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I saw something!

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Old July 18th 07, 04:58 AM posted to sci.astro.satellites.visual-observe
external usenet poster
Posts: 318
Default I saw something!

Are you guys aware of the SeeSat-L mailing list?


Probably not the best place to ask a lot of beginners
questions, but you can leanr a lot just by reading.

http://www.skywise711.com - Lasers, Seismology, Astronomy, Skepticism
Seismic FAQ: http://www.skywise711.com/SeismicFAQ/SeismicFAQ.html
Quake "predictions": http://www.skywise711.com/quakes/EQDB/index.html
Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?
Old July 18th 07, 03:29 PM posted to sci.astro.satellites.visual-observe
external usenet poster
Posts: 19
Default I saw something!

In article , Skywise wrote:
Are you guys aware of the SeeSat-L mailing list?


Probably not the best place to ask a lot of beginners
questions, but you can leanr a lot just by reading.


Thanks for the link, lots of interesting NOSS stuff there!

Old July 19th 07, 06:13 AM posted to sci.astro.satellites.visual-observe
external usenet poster
Posts: 318
Default I saw something!

(DougD) wrote in :

In article , Skywise

Are you guys aware of the SeeSat-L mailing list?


Probably not the best place to ask a lot of beginners
questions, but you can leanr a lot just by reading.


Thanks for the link, lots of interesting NOSS stuff there!


Yes, some new ones went up recently. I don't set aside time
for sat watching much anymore, especially when the TLE's
went to Spacetrack and their ridiculous rules.

http://www.skywise711.com - Lasers, Seismology, Astronomy, Skepticism
Seismic FAQ: http://www.skywise711.com/SeismicFAQ/SeismicFAQ.html
Quake "predictions": http://www.skywise711.com/quakes/EQDB/index.html
Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?
Old July 19th 07, 11:03 AM posted to sci.astro.satellites.visual-observe
William R Thompson
external usenet poster
Posts: 8
Default I saw something!

"Skywise" wrote:

"William R Thompson" wrote:

"Skywise" wrote:

The most amazing thing I've seen was one of the USA series
spy sats, USA 32 I think it was. Thing looked like it could
have been Pink Floyds mirror ball up there the way it was
sparkling. I'm sure the conspiracy nutz would have had a
field day with that observation.

Do you mean Ajisai (1986-061A)? The disco ball is
always an amazing sight, even if it's only visible in binoculars.

No. I was observing a predicted pass of USA 32. It was so
spectacular that I recall it very specifically now.

The best flare I ever saw was OAO 2. It was as bright as
the best Iridium flares, but lasted over a minute.

According to astronautix.com, USA 32 is a Singleton satellite,
launched aboard a Titan 23G (a slightly modified Titan 2).
It's supposed to be a signals intelligence satellite, possibly with
some imaging capability. One source claims that it has a
ten meter radar dish antenna. I can't find any pictures of
the satellite anywhere, but it's probably got a large solar
panel or two for power.

--Bill Thompson

Old July 19th 07, 11:30 AM posted to sci.astro.satellites.visual-observe
William R Thompson
external usenet poster
Posts: 8
Default I saw something!

"Skywise" wrote:

The most amazing thing I've seen was one of the USA series
spy sats, USA 32 I think it was. Thing looked like it could
have been Pink Floyds mirror ball up there the way it was
sparkling. I'm sure the conspiracy nutz would have had a
field day with that observation.

I just watched USA 32 make a pass. It got all sparkly for
about five seconds. I'll keep an eye on it, weather permitting,
and maybe I'll get lucky and see a pass as spectacular as yours.

Thanks for the heads-up on this bird!

--Bill Thompson

Old July 21st 07, 12:32 AM posted to sci.astro.satellites.visual-observe
external usenet poster
Posts: 318
Default I saw something!

"William R Thompson" wrote in news:63Hni.8408

"Skywise" wrote:

The most amazing thing I've seen was one of the USA series
spy sats, USA 32 I think it was. Thing looked like it could
have been Pink Floyds mirror ball up there the way it was
sparkling. I'm sure the conspiracy nutz would have had a
field day with that observation.

