c^2 times c, or p= h/lambda. The
greater the frequency and the greater the number of photons, the
greater is the pressure. But there is no measureable mass of the
proton apart from this assertion so this is just another crackpot
In the proposed theory, the pressure due to the light source
on the receiver is attributed to instantaneous forces between the
oscillations of charge in the source and the induced oscillations
of charge in the receiver. The delay in the effect is due to a
buildup of cumulative forces inside the receiver.
Consider first the simpler case of radio frequencies in a
powered vertical source antenna acting on a passive parallel
vertical receiving antenna. The resulting antiparallel
oscillations of charge in the two antennas produce a varying but
always attractive force between the two antennas.
But associated with the varying longitudinal electric fields
in each antenna are transverse electrostatic dipole fields where
the dipoles are proportional to the longitudinal fields and to
the distance between the source antenna and the receiver antenna.
That is, these inverse fourth power electrostatic dipole fields
are equivalent to inverse square magnetic fields.
These varying transverse electrostatic dipoles are
anti-collinear, oriented along the same line in opposite
directions and so repel each other. The force of repulsion is
greater the greater the velocity of the free electrons and the
greater the force and duration of the force acting on the lattice
nuclei between thermal collisions.
Since the force between collinear dipoles is twice as strong
as the force between parallel dipoles as shown in the section on
Ampere's Formula and Transverse Electrostatic Dipoles, the net
force on the antennas is one of repulsion.
Let's consider now higher frequencies which are produced by
the excitation of bound electrons in atoms and molecules and by
accelerations or decelerations of electrons and ions in man made
and non man made accelerators eg in extraterrestrial plasmas etc.
As electrons move from a ground state to a metastable state
and fall back to the ground state their radiation is not
cancelled and electrostatic dipoles are produced in the electrons
transverse to their velocity. In a vertically polarized laser
source many such oscillations are in phase and their transverse
dipoles are in phase
The greater the frequency of oscillation of the electrons
moving between bound states etc., the greater the velocity, and
so just as in the case of free electrons moving in radio antennas
at much lower frequencies, dipoles transverse to the movement are
produced inside the electrons proportional to their velocity.
The energy supposedly in the moving photon before it produces
an oscillation in the receiver material and the recoil as just
described is in reality in the receiver material but of a
magnitude which has not yet reached the magnitude required to
produce an observable recoil or transition of the bound electron
to a wider metastable orbit.

Old November 8th 03, 02:15 PM
ralph sansbury
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a
Default Radiation Pressure&Photon Speculations

"ralph sansbury" wrote in message
In the wave theory of light, the pressure due to radiation
falling on a material body is explained as electromagnetic
momentum delivered to the body by the incident waves. But there
is no medium for waves(Michelson Morely) and so the theory is
just another crackpot theory.
(The energy produced by a source of radiation around it in

volume of space, dxdydz, is written as u=(1/2)(eE^2 + mH^2)

E is in Volts/meter or Newtons per Coulomb and H is in Ampere
turns per meter, attributable whatever the actual source to n
circles of wire per meter carrying a current of I Amperes..

energy travels at a speed v=c/((eta_m)(mu_m))1/2 where eta_m

mu_m are the dielectric constant and the magnetic permeability

the medium relative to a vacuum so in free space, eta = eta_0
and mu = mu_0 and v=c.. The Poynting vector ,P = E X H in
Joules per square meter per second is the energy traveling
through a surface perpendicular to the direction of the vector

and so g = (1/c^2) (E X H) in kilograms per sec per square

is the pressure on that surface. Since E and H are at right
angles to each other always,
g=(1/c^2)EH =(1/c^2)E^2/(eta_0 /mu_0)^1/2 = E^2/c. Thus in

space, em waves carry momentum equal to the energy that they
carry divided by the speed of light. It is as if energy W had a
mass W/c^2 and were moving at a speed c.)
In the photon theory of light, the pressure due to

falling on a material body is explained by saying that the

W, indeed has a mass of W/c^2 and that the energy can be

as hf so that the momentum p=hf/c^2 times c, or p= h/lambda.

greater the frequency and the greater the number of photons,

greater is the pressure. But there is no measureable mass of

proton apart from this assertion so this is just another

In the proposed theory, the pressure due to the light source
on the receiver is attributed to instantaneous forces between

oscillations of charge in the source and the induced

of charge in the receiver. The delay in the effect is due to a
buildup of cumulative forces inside the receiver.
Consider first the simpler case of radio frequencies in a
powered vertical source antenna acting on a passive parallel
vertical receiving antenna. The resulting antiparallel
oscillations of charge in the two antennas produce a varying

always attractive force between the two antennas.
But associated with the varying longitudinal electric

in each antenna are transverse electrostatic dipole fields

the dipoles are proportional to the longitudinal fields and to
the distance between the source antenna and the receiver

