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http://www.bestweb.net/~sansbury/book01.pdf INTRODUCTION One could characterize this book as being about evidence for charge polarization inside electrons and atomic nuclei and what that implies, particularly with respect to gravity and light and the effect of gravity on light. But it can also be characterized as being about the two most damaging mistakes in the history of physics. The first was Roemer's so called measurement of the speed of light in 1676; the second was Kaufmann's 1903 measurement of the apparent increase of the mass of beta electrons as their velocity increased. The experts of the times in these specific sorts of measurements, in each case, were ignored. Preference was given to the opinions of a larger number of scientists whose expertise lay elsewhere The damage caused by these mistakes continues to undermine our basic understanding of electromagnetic radiation, gravity and the atom. Recent advances in optics and electronics provide the necessary tools to correct these mistakes and put physics back on track. When we do so, we shall see that gravity is a form of magnetism and that magnetism is a form of electrostatic force involving charge polarization inside electrons and inside atomic nuclei. We shall see also that the delay associated with electromagnetic induction and radiation is due to the reaction time of charge polarization inside electrons and atomic nuclei of the receiver. Let's summarize briefly the two mistakes. First, Roemer's measurement of the speed of light required that light be a wave front or a group of moving particles while Bradley's and Fizeau's light speed measurements allowed light to be interpreted as the cumulative effect of instantaneous forces at a distance. That is, Roemer's measurement required that reflected sunlight, reflected from the surfaces of Jupiter's moons, traveled as a wave front or particle for about 40 minutes using Bradley's value (or 55 minutes using Roemer's value) until it reached the earth. By which time an observer on the earth would have moved with the earth a substantial distance, frequently from under clouds, to a location with an unclouded view of the night sky. That is Roemer's measurement did not require constant exposure to the light source. However, recent light speed measurements suggest that constant exposure is required and that the cumulative effect interpretation is closer to the facts. It is necessary to point out here that communications with distant satellites do not confirm Roemer's measurement as they would seem to at first glance. These communications involve so many repetitions of each faint bit in each signal so that the signal can be distinguished from noise, that comunications delay from such needed repetition is typically greater than the delay from the speed of light; so that the delay implied by the speed of light is assumed but not tested in these cases. Also the control of a distant satellite is based on just previous communication with the satellite. It is the difference in time between successive communications which is important not the time between when the signal is sent from the satellite to when it is received on the earth etc.. Someone with a GPS device, complained to me recently that signals received from several satellites at slightly different times by his GPS device which could then compute his position, was a conclusive argument against the cumulative effect interpretation. I could only reply that in these cases the time differences were of the order of milli to nanoseconds; that during such small intervals of time the cumulative effect and the moving wave/particle interpretation of light give the same results. He offered no counterargument but he would not be persuaded. The cumulative effect interpretation makes Einstein's valiant effort to save Maxwell's theory from the Michelson Morely experiment, with dilations and contractions of space-time, unnecessary. In fact if we view light as the cumulative effect of instantaneous forces at a distance Maxwell's premise of an invisible massless field conveying electric and magnetic influences from a source to a receiver is also rendered unnecessary. The problems of the photon theory, of the wave photon duality or of the probabilistic photon are similarly avoided. The probabilistic photon theory begs the question of what actually happens in the process of emission and reception of a photon. Also and perhaps more importantly the photon theory does not explain how a photon can move like a particle and yet not have the other characteristics essential to the definition of a particle, like its mass (as measured by a mass spectrometer etc). One might object that a cumulative instantaneous force theory does not explain how forces can occur between objects which are not touching. The response to this is that sure, human beings must touch things to move them. But the primitive human experience includes magnetic and electrostatic attractions and repulsions between things which are not touching. Consider the force between charged particles such as leaves of tin foil on a simple electroscope. The leaves are fastened together at the top by say an aluminum paper clip. The aluminum clip and the top part of the leaves are charged. The bottom parts of the leaves are free to move apart and they do because similarly charged particles repel each other. The formula for this repulsion is an inverse square force similar in form to Newton's gravitational force. It is not necessary here to postulate a field or the movement of photons. In fact if we were to postulate the existence of undefined entities unnecessarily we would stand in violation of the scientific method specifically of Occam's principle of parsimony. Hence the cumulative effect interpretation of light would, having fewer assumed entities, be preferable to the present theory of light if we could show Roemer's so called measurement to be due to other causes. We will discuss these causes in the section on light speed measurements. The second major mistake in the history of physics has to do with the apparent increase of mass of beta electrons as they approached the speed of light. Beta electrons (electrons emitted by nuclei of radioactive atoms) of various speeds near the speed of light were observed. Their increasing responsiveness to a magnetic field as their velocity increased was seen, unexpectedly, to slack off when the velocity increased beyond a specific amount. The rate of increase of the response, as the velocity increased, unexpectedly decreased. Instead of being attributed to changes in some previously unobserved quality of magnetic responsiveness, these changes were attributed to increasing inertia or mass. The force producing the velocity somehow after some threshold point produced an increase in mass also. Kaufmann, the one person who had most familiarity with this sort of experiment objected that the data seemed to require different values for the mass in different directions. But his objections were ignored in favor of the simpler explanation offered by Special Relativity whose success in explaining the Michelson Morely experiment was in its favor. We will discuss Kaufmann's reasons later and show that a better explanation is that there is a change in magnetic responsiveness as the speed of