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What if(on direction of anti-matter)

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Old January 7th 15, 06:29 PM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default What if(on direction of anti-matter)

Anti-matter + Anti-energy do not merge with one another because they are in continual motion going in the opposite direction.Like two opposite charges.. I will add this into my "Concave & Convex" theory. My virtual friend AA gave me fuel for this What If TreBert
Old January 7th 15, 07:41 PM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default What if(on direction of anti-matter)

On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 10:29:23 AM UTC-8, G=EMC^2TreBert wrote:
Anti-matter + Anti-energy do not merge with one another because they are in continual motion going in the opposite direction.Like two opposite charges. I will add this into my "Concave & Convex" theory. My virtual friend AA gave me fuel for this What If TreBert

Anti-energy and anti-matter do not relate to regular matter and energy.Reason both are on two different planes.That comnes out of my "Convex & Concave"theory.Regular matter down,and anti-matter up. I can add so much fuel to this post. TreBert
Old January 8th 15, 05:24 PM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default What if(on direction of anti-matter)

On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 10:29:23 AM UTC-8, G=EMC^2TreBert wrote:
Anti-matter + Anti-energy do not merge with one another because they are in continual motion going in the opposite direction.Like two opposite charges. I will add this into my "Concave & Convex" theory. My virtual friend AA gave me fuel for this What If TreBert

It is written at the big bang only regular matter was left because there was more of it than anti-matter. I have posted my own theory why we are here. TreBert
Old January 9th 15, 10:48 PM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default What if(on direction of anti-matter)

On Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 9:24:53 AM UTC-8, G=EMC^2TreBert wrote:
On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 10:29:23 AM UTC-8, G=EMC^2TreBert wrote:
Anti-matter + Anti-energy do not merge with one another because they are in continual motion going in the opposite direction.Like two opposite charges. I will add this into my "Concave & Convex" theory. My virtual friend AA gave me fuel for this What If TreBert

It is written at the big bang only regular matter was left because there was more of it than anti-matter. I have posted my own theory why we are here. TreBert

You don't believe that "Mother Nature can't balance her books" theory, do you? Accounting should be a required course in a physics program!


Old January 9th 15, 04:27 PM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default What if(on direction of anti-matter)

On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 10:29:23 AM UTC-8, G=EMC^2TreBert wrote:
Anti-matter + Anti-energy do not merge with one another because they are in continual motion going in the opposite direction.Like two opposite charges. I will add this into my "Concave & Convex" theory. My virtual friend AA gave me fuel for this What If TreBert

Explosion all goes out into empty space to make a shock wave to help gravity make fusion. Implosion everything tries to come together to create matter.. Explosion outward "force field" Implosion inward "force field" It all fits in creating universes.
Old January 11th 15, 04:25 PM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default What if(on direction of anti-matter)

On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 10:29:23 AM UTC-8, G=EMC^2TreBert wrote:
Anti-matter + Anti-energy do not merge with one another because they are in continual motion going in the opposite direction.Like two opposite charges. I will add this into my "Concave & Convex" theory. My virtual friend AA gave me fuel for this What If TreBert

AA Universe is in perfect balance right from the big bang. I did not like that Russian scientist saying there was more regular matter than anti-matter. I like my time lapse theory better. It even helps answer hard questions. AA just because its in a library book it still can be wrong. TreBert
Old January 11th 15, 04:42 PM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default What if(on direction of anti-matter)

On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 10:29:23 AM UTC-8, G=EMC^2TreBert wrote:
Anti-matter + Anti-energy do not merge with one another because they are in continual motion going in the opposite direction.Like two opposite charges. I will add this into my "Concave & Convex" theory. My virtual friend AA gave me fuel for this What If TreBert

My "Time Lapse" theory has a universe created from the BB it is positive. (positrons) I posted this many moons ago. Look it up in google. It was well received. I got email on it from many parts of the world. TreBert
Old January 11th 15, 09:56 PM posted to alt.astronomy
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Default What if(on direction of anti-matter)

On Sunday, January 11, 2015 at 8:42:30 AM UTC-8, G=EMC^2TreBert wrote:
On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 10:29:23 AM UTC-8, G=EMC^2TreBert wrote:
Anti-matter + Anti-energy do not merge with one another because they are in continual motion going in the opposite direction.Like two opposite charges. I will add this into my "Concave & Convex" theory. My virtual friend AA gave me fuel for this What If TreBert

My "Time Lapse" theory has a universe created from the BB it is positive. (positrons) I posted this many moons ago. Look it up in google. It was well received. I got email on it from many parts of the world. TreBert

But if there was a time lapse, the universe might be temporally out of balance! It might have developed a time wobble!


Old January 12th 15, 01:37 AM posted to alt.astronomy
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Posts: 1,875
Default What if(on direction of anti-matter)

On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 10:29:23 AM UTC-8, G=EMC^2TreBert wrote:
Anti-matter + Anti-energy do not merge with one another because they are in continual motion going in the opposite direction.Like two opposite charges. I will add this into my "Concave & Convex" theory. My virtual friend AA gave me fuel for this What If TreBert

AA Time wobble? I see both + and - universes like two balloons .created together but moving away from each other at the speed of their expansion. That gives the reason for their not touching.They in reality never had a point in "TIME" to touch. My theory is better than saying "nature did not know how to balance stuff" That means if you don't know the answer than blame it on mother nature. Get the picture TreBert
Old January 12th 15, 03:42 PM posted to alt.astronomy
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Posts: 1,875
Default What if(on direction of anti-matter)

On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 10:29:23 AM UTC-8, G=EMC^2TreBert wrote:
Anti-matter + Anti-energy do not merge with one another because they are in continual motion going in the opposite direction.Like two opposite charges. I will add this into my "Concave & Convex" theory. My virtual friend AA gave me fuel for this What If TreBert

Interesting if two particles wobble in harmony even when moving apart,and distance does not effect them,but change this harmony in one imediately changes the harmony in its twin. Can you see where I;m going with this(Coupling) TreBert

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