That is, these inverse fourth power electrostatic dipole fields
are equivalent to inverse square magnetic fields.
These varying transverse electrostatic dipoles are
anti-collinear, oriented along the same line in opposite
directions and so repel each other. The force of repulsion is
greater the greater the velocity of the free electrons and the
greater the force and duration of the force acting on the

nuclei between thermal collisions.
Since the force between collinear dipoles is twice as

as the force between parallel dipoles as shown in the section

Ampere's Formula and Transverse Electrostatic Dipoles, the net
force on the antennas is one of repulsion.
Let's consider now higher frequencies which are produced by
the excitation of bound electrons in atoms and molecules and by
accelerations or decelerations of electrons and ions in man

and non man made accelerators eg in extraterrestrial plasmas

As electrons move from a ground state to a metastable

and fall back to the ground state their radiation is not
cancelled and electrostatic dipoles are produced in the

transverse to their velocity. In a vertically polarized laser
source many such oscillations are in phase and their transverse
dipoles are in phase
The greater the frequency of oscillation of the electrons
moving between bound states etc., the greater the velocity, and
so just as in the case of free electrons moving in radio

at much lower frequencies, dipoles transverse to the movement

produced inside the electrons proportional to their velocity.
The energy supposedly in the moving photon before it

an oscillation in the receiver material and the recoil as just
described is in reality in the receiver material but of a
magnitude which has not yet reached the magnitude required to
produce an observable recoil or transition of the bound

to a wider metastable orbit.

Old November 8th 03, 02:21 PM
ralph sansbury
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a
Default Radiation Pressure&Photon Speculations

A typo correction "(The energy produced by a source of
radiation around an volume of space,
dxdydz is written as u=(1/2)(etaE^2+muH^2)..."
"ralph sansbury" wrote in message

"ralph sansbury" wrote in message
In the wave theory of light, the pressure due to

falling on a material body is explained as electromagnetic
momentum delivered to the body by the incident waves. But

is no medium for waves(Michelson Morely) and so the theory is
just another crackpot theory.
(The energy produced by a source of radiation around it

volume of space, dxdydz, is written as u=(1/2)(eE^2 + mH^2)

E is in Volts/meter or Newtons per Coulomb and H is in

turns per meter, attributable whatever the actual source to

circles of wire per meter carrying a current of I Amperes..

energy travels at a speed v=c/((eta_m)(mu_m))1/2 where eta_m

mu_m are the dielectric constant and the magnetic

the medium relative to a vacuum so in free space, eta = eta_0
and mu = mu_0 and v=c.. The Poynting vector ,P = E X H in
Joules per square meter per second is the energy traveling
through a surface perpendicular to the direction of the

and so g = (1/c^2) (E X H) in kilograms per sec per square

is the pressure on that surface. Since E and H are at right
angles to each other always,
g=(1/c^2)EH =(1/c^2)E^2/(eta_0 /mu_0)^1/2 = E^2/c. Thus in

space, em waves carry momentum equal to the energy that they
carry divided by the speed of light. It is as if energy W had

mass W/c^2 and were moving at a speed c.)
In the photon theory of light, the pressure due to

falling on a material body is explained by saying that the

W, indeed has a mass of W/c^2 and that the energy can be

as hf so that the momentum p=hf/c^2 times c, or p= h/lambda.

greater the frequency and the greater the number of photons,

greater is the pressure. But there is no measureable mass of

proton apart from this assertion so this is just another

In the proposed theory, the pressure due to the light

on the receiver is attributed to instantaneous forces between

oscillations of charge in the source and the induced

of charge in the receiver. The delay in the effect is due to

buildup of cumulative forces inside the receiver.
Consider first the simpler case of radio frequencies in a
powered vertical source antenna acting on a passive parallel
vertical receiving antenna. The resulting antiparallel
oscillations of charge in the two antennas produce a varying

always attractive force between the two antennas.
But associated with the varying longitudinal electric

in each antenna are transverse electrostatic dipole fields

the dipoles are proportional to the longitudinal fields and

the distance between the source antenna and the receiver

That is, these inverse fourth power electrostatic dipole

are equivalent to inverse square magnetic fields.
These varying transverse electrostatic dipoles are
anti-collinear, oriented along the same line in opposite
directions and so repel each other. The force of repulsion is
greater the greater the velocity of the free electrons and

greater the force and duration of the force acting on the

nuclei between thermal collisions.
Since the force between collinear dipoles is twice as

as the force between parallel dipoles as shown in the section

Ampere's Formula and Transverse Electrostatic Dipoles, the

force on the antennas is one of repulsion.
Let's consider now higher frequencies which are produced

the excitation of bound electrons in atoms and molecules and

accelerations or decelerations of electrons and ions in man

and non man made accelerators eg in extraterrestrial plasmas

As electrons move from a ground state to a metastable

and fall back to the ground state their radiation is not
cancelled and electrostatic dipoles are produced in the

transverse to their velocity. In a vertically polarized

source many such oscillations are in phase and their

dipoles are in phase
The greater the frequency of oscillation of the

moving between bound states etc., the greater the velocity,

so just as in the case of free electrons moving in radio

at much lower frequencies, dipoles transverse to the movement

produced inside the electrons proportional to their velocity.
The energy supposedly in the moving photon before it

an oscillation in the receiver material and the recoil as

described is in reality in the receiver material but of a
magnitude which has not yet reached the magnitude required to
produce an observable recoil or transition of the bound

to a wider metastable orbit.


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