a charged particle increases to the speed of light. The explanation is better because it requires fewer assumptions and is consistent with new discoveries in nuclear physics. The increasing number of premises and circumlocutions in modern physics are due to the mistaken interpretations of Roemer's and of Kaufmann's measurements. When Faraday and Maxwell first imagined invisible lines of force, wheels and ball bearings to help them understand electromagnetic induction and radiation as implied by Roemer's experiment, it was not inconceivable that such things existed. But even during Maxwell's lifetime improbable implications of such entities became difficult to ignore. For example the invisible and perhaps vacuous field medium carrying light would have to have the rigidity of iron. Despite such problems with field theories, the apparent lack of any alternative to explain the phenomena of radiation, e.g. Roemer's measurement, has led to even more extravagant claims for fields. Physicists like Witten at Harvard, for example believe that latent energy and mass may exist in a complete vacuum, in massless space; that the existence of fields implies such a possiblity. Witten calls these vacuous latent mass energy things, strings and they are somewhat similar to Wheeler's quantum foam. And other physicists like Kip Thorne at Stanford extending the ideas of John Wheeler, believe there are wormholes in space-time, since space-time near a large dense star could be severely bent out of shape; also perhaps, that these wormholes may lead to otherwise invisible universes. The mathematical complexity of the justification for these speculations confounds journalists who anyway have to be more concerned with catchy phrases and startling images than with scientific clarity. But one doesn't have to follow a lengthy mathematical argument to see the probable fallacy in such speculations. Regarding latent energy and mass in vacous space. Our only experience of latent energy and mass is in the presence of other mass and not far from such masses, in empty space. For example, radioactive nuclei produce charged particles of lesser mass that move at high velocities. These particles are visible as they move through cloud chambers and cause condensation around them in their successive positions in the moist vapor of the cloud chamber. But sometimes, uncharged particles may be ejected and soon break up into charged particles that seem to appear out of nowhere. But such things are not observed to occur in vacuous space far from the mass of an excited atomic nucleus and so may be the breakup of an ejected particle of net zero charge. The small Casimir attraction between uncharged metal plates and the Aharanov Bohm shift of electron beam interference effects can be attributed to charge polarization inside moving electrons and atomic nuclei and not to latent energy in the vacuum. Similarly the zero point energy of electrons etc can be attributed to the orbital system within electrons etc. Regarding wormholes, black holes, and other implications of the General Relativity assumption that mass distorts space-time and the premise that the density of imploding mass can increase beyond specific limits as implied by quantum mechanics: The situation is analogous to a rubber band stretched to the limit. One cannot apply indefinitely a linear formula to describe the amount of stretching produced by a given force on a rubber band. At some point the band loses its elasticity and the relation between force and stretch loses its linearity. And at some point the band breaks but the formula keeps grinding out numbers. The linear formula alone is not enough to tell when the band breaks. When extrapolations claim the existence of stranger and stranger phenomena, it is time, isn't it, to question the validity of the extrapolation and the applicability of one' s basic assumptions and theory. Necessary information is lacking in black hole and wormhole speculations based on the predictions of equations that are observed to be valid for some values of the independent variables. Will these same formula work for unobserved values of the independent variables? Probably not, especially if the predictions are counter to our previous experience of similar things and events. Let us look more closely, also, at the assumptions required for black holes and wormholes. Regarding General Relativity: the effect of the sun's mass in delaying slightly the time when the eye recognizes light from a distant star can be attributed to the effect of the sun's mass on the eye or other receiver of the radiation; that is, we do not have to assume that space time is bent by large masses as assumed by General Relativity. Similarly the precession of the perihelion of the planets may be attributed to a torque interaction between the planets and the sun as dipoles; we do not have to assume that space-time is bent. By dipoles here I mean electrostatic dipoles and the evidence of such dipoles will be shown in a later section dealing with gravity. Regarding how much a star can collapse given the forces of repulsion between atomic nuclei and parts of atomic nuclei, the evidence of neutron stars with densities one hundred trillion times that of water or of the sun may point to even greater densities and black holes and singularities. But as we have said, when limits are approached and extrapolations are made of things happening that are unlike anything we know, it is time to reassess the boundaries of the theory that leads to such extrapolations. The reassessment involves observing evidence for charged orbiting particles inside electrons and atomic nuclei and what that implies, particularly with regard to accepted hypotheses regarding 1)Ampere's theory of magnetism, 2) the wave,photon and probabilistic photon theories of electromagnetic radiation, 3)the quantum theory of atomic energy levels and of magnetic phenomena, 4)exchange forces and the quark theory of Gell Mann, 5) Einstein's special theory of relativity and mass energy transformations 6) Newton's theory of gravity and Einstein's general relativity theory. No one after reading the evidence and the arguments in this book can avoid the conclusion that all the forces of nature including gravity, magnetism and the weak and strong nuclear forces are derived from a single force, the electrostatic force. |
ralph sansbury wrote:
"ralph sansbury" wrote in message news:... http://www.bestweb.net/~sansbury/book01.htm http://www.bestweb.net/~sansbury/book01.pdf Psychotic ineducable boring ralph sansbury, http://w0rli.home.att.net/youare.swf http://www.you-moron.com/ http://www.apa.org/journals/psp/psp7761121.html http://insti.physics.sunysb.edu/~siegel/quack.html http://www.firehead.org/~jessh/film/kubrick/Kubrick-Psycho.html http://www.naturalchild.com/elliott_barker/prisons.html Hey, stooopid ralph sansbury - Do you want EVIDENCE? Each of the 24 GPS satellites carries either four cesium atomic clocks or three rubidum atomic clocks in orbit, with full relativistic corrections being applied. http://rattler.cameron.edu/EMIS/journals/LRG/Articles/Volume4/2001-4will/index.html Experimental constraints on General relativity. http://rattler.cameron.edu/EMIS/journals/LRG/Articles/Volume6/2003-1ashby/index.html http://www.eftaylor.com/pub/projecta.pdf Relativity in the GPS system -- Uncle Al http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/ (Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals) "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" The Net! |
Well, some **** for brains idiot has tried to put this stupid thread to
SCI,OPTICS again. I've removed it from the newsgroups listed. Please leave us out of the header as all of us have already had our fill of the total stupidity of the whole thread. -- Bob May Losing weight is easy! If you ever want to lose weight, eat and drink less. Works evevery time it is tried! |
Charles Cagle wrote in message
... In article , beavith wrote: On Sat, 12 Jul 2003 23:09:50 GMT, Charles Cagle wrote: In article , beavith wrote: On Wed, 25 Jun 2003 20:51:21 GMT, Charles Cagle wrote: In article , Robert J. Kolker wrote: Uncle Al wrote: There is no "electrostatic force." Electromagnetic forces propagated by spin-1 vector bosons do not unify with gravitation which, if it is quantized at all, propagates via a spin-2 tensor boson. I am having a bit of trouble with this. What is the Coulomb force between two charges, then? Why isn't that electrostatic? The mutual force between two charged particles does not depend on their motion, as is the case of the Lorentz force of a mag field on a moving charge. Regardless of the means of intermediation, be it virtual photons or action at distance, the instanteneous force each charge feels from the other depends on the distance (1/distance^2) and the magnitude and sign of the charges (charge 1 * charge 2). Bob Kolker In reality the force between elementary charged particles does depend upon their relative motion. If two particles have a common de Broglie wavelength equal to or greater than their interparticle distance [measured from their center of momentum frame] then their interactive behavior will be just opposite to the expectations of Coulomb's law. This interesting fact can be directly deduced from two simple axioms and Maxwell's equations. Axiom 1: Quantum particles can only have motion with respect to other quantum particles and not with respect to any arbitrarily contrived coordinate system. so what? So you're asleep at the switch, that's what, if you can't grasp the implications of a background independent physics. nice. i try to cut to the point of the argument, and a wealth of condescention descends. i'll try and remain polite. unlike you. Mentioning it at all while saying 'unlike you' eliminates the potential for your politeness. Axiom 2: Quantum particles always move to the lowest energy state situation available. quantum particles can be in any state. atomic and electronic states tend to the lowest level. this is not the same thing Your tendency to obtusity is evident. sticks and stones. so, do quantum states move to the lowest energy state or not? or is that property an atomic or molecular one? Axiom 2: Quantum particles always move to the lowest energy state situation available. I never said anything about quantum states moving to anything. It should be interesting to any true aficianado of physics that Coulomb's law is invalid when it comes to elementary charged particles which are overlapping in momentum space. That's right, using the principle of the relativity of motion and Maxwell's equation: Del X H= permeability*dE/dt one can show that if elementary charged particles are in the same momentum space (that they have a common de Broglie wavelength [calculated from a center of momentum frame] that is equal to or greater than the interparticle distance) that they will behave in a manner which is just opposite to the expectations of Coulomb's law. This is a matter of straight forward deduction and is substantiated by quite a lot of data. ? Cooper pairing is a good example, but then the most blatant evidence is the existence of nuclei with multiple protons. i thought Cooper Pairs only applied to electrons, under superconducting conditions/materials? am i wrong? where do protons come into it? Cooper Pairing applies to electrons. And Cooper Pairing is a good example of Coulomb's law being violated or elementary charged particles acting opposite to the expectation of Coulomb's law. The protons mentioned are also violating the expectations of Coulomb's law. And don't jump up an chime in 'strong force'. Most physicists believe that the Coulombic repulsion is still happening at the time the so-called strong force is dominating the interaction. In reality, Coulombic repulsion for like charged particles overlapping in momentum space is and always has been a fiction. Of course, the data, which is pointed to as substantiation already has a well accepted explanation or set of arguments designed to explain the existence of said data along other lines. In other words, when the existence of said data first became known then physicists were in a terrible quandary because they saw that the data was contrary to the expectations of Coulomb's law. What was this data? It was the discovery, circa 1910, that the nuclei of elements that are not isotopes of hydrogen can have multiple protons in close proximity without displaying the repulsive interaction predicted by Coulomb's law. strong force knee jerk reaction. The strong force is a cobbled together piece of pseudoscientific nonsense. It is an intellectual invention which cannot be differentiated from the work product of a pathological liar. That so many fools have been taken in by it and its subsequent extrapolations (gluons, quarks, charm, color, strangeness, etc. etc.) is only testimony to how complex lies must become as they are challenged by data and of how many fools occupy the hall of academia these days. i don't know about cobbled or pseudoscientific. i will feel better about it, tho, when its been integrated into the electroweak framework that Maxwelll's work has been integrated into. while Occam's razor sure makes the "subsequent extrapolations" not as elegant as a simple framework, it doesn't defy observed science, your complaining notwithstanding Neither quarks or any of their properties have been observed. Now, I know that most of those who post on this n.g. are going to get their hackles up because when I attack the pseudoscientific arguments that were 'invented' to 'explain away' the obvious deviation from Coulombic behavior they basically understand that I am attacking what they believe in. Since most people have trouble separating what they believe in from the basic definition of who they are then when someone attacks their belief they immediately become defensive. There's no nice way to separate the attack of an irrational belief from an attack on the person since they ultimately must bear responsibility for associating what they believe with who they are. However, there's a loophole for those of you who want to escape this sinking ship of modern pseudoscience. Don't attach yourself to false beliefs, sell your stock in falsehood. Oops! Many cannot sell their stock in trade because it is what they make their living with. They can't sell all that they treasure and take the proceeds and buy the truth. For those who cannot divorce themselves from the pseudophysics it is almost like they are galley slaves chained into the subcompartments of their particular subdisciplines in modern physics. Unfortunately for them their ship has been rammed and is sinking. oh? really? many recriminations. no