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Pyramids-How Were They Built and What Do They Serve - Extraterrestrial Knowledge

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Old April 9th 21, 10:35 PM posted to alt.astronomy
[email protected]
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Posts: 537
Default Pyramids-How Were They Built and What Do They Serve - Extraterrestrial Knowledge

Aliens=20had=20nothing=20to=20do=20with=20pyramids =20!


Because=20interstellar=20distances=20are=20FAR=20t oo=20great,=20as=
=20to=20preclude=20any=20possibility=20of=20alien= 20=20contact,=20=
even=20if=20they=20could=20travel=20at=20near=20li ght=20speed.




BTW,=20this=20is=20why=20we've=20never=20been=20vi sited=20by=20ali=

Old April 9th 21, 10:57 PM posted to alt.astronomy
[email protected]
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Default Pyramids-How Were They Built and What Do They Serve - Extraterrestrial Knowledge

Also note that as a simple matter of physics, that as the speed of matter gets anywhere near light speed, the kinetic energy of the matter goes to infinity. Just another reason why it can never happen.

Old April 9th 21, 11:21 PM posted to alt.astronomy
R Kym Horsell[_2_]
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Default Pyramids-How Were They Built and What Do They Serve - Extraterrestrial Knowledge

Also note that as a simple matter of physics, that as the speed of matter gets anywhere near light speed, the kinetic energy of the matter goes to infinity. Just another reason why it can never happen.

Proving a negative is essentially an argument from ignorance.
"X is impossible because I dont know how it is possible".
A logical fallacy.

As we know the speed of light is broken all the time.
Shadows and spots of light can move faster than the speed of light.
Even the edge of the univrese has moved faster than the speed of light
and for all we know (we dont find out for another 50 bn years)
continues to do so.

It gets tiresome to see old fogies continue with age-old
arguments all shown to be false in the fullness of time.
"Trains will never be a thing" (the infamous Lord Kelvin).
"Cars will never moves faster than a horse because people will not be
able to breathe". "Rockets are a scam because there's nothing to push
against in space" (NYT editorial).

My mental model of that kind of drivel is along the lines
"humans will nebba gits two Mars acoz it's too far to walk".

Top reasons why Mr Stephenson's "railway" will never work:
(1) The project will drain the King's treasury.
(2) The noise will scare the cows and sour their milk.
(3) At 37 mph air will be sucked out of the passengers' lungs.
(4) The vibration will injure passengers.
(5) The common people will be encouraged to come to London.
-- Arthur Wellesley Duke of Wellington, c1828

In 1830 then-PM Wellesley opened the first Liverpool to Manchester line.
Almost immediately there was a fatality -- Liverpool MP Wm Huskisson
(Tory) tried to cross the track just as "The Rocket" arrived.
It's a matter of debate whether the accident was caused by the fact Liverpool
and Manchester were then in different time zones, some 5 mins apart.
The Great Western Railway ushered in the era of standardised times.
Old April 10th 21, 12:27 AM posted to alt.astronomy
[email protected]
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Posts: 537
Default Pyramids-How Were They Built and What Do They Serve - Extraterrestrial Knowledge

=20As=20we=20know=20the=20speed=20of=20light=20is =20broken=20all=



=20Shadows=20and=20spots=20of=20light=20can=20mov e=20faster=20tha=


Specified=20locations=20don't=20count.=20Nothing=2 0phusical=20goes=
=20faster=20than=20light,=20even=20particles=20in= 20a=20collider=

=20Even=20the=20edge=20of=20the=20univrese=20has= 20moved=20faster=

=20and=20for=20all=20we=20know=20(we=20dont=20fin d=20out=20for=20=


The=20universe=20is=20infinite=20and=20as=20such=2 0has=20no=20boun=

Old April 10th 21, 01:33 AM posted to alt.astronomy
Andrew W[_2_]
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Posts: 43
Default Pyramids-How Were They Built and What Do They Serve - Extraterrestrial Knowledge

casag... wrote in message ...

As we know the speed of light is broken all the time.

Not by any moving matter.

Everything is made of energy, including matter, and can change its state.
Modern scientists have already done it. They have teleported particles.

Shadows and spots of light can move faster than the speed of light.

Specified locations don't count. Nothing physical goes faster than light,
even particles in a collider etc.

In higher dimensions there is no locality.

Even the edge of the univrese has moved faster than the speed of light
and for all we know (we dont find out for another 50 bn years)
continues to do so.

The universe is infinite and as such has no bounds, limits or edges of any

And no specific locality. If you admit that the universe is infinite then
you're already half way there with higher understandings.

Old April 10th 21, 02:18 AM posted to alt.astronomy
R Kym Horsell[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 111
Default Pyramids-How Were They Built and What Do They Serve - Extraterrestrial Knowledge

Andrew W wrote:
casag... wrote in message ...
As we know the speed of light is broken all the time.

Not by any moving matter.

Everything is made of energy, including matter, and can change its state.
Modern scientists have already done it. They have teleported particles.


You are safer sticking with some kind of wormhole. They are at least
theoretically possible and "guarantee" you might get from A to B
much faster than light going around the long way.