I just watched USA 32 make a pass. It got all sparkly for
about five seconds. I'll keep an eye on it, weather permitting,
and maybe I'll get lucky and see a pass as spectacular as yours.

Thanks for the heads-up on this bird!

Nice ot know it's still up there sparkling. I've not looked
for that one in quite a few years.

Checking Heavens-Above, all my passes are after midnight for
the next couple weeks. So, I'll have to plan this one carefully.

http://www.skywise711.com - Lasers, Seismology, Astronomy, Skepticism
Seismic FAQ: http://www.skywise711.com/SeismicFAQ/SeismicFAQ.html
Quake "predictions": http://www.skywise711.com/quakes/EQDB/index.html
Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?
Old July 21st 07, 10:40 AM posted to sci.astro.satellites.visual-observe
William R Thompson
external usenet poster
Posts: 8
Default I saw something!

"Skywise" wrote:

(about USA 32)

Nice to know it's still up there sparkling. I've not looked
for that one in quite a few years.

Checking Heavens-Above, all my passes are after midnight for
the next couple weeks. So, I'll have to plan this one carefully.

Have you looked at USA 81 (1992-023-A)? It's supposed to be the
same type of satellite as USA 32.

--Bill Thompson

Old July 22nd 07, 05:20 AM posted to sci.astro.satellites.visual-observe
external usenet poster
Posts: 318
Default I saw something!

"William R Thompson" wrote in newswkoi.9302

"Skywise" wrote:

(about USA 32)

Nice to know it's still up there sparkling. I've not looked
for that one in quite a few years.

Checking Heavens-Above, all my passes are after midnight for
the next couple weeks. So, I'll have to plan this one carefully.

Have you looked at USA 81 (1992-023-A)? It's supposed to be the
same type of satellite as USA 32.

Not that I recall. I'm just a casual observer. Don't even
take notes.

But I see I have a favorable pass tonight clminating at
43 degree elevation as it enters shadow.

Except....the marine layer has moved on shore so no observing

http://www.skywise711.com - Lasers, Seismology, Astronomy, Skepticism
Seismic FAQ: http://www.skywise711.com/SeismicFAQ/SeismicFAQ.html
Quake "predictions": http://www.skywise711.com/quakes/EQDB/index.html
Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?
Old July 22nd 07, 06:42 AM posted to sci.astro.satellites.visual-observe
William R Thompson
external usenet poster
Posts: 8
Default I saw something!

"Skywise" wrote:

"William R Thompson" wrote:

Have you looked at USA 81 (1992-023-A)? It's supposed to be the
same type of satellite as USA 32.

Not that I recall. I'm just a casual observer. Don't even
take notes.

But I see I have a favorable pass tonight culminating at
43 degree elevation as it enters shadow.

USA 81 just made a pass here at about 80 degree elevation.
It was visible to the naked eye and the sparkling was impossible
to miss.

--Bill Thompson

Old July 23rd 07, 04:41 AM posted to sci.astro.satellites.visual-observe
external usenet poster
Posts: 318
Default I saw something!

"William R Thompson" wrote in news:87Coi.10814

"Skywise" wrote:

"William R Thompson" wrote:

Have you looked at USA 81 (1992-023-A)? It's supposed to be the
same type of satellite as USA 32.

Not that I recall. I'm just a casual observer. Don't even
take notes.

But I see I have a favorable pass tonight culminating at
43 degree elevation as it enters shadow.

USA 81 just made a pass here at about 80 degree elevation.
It was visible to the naked eye and the sparkling was impossible
to miss.


The marine layer is gone only to be replaced by high monsoon

But, IIRC, I don't have another high pass for a few more days.

http://www.skywise711.com - Lasers, Seismology, Astronomy, Skepticism
Seismic FAQ: http://www.skywise711.com/SeismicFAQ/SeismicFAQ.html
Quake "predictions": http://www.skywise711.com/quakes/EQDB/index.html
Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?

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