proof. Really. A fool like you can never come to a point where he accepts the fact that he's a fool. He can accept no 'proof' just because of the nature of what he calls a 'proof'. now you made me cry... boo hoo. proof stands on its own two feet. barking at someone who only wants to understand what you are saying doesn't strengthen your argument. however, maybe if you type in caps, that'll help me. Not much is going to help you unless you wake up and realize that 'proof' is only an arbitrary quantity of 'evidence' and that 'evidence' is the subjective interpretation of data typically within the framework of a particular paradigm. Proof in the logical or mathematical sense is a different matter. My claim relates to nuclear fusion, to the operation of stars and even to the denial of the existence of things that General Relativity predicts like black holes and is as I stated above that pairs of elementary charged particles which have a common de Broglie wavelength [calculated from a center of momentum frame] that is equal to or greater than the interparticle distance will interact in a manner that is opposite to such behavior as would be predicted by Coulomb's law. Simply: 1) If two like charged particles obtain to a condition where they are at rest with respect to one another (overlapping in momentum space as above) then they will be strongly attractively interactive. proof? something like a BEC? that'd only be at the atomic level, tho You overlook the obvious because it is so obvious and because you've checked your brain at the hat stand as you came in the doors of academia. i've been out of academia for a little while now. understanding this would be to my sole benefit, your abuse notwithstanding. Well, it would be to your benefit to stay away from academia. 2) If two unlike charged particles obtain to a condition where they are at rest with respect to one another (overlapping in momentum space as above) then they will be strongly repulsively interactive. You can arrive at this conclusion from Maxwell's equations and the axiomatic physical principle that all motion is relative. I had a conversation with Ephraim Fischbach of Purdue several years back. Ephraim is an internationally recognized expert in particle physics. I presented the challenge to him that I had never found any experimental data that proved that Coulomb's law held true for elementary charged particles which were at rest with respect to one another. negative evidence is not proof Of course, it isn't. And I never stated that it was. Straw man. let me see what i didn't understand... "never found any experimental data that Coulomb's law held true" this would be a fallacy, since no experiment or being able to find any experimental data shows that nobody knows anything on the subject. It isn't a fallacy. Its an eye opener. There is no experimental data that demonstrates that Coulomb's law holds true for elementary particles which are overlapping in momentum space. I'm saying that there does exist experimental data to the contrary. Multiple protons in the nuclei of atoms is an example of protons which are overlapping in momentum space and they are not repelling one another. Cooper Pairs are another example of same charged particles overlapping in momentum space which have become attractively interactive. of course, this subject regards evidence that violates everything understood about Coulombs Law. reaching a conclusion counter to that law without a confirmatory experiment is, as you would say, pseudoscientific. Sometimes you have to realize that the experiment has already been done but that people have been asleep at the switch. perhaps i shouldn't have said "proof," but there is no reason to reject Coulomb, or be concerned in the slightest that is a defect in the supporting theory, other than, perhaps, you want there to be a defect. Nonsense. Coulomb's law was formulated without the consideration that elementary charged particles under most observational conditions have lots of relative motion and are not generally overlapping in momentum space. In fact, I stated that there had never been an experiment in the history of physics which showed that elementary charged particles which are at rest with respect to one another behaved according to the expectations of Coulomb's Law. After a moment or two of consideration, Dr. Fischbach confessed that he had to agree with me, that he likewise knew of no experiment which conclusively proved this. First, it is a tremendously difficult experiment to undertake and would be exceedingly technically challenging. agreed Finally. don't break your arm patting yourself on your back just yet. Second, since virtually all physicists are predisposed to agree in advance that the particles would behave according to Coulomb's law, no one would be particularly surprised at the results of an experiment concerning which they are already sure of the outcome so on that basis alone the experiment is not considered sufficiently interesting to undertake as a project. if you could dream up an experiment that'd disprove a fundamental understanding in any science, scientists would be climbing all over it. what you say doesn't defy sense, it defies reality. Nonsense. There's a universe of data which says otherwise and because a bad explanation of that data has been accepted for so many years then the very 'proof' that you're looking for is like the 'purloined letter'; it is right in front of you but you've accepted a pseudoscientific explanation. i'm all ears. where is this experimental evidence? rather than be swindled, maybe i can get a Nobel Prize for proving a more general theory than Coulomb. it worked for Einstein. Is that what you want? A Nobel prize? When people like Steven Weinberg get them then their value becomes quite deluted. How could you admit to being intellectually swindled without disclosing that you're a fool? if i'm wrong, i'm wrong. sue me. No. You need to sue yourself. Kick your own self in the butt and turn yourself around and get going in the right direction. You can't. Your ego is in the way. not at all. i'm no expert. if there is any truth to this stuff, it should be evident. so far, nothing is clear. It is painfully evident - unless you happen to have your head where the sun doesn't shine. It is a matter of correctly interpreting data that has been misinterpreted for years. What I'm proposing, however, is that we can logically deduce, using Maxwell's equations together with principle of the relativity of motion, that elementary charged particles that are at rest with respect to one another will, in fact, behave precisely opposite to the expectations provided by Coulomb's Law. Bear with me please, while I lay out my reasoning. When we write Maxwell's equations in terms of E and H only then we have: 1) Del X H = permittivity dE/dt 2) Del X E = -permeability dH/dt 3) Del dot E = 0 4) Del dot H = 0 Equation 1) as applied to a charged particle suggests that if that charged particle should have motion so that there would be a variation in E so that a vector field with rotation (Del X H) should arise around the translational axis of that motion. Considering the principle that all motion is relative one must reflect that a charged particle cannot move with respect to itself and hence in the rest frame of such particle this predicted vector field could