The latest thinking is very skinny wormholes -- another solution of
the General Relativity field equations -- might allow photons
and even electrons to get through without collapsing. I.e. information
from the future may be all around us, if we have the wit to find it.

~ ~ ~

The great thing about positing something is possible (no matter what) --
you are on the side of the angels.

Proving a negative is well-known from grade school to be at best fraut and
most likely in most circustances "impossible".

"You can't prove a negative" says the old saw. For good reason.

For this reason science sticks with saying what is possible, not
trying to prove what is impossible. As some of scientist said one time
"if someone looks at the evidence and says X is possible they may be right;
if someone looks at the evidence and says X is impossible they are
probably wrong".

Hard to believe, I know, but psychology predicts certain personality types
are "attracted" to statements about the impossible or things not being true.

"I am not a crook" said some old guy. Immediately anyone with a working
knowlege of how people operate would realize that guy COULD have
said "I am honest" (it's even shorter and a better PR soundbite!)
and would suspect there is some internal conflict going on there.
Maybe the guy WAS a crook and trying to lie without appearing to lie
because he had a history of being caught at it. If you say things in
a certain way it's possible when what you said is later shown to be false
you can allays claim it was a big mistake and noone can prove nuthin!

I notie if you look around (what's left of USENET you see from some nyms
hang their whole online personality as being "not X". Straight away
the sign in the back of your head marked "shill" or "dishonest" should
be popping up.

Of course, being generous, we can also ascibe people stuck in
allays trying to demonstrate/argue/prove negatives as hillbillies that
jus don no eny better.

If you want to be generous...


It's been said scientists fall into 2 broad categories -- "extroverted
thinkers" (so-called "ET"'s) and "introverted thinkers" (you guessed
it -- "IT"s).

Psychology sees "thinking types" as people that value reason over
emotions and sensory impressions, "extroverts" as mostly concerned
with the external world, while "introverts" are more interested in
their own thoughts.

The distinction colors the work and career of scientists. ET's like
Gauss and Thomson/Kelvin are undoubtedly brilliant. But they proceed
based on what they learned in the early stages of their career and
then appear to "burn out" and are not able to learn anything much new
after the age of 40. If their work was brilliant enough they rise to
prominence where, unfortunately, then tend to become an impediment to
further scientific development because they disallow anything that is
not consistent with their learned world view. E.g. Gauss blocked
ideas in what was then non-standard mathematics, and Kelvin was
notorious for loudly disbelieving in "modern technology". ET's that
work in academia are well-known as having short tempers and being
unable to work with others, especially students. The prototypical
"mad scientist" or "Dr Frankenstein" is another example of an ET.

OTOH the introverted thinking is concerned about the "essence" of
things rather than their surface appearance. They want to know how
things "really" work rather than how they simply appear to work. IT's
typically gravitate toward philosophy or psychology rather than
physics and chemistry. But there are many notable exceptions.
E.g. Einstein was an IT and valued imagination over knowledge any
time. A prototypical IT is the reputedly mad recluse that lives in a
cave in the woods and cobbles together crazy inventions.

The career danger for IT's is becoming so involved in the inner
workings of their own ideas they become irrelevant. Their work tends
to become more and more abstract and complex over time and they can
end up working on things of little interest to anyone but themselves
and/or unrelated to the universe the rest of us live in.

Interestingly, Einstein was unable to accept many of the basic ideas
from Quantum Theory because it clashed with his preconceived ideas
about how the universe "should" work. A touch of the ET in there.
But unlike a full-blown ET Einstein's gentle and reasoned objections
only spurred on new developments in the area.
Old April 10th 21, 01:25 AM posted to alt.astronomy
Andrew W[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 43
Default Pyramids-How Were They Built and What Do They Serve - Extraterrestrial Knowledge

"R Kym Horsell" wrote in message ...

"Cars will never moves faster than a horse because people will not be
able to breathe".

Haha. That one made me laugh. Thanks.
They're all good quotes from the dark ages. Unfortunately some old school
blockheads are still making similar ones now.

Old April 10th 21, 02:12 PM posted to alt.astronomy
external usenet poster
Posts: 75
Default Pyramids-How Were They Built and What Do They Serve -Extraterrestrial Knowledge

R Kym Horsell wrote on 10/04/2021 7:21 am:


My mental model of that kind of drivel is along the lines
"humans will nebba gits two Mars acoz it's too far to walk".

Sure, they'll get there, just putting one foot in front of the other
..... but it might take a little while!! ;-P
Old April 11th 21, 11:17 PM posted to alt.astronomy
[email protected]
external usenet poster
Posts: 537
Default Pyramids-How Were They Built and What Do They Serve - Extraterrestrial Knowledge

=20As=20we=20know=20the=20speed=20of=20light=20is =20broken=20all=


NO,=20absolutely=20never,=20as=20dictated=20by=20t he=20laws=20of=

Sure,=20I=20can=20scan=20my=20vision=20from=20one= 20side=20of=20th=
e=20Andromeda=20galaxy=20to=20the=20other,=20BUT=2 0nothing=20signi=

Please=20cite=20just=20one=20example=20of=20the=20 c=20speed=20limi=
t=20being=20exceeded=20by=20something=20meaningful =20!


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