not exist. Instead, such a field could only exist in the rest frame of the particle or observer which had relative motion with respect to the particle. So, if we had two protons, A and B which had relative motion then emanating from B's location but not local to B (not existing in B's rest frame) would be a vector field as predicted by equation 1) above. Such vector field would lie on parallel planes perpendicular to the translational axis of relative motion between A and B. Likewise, because of the relative motion of the two particles then emanating from A's location but not local to A would also arise a vector field which also would lie on parallel planes perpendicular to the translational axis of relative motion between A and B. The vector field emanating from A's location would exist in B's rest frame (momentum space) and the vector field emanating from B's location would exist in A's rest frame (momentum space). Now, for two same charged particles that don't have relative motion with respect to each other one might presume that there would be an electrostatic repulsion between them. But as I pointed out above, there's actually no experimental data that has shown this to be the case. Bear in mind that I'm not suggesting that two same charged particles that have relative motion will not repel one another but only that elementary charged particles which don't have relative motion will not. So, let's consider two protons, A and B, which are overlapping in momentum space and which are separated by distance d. In the rest frame of third particle C which has motion with respect to A and B will arise a pair of vector fields (Del X H)^AC and (Del X H)^BC where AC and BC are superscripts (not exponents) to indicate the vector fields generated by the relative motion of A with respect to C and B with respect to C, respectively. This pair of vector fields will emanate from A and B respectively but will be nonlocal to both A and B because neither A nor B can move with respect to themselves (as noted above). What I'm proposing here is that for any perpendicular component of the relative velocity of C with respect to a plane coincident with a straight line joining A and B that the two vector fields (Del X H)^AC and (Del X H)^BC will produce magnetic H loops that will interact in such a manner as to produce what appears to be an attractive interaction between A and B. where did this magnetism arise, assuming these are subatomic particles? photon mediated? instigated by motion relative to the 3 particles? Where do you see me use the word 'magnetism'? H by definition is magnetic field intensity measured in Ampere/meter. The H arises on a plane perpendicular to the translational axis of motion of a charged particle. See: Del X H = permittivity dE/dt, above. ok. magnetic field is not the same as magnetism? i suppose at right angles to that magnetic field, you would find an electric field with a unit of helmholtz/meter? Magnetism is an overused word. "Explicit statistical evidence of massive ballot tampering in Palm Beach, Fl" Errors only Occurred in Presidential Races? Editor's Note: The following statistical analysis was sent to me by Robert Cook, PE, a nuclear engineer, with an MS in statistical quality control, a software testing specialist and QA manager, who has a track record for analyzing and correcting trends, errors, and mistakes in heavy construction projects (ships, power plants, nuclear reactors, military and aerospace vehicles, etc. for more than twenty years. Robert Cook presents here a remarkable statistical analysis of the Palm Beach presidential ballot controversy that deserves serious investigation. He says that the controversial 19,120 Presidential race ballots at issue there were "destroyed by deliberate double-punching ballots in Palm Beach County FL with a 'second punch' for Al Gore or Pat Buchanan. (In 1996, an additional 15,000 Dole and Perot ballots were destroyed by double-punching presidential ballots in Palm Beach County, FL. *) 09 November, 2000 By: Robert A. Cook, PE 425 Franklin Road, #520 Marietta, GA 30067 Ref: Statistical evidence establishes beyond reasonable doubt that 19,120 Presidential race ballots were destroyed by deliberate double-punching ballots in Palm Beach County FL with a "second punch" for Al Gore or Pat Buchanan. (In 1996, an additional 15,000 Dole and Perot ballots were destroyed by double-punching presidential ballots in Palm Beach County, FL. *) The national error rate of double-punching ballots is less than 1/2 of one percent, or at most, 1800 ballots in all of Palm Beach County, with the errors between all races and all candidates. 19,120 double punched ballots -all in one race, with "errors" only occurring two Presidential races against Republican opposition - is 33,000 "too many" to be an accident. References: (*9 Nov, 2000 CNN; Jim Smith, Former Florida Secretary of State; WSJ, 11-10-2000) (San Diego Union-Tribune, Nov 10, 2000, page A-12, Local Figure on Double Voting Only 0.3%; Haas Sees Red Flag in Florida Totals; by Caitlin Rother) (Los Vegas Sun, Nov 10, 2000. Statistics Point To More Than Random Error in Florida Vote; by Jace Radke) The news media is utterly focused on the Democratic Party spin that voters were "confused" in Palm Beach, FL. They are ignoring the 15,000 Bush and 3,400 Buchanan votes that statistical evidence can show were stolen by fraud in these 19,120 ballots. There is explicit statistical evidence of massive ballot tampering in Palm Beach FL. These ballots show Democratic voter fraud....NOT Republican fraud or "voter error" as publicized by the national media. Statistical evidence cannot prove any single ballot was tampered with, nor show which individual tampered with any single ballot. It can show specific places and times and methods where the fraud was done. (For example, if 15,000 dollars are missing from the register the day after your cashier left on a Los Vegas vacation, there is no direct evidence that the cashier stole the money. If, however, 19,120 dollars are missing from the register the next year when the cashier again leaves for vacation in Los Vegas, one has reason to investigate the cashier closely.) Consider these "unusual" ballot problems in Palm Beach, FL - every one of them adds more Gore votes, and removed Republican and Reform party votes. ONLY Palm Beach County Florida voters seem incapable of understanding and using this style of ballot. Palm Beach County has an error rate TEN TIMES larger than reported in ANY other county in the nation using paper punch ballots! No information is available about the number of ballots invalidated for previous primary, state, and the 1998 Congressional votes. Unless an equal number (equal proportion of "invalid ballots" per primary voter) of ballots was double-punched in the 1996 primaries, the 1998 primaries, and the 1998 Congressional races ..... the Palm Beach election officials are specifically guilty of deliberate ballot tampering fraud in the year 2000 Presidential elections.) ONLY in Palm Beach FL were 15,000 ballots "invalidated" (for double punched ballots) in the 1996 Presidential election. (This is almost unique among the entire nation! (Certain central city Democratic precincts in Chicago reported 120,000 double-punched ballots; and Duval County in Florida reported 22,000 double-punched ballots. Neither used the same arrangement of candidates as at Palm Beach. This shows that "lining up" buttons was NOT actually an issue at Palm Beach, but was created as an excuse to blame the symptoms of fraud at Palm Beach.) One early excuse given to the national news media by Democratic "spokesmen" to explain the Palm Beach fraud was that people were 'exchanging" their double-punched ballots - and were given new ones...If so, over 26 people per minute "were confused" and voted twice for President! This many errors were supposedly made, detected, and corrected (by handing out new ballots) while no person made any "error" in any other race. This excuse would also mean that more voters were being handed new ballots per minute than new voters were being signed in. (19,120 "double punched" Democratic ballots divided by 12 hours, there are fewer than 100 precincts in Palm Beach County where the precinct level returns are suspect . Significantly, the massive number of errors occurred only in a few of the precincts, and all of those precincts were strongly Democratic. In precinct 144F, for example, there was only one "counted" republican voter for president.) However, the "double-punched" ballots counted in the election were NOT exchanged, and were actually read by the voting machine. They are the symptom and the method of the fraud. There is no reason for this early Democratic Party statement other than that of beginning a cover-up for the double-punched ballots. Not surprisingly, this early fable was not maintained, and has not be repeated. It also has not been retracted or contradicted by follow-up stories in the national news media. ONLY in Palm Beach (and in ONLY the most heavily Democratic precincts) were 19,120 ballots rejected in 2000 for double punching....(This is a 4.4% error rate overall; in the rest of Florida there is less than 1/2 of ONE percent "double punch" error rate! (Unofficially, this error rate was 15% in predominately Afro-American precincts, and 10% in precincts with large numbers of Jewish retirees.) In strongly Republican precincts, the error rate was the "usual" 1/2 of one percent.) San Diego County has 800,000 voters, and (overall) has more senior, retired, minority, and new immigrants than does Palm Beach County. Since all of these were represented the 1992, 1996, and 2000 results in the San Diego double count totals, there can be no excuse for "innocent errors" in Palm Beach. ONLY in Palm Beach did this "double punch" error happen ONLY in the Gore-Bush-Buchanan selections for President. (In a truly random "error," the mistakes happen in every race, all at about the same rate. In Palm Beach, the massive errors (over 19,000) ONLY happened in the Presidential race.) ONLY in Palm Beach has the news media complained about "massive" ballot confusion. In the 43 counties in Missouri, also mostly Democratic voters, which use the same kind of ballot, there are NO complaints about "confused voters" at all. (St Louis Post Dispatch, Nov 8, 2000) Therefore, ONLY in Palm Beach FL do the Democrats have to "explain" a massive number of incorrect votes. ONLY in Palm Beach did Gore GAIN 750 votes in a recount. In 50 out of 67 counties in FL, the actual change in the recount was 5-7 votes, and in 63 out of 67 counties, the total change was less than 30 votes either way. Further, in 63 out of 67 counties the "changes" were somewhat evenly divided between ALL the candidates, in rough proportion to the original number of votes. This is the statistically expected result, and represents a true and legal recount of the ballots without any change in the ballots themselves. This means that Palm Beach FL had an error rate in favor of Gore more than 120 TIMES greater than any other county, (Two other heavily Democratic "inner city" counties (Flagler and Pinellas) had changes greater than 400 votes. Whether or not fraud existed in those counties is possible, but not analyzed here.) In a statistically valid recount, half of the errors would favor Bush, and half favor Gore. This extreme change from the normal in only three counties shows massive "tampering" towards Gore in those three counties between the original machine count (already tainted by fraud.) and the second machine recount. In EVERY precinct in Palm Beach where Gore got more votes than there are registered Democrats., Bush received less than 60% of the registered Republican votes. In NO precinct in Palm Beach County did Bush receive more than 80% of the number of registered Republicans. .... (Absentee ballots were equally distributed by percentage between the two parties at 8% each. Thus, there is specific evidence to show that the "level of interest" in the Presidential election was equal between the two parties.) It is ONLY in the "counted" turnout on Nov 7 that the democrats appear to "remove" 15,000 votes in the Presidential race. Or, it is ONLY in Palm Beach County that more than 20% of the registered Republicans "forgot" to vote for their party's presidential candidate. This 'lack of interest" by the republicans despite equally massive "get-out-the vote" efforts by both parties. As shown by the absentee ballot numbers, there WAS equal interest in the election by both parties; at least until the votes were "totaled". ONLY in Palm Beach did Bush receive LESS than 65% of the registered Republican voters. (Registered Republicans = 231,626 while Bush voters = 152,954.) On average, in every other county in FL Bush received MORE votes than there were registered Republicans. In the rest of the nation, poll results show more than 90% of registered Republicans actively supported the Republican candidate. (Also, unique in the entire state, the percentage of Republican voters COUNTED as voting in Palm Beach was much less than normal, despite the pre-election attention to Florida as a critical state; and massive Republican get - out-the-vote campaigns.) This is very significant when the Republican Senate race is examined. To compare similar counties in Florida, look at the 10 counties in Florida where there are more than 100,000 democratic voters for president. In every one of these counties - EXCEPT Palm Beach County - Gore received FEWER votes than Nelson, the democratic Senate candidate. In Palm Beach county, Gore received slightly more votes than Nelson, which is not by itself statistically significant. However, his "gain" over equally sized counties IS directly proportional to the number of "blank ballets" (or "protest votes") that were cast in Palm Beach County.) However, in 8 of 10 of these counties, Bush led McCollum (the Republican Senate candidate by a major proportional to the county size, with the margin being between 25,000 votes and 4000 votes. McCollum ONLY led Bush in Palm Beach County and Lee County (which is also the focus of fraud due to its change in votes during the recount.) The margin of Bush's lead in two counties close to Palm Beach in population was 15,000 votes and 15,000 - equal to the number of Republican presidential voters "missing" when the number of registered Republicans is checked. The only way this could occur is if 15,000 registered Republican voters went to the polls, and "forgot" to cast their votes for president, or were "confused" and voted twice for President by did NOT replace their ballot at the polling booth; while remembering to correctly and accurately punch 15,000 votes for the Republican Senate candidate. The same number of "missing" Republican votes is found when the four Congressional races involved in Palm Beach County are checked. ONLY in Palm Beach County do the smaller (Congressional) races outdraw the Presidential race. Again, the number of total Republican votes "missing" (not counted in the presidential race) is equal to 15,000 Bush votes destroyed by double punching in the Presidential race. The only way this could occur is if 15,000 registered Republican voters went to the polls, and "forgot" to cast their votes for president, or were "confused" and voted twice for President but did NOT replace their ballot at the polling booth; while remembering to correctly and accurately punch 15,000 votes for the Republican Congressional candidate in their district. When the two "coincidences" of correct votes in two other races are included, it is impossible to accept "confusion" in the presidential race. ONLY in Palm Beach did Buchanan get less than HALF the of votes he received before in 1996. Buchanan's "lost" votes in that county in 2000 were much greater than in any other district in Florida. (Buchanan received over 8,000 votes in 1996 Republican PRIMARY (where only registered Republicans can vote; but he received only 3,407 under the Reform Party from ALL voters in the 2000 Presidential election. (Pat Buchanan has relatives who lives in Palm Beach County, and this local support greatly increase the number of local voters who choose Buchanan, compared to every other region of the country. There are over 14,551 members of the Reform party in Palm Beach County - which indicates that less than 1/5 of the Reform voters voted for their own candidate. The Fraud is NOT whether Gore voters were "confused" and voted for Gore, but rather WHY Reform Party and Libertarian voters were prevented from registering THEIR vote!) Much has been (erroneously) made of the number of apparent Buchanan votes, with some partial observers (paid by the democratic Party officials who started the first lawsuits requesting a recount) claiming that his total vote count "must" be wrong. It is important to note that Buchanan's running mate is the FIRST Afro-American to run for national office. Further, she is only the SECOND woman to run for national office. Given the demographics of the Palm Beach are, and its high concentration of minorities, it is perhaps surprising that Buchanan-Foster didn't get more votes than they are credited with receiving. There is a simple, single explanation for ALL of these 19,120 problems in ONE set of ballots in ONE district in ONE state. 15,000 Bush ballots, and 3,400 more Buchanan ballots, were double-punched to imitate a Gore vote, AFTER legitimate voters left their polling booth. Assume 45,000 ballots were stuck with a stiff wire or pointed tool. It would take somebody a little bit of privacy and about 15 minutes. A ream of paper is 1 inch thick, 45,000 many ballots can be carried by one person in one handcart or box, damaged, and returned to position very quickly. More simply, they could be punched several hundred at a time while the stack is lined before being read at the voting machine - since all the ballots would already be lined up and stacked neatly in order at that time. Originally, 3,000 = Buchanan 15,000 = Bush 25,000 = Gore (Gore has approximately a 2:1 margin over Bush in Palm Beach Cty.) 1,250 = other parties and random existing errors 750 = "blank" or "protest votes"- No vote for President; other spots may be filled in. After .... 3,000 Buchanan + Gore = thrown out. 15,000 Bush + Gore = thrown out. 25,000 Gore (+ Gore) = GOOD VOTES for Gore = counted already 1,250 + others + Gore = thrown out. 750 = "blank" + Gore = Gore additional "free" votes Stamping 45,000 ballots with a tool (or other device) THROUGH the Gore slot gives: Every Gore vote = still a valid Gore vote. (No change in the total, no change in the recount.) Every Bush, Buchanan, Workers Party, and Libertarian Party ballot IS IMMEDIATELY INVALID. They will be thrown out because they have two votes. They NEVER were counted in the first place = no change in the recount. The double-punch occurs ONLY in the presidential race, and no position on the ballot is disturbed. All other races are correctly counted. EVERY ballot that had no vote (a "protest vote" against both major candidates) becomes a Gore vote. All other races on the ballot are not disturbed, and are correctly counted. Evidence of fraud by selectively punching "empty" or "protest" ballots before the recount. Statewide, 2% of the voters deliberately chose NOT to select a presidential candidate. 2% of 45,000 ballots is 900, statistically equal to the 950 "votes" changed into 750 Gore votes, and 150 Bush votes during the recount. It is statistically impossible (odds of over 149 million to 1) to have ONE county out of 67 change its recount votes by over 900 votes if it is counting untainted, unaltered ballots, while the other 64 counties (using legal methods) change their recounts by less than 30 votes either way! Significantly, the recount results DO require that approximately 900 ballots be "blank" or "protest votes (originally) before tampering. From the first set of 45,000 tampered ballots, there would no "blank ballots" for the Presidential election - all would have an original vote, or be blank from a protest vote and be filled in by the original double-punching. Further, no additional double-punching could be done, or an additional 15,000 presidential votes would be canceled during the recount. However, the recount processed all ballots again, and thus allowed 900 "selected" blank ballots to be "newly counted" - rather than being left blank as in the original. The key to prosecuting the criminals involved: maintaining the double-punched ballots separate in the order they were originally received, and under evidentiary control for later prosecution. 1. RECOUNTING them by hand, recording the remainder of the votes on the ballot. Gloves are required to avoid contaminating the fingerprint evidence (if any) of who handled the ballots. Also, if available, precinct numbers of which precinct processed should be kept with the ballot. Note that continuing the "hand-recount" effort (as now demanded by the Democrats) will destroy any fingerprint evidence available, since all judges are handling the ballots with no protection.. 2. Finding out the order of the double punched ballots (in groups, one-by-one, or only at the top of box of ballots) will yield forensic evidence to indicate how the fraud was done, and who did it. 3. Looking for a pattern of tears, hanging remnants of paper, and misshapen holes - a pattern that will appear ONLY in those ballots that have duplicated votes - I have used this kind of paper-punch ballot for many years here in GA. A "valid" hole is created when you punch the ballot above the hole in the voting booth. IF the ballot has been "stacked" together and many ballots were punched at one time - the stacked ballots will have remnants, paper tears, misaligned holes, and oddly shaped holes......It is these violated 15,000 Bush votes that Gore wants to declare "Gore" votes....further violating the legal Bush vote already discarded by the voting machine. 4. The fraudulent double-punched ballots will show double punches ONLY in the presidential race....and no other errors in other races that are properly punched. A "valid error" in the first race (the presidential race) that was detected by the voter and replaced with another ballot - WILL NOT BE RECORDED. THOSE BALLOTS WOULD HAVE BEEN REPLACED ALREADY by the election official and the replacement put in the ballot box. 5. The double-punched ballots will ALWAYS include a Gore vote....legitimate errors will have randomly distributed errors in every position.... If the ballots include an overwhelming number of number of "Bush + Gore" votes, and almost no "Bush + Buchanan" votes, then that proves that this set of ballots were tampered with and never counted in the first place ... because the voting machine discards double punched ballots.. IF the ballots include "no" (or very few) Bush + Buchanan, or "Buchanan + somebody + Gore votes" else....then it shows that they were deliberately tampered with to exclude (throw out) otherwise valid Bush votes. There has been speculation that the tampering may have involved Buchanan duplicates "accidentally" punched in several thousand ballots cases by double-punching the Buchanan position. This creates a Buchanan "double-punch" rather than a "Gore" double punch. The same evidentiary and analysis rules apply. The result, as far as Bush is concerned, are the same. The valid Bush vote is voided, not by a Gore + Bush double punch, but by a Buchanan + Bush double punch. Any Gore votes in the group accidentally double-punched will be voided as well. Obviously.... Every tampered ballot WILL include a GORE vote, if the double punch was done by a Gore operative inserting a false Gore vote. Of all double-punched ballots, a certain number (0.3% of the original 460,000 ballots, or 7-9% of the 19,120 double-punched ballots) will contain "true" errors randomly spread among all the contenders. Or if an "error" was made in the tampering, the pattern would be a massive number of Gore + Buchanan and Buchanan + Bush double-punched ballots, plus the same 7% of randomly generated errors spread among all contenders. Further, if an error in double-punching fraud occurred, it is reasonable to assume that the error did not occur every time. The ratio of Gore + Buchanan and Gore + Bush and Buchanan + Bush ballots may vary between precincts, depending on how long the puncher was "confused" and how many operatives got "confused" between the Buchanan button and the Gore button. The combination of deliberate double-punched Gore + valid vote" ballots and confused "Buchanan + valid vote" ballots will total 19120 ballots. Approximately 1400 ballots will be random errors, and the remainder, deliberate (or accidental!) double-punched ballots To verify this.... count the doubled ballots, list each with what OTHER votes were cast. Almost NO "legitimate" Gore voter would choose other Republican choices, or at least very, very few would .. IF almost all of the Bush + Gore ballots had mostly Republican choices, or blanks where there is a Democrat running unopposed, then that shows additional evidence where a Bush vote was destroyed. ONLY when a Gore + Buchanan ballot shows almost all Democrats is there the potential for "confusion": these few ballots will show the few cases where some Gore supporter actually got confused! A Buchanan + Gore vote with a reform Party vote for Senator is evidence of a Buchanan vote that got destroyed. Approximately 2000 of these ballots are expected. There is a definite possibility that the double-punch fraud involves the Buchanan presidential vote being duplicated - either accidentally (by error!) of a Gore operative double-punching the wrong ballot hole, or by a Buchanan operative adding votes for his candidate. The Democratic cover-up by Election Officials began before the ballots were "officially counted. Massive and continuing publicity that declares "voter confusion" before the ballots are "counted" or results released indicates that the "double-punch" error was known before the ballots were totaled "officially." Palm Beach County was one the last counties in Florida to release its voting results, and the Palm Beach County results were critical in a last minute "surge" in Gore votes that reduced Bush's lead from 50,000 votes (in Florida overall) to less than 1500. Late delivery of votes, with the specific precinct vote count delayed until the required number of votes is known, is classic symptom of local election fraud. It DOES NOT prove fraud, but late delivery of vote results is the most common way of tampering with the vote, and is essential if ballot tampering is involved in the vote fraud. Late delivery of fraudulent votes has happened in several previous democratic elections at the national level, showing that the individuals involved had close knowledge of previous fraud and its successes. Local Democrat officials are claiming that these are "double -punched! They know...and were told early this morning! to collect 3000 old folks who could claim they were confused...They quickly needed a cover story to explain that the ballots were "confusing" to create the 3000 Gore - Buchanan "voters" that they need. But in the remaining two days after the elections, no local democratic officials can physically identify the required number (19,120) "confused" witnesses who can attest to actually double-punching ballots. ANY citizen who realized that they double-punched a ballot at the polling booth was able to exchange ballots and resubmit his choices. IT IS CRITICAL TO UNDERSTAND THAT THESE "REPLACED" BALLOTS WERE SET ASIDE IMMEDIATELY, AND WERE NEVER COUNTED IN THE MACHINES. The 19,120 double-punched ballots include ONLY those actually an error (approximately 1300) and those double-punched by fraud. Note, after the first two days, the local party officials have softened their rhetoric and are only claiming "hundreds" of "confused voters." Again, no actual lists of these citizens have been released for confirmation or interviews by investigators. Further evidence of deliberate double-punching of ballots, and perhaps of making an error in the fraud itself by double-punching a Buchanan hole rather than a Gore hole is the immediate cover-up effort by democratic officials. The national Democratic Party hired a Texas telemarketing firm to call several thousand voters in Palm beach County late Tuesday night specifically to "prompt" Palm Beach citizens to declare "they were confused" by the ballots, and specifically to declare being "confused" between the Gore and Buchanan ballot positions. Further, the national democratic telemarketing campaign was instructing users in what to claim ballot positions to be "confused" with, and was specifically prompting the people that they called to declare a "Buchanan-Gore" confusion on Tuesday night, before midnight. This was approximately 5 hours BEFORE the Palm Beach results were released. Also, national democratic teams were in flight to Palm Beach immediately after midnight, again before the results were officially known to anyone. This indicates that democratic leaders at the precinct level (and thus the national level) knew about the "confusion" (accidentally/incorrectly double-punched Buchanan ballots) BEFORE the Palm Beach votes were counted, and several hours before they were released to the Florida election officials. Note too that this telemarketing campaign began before the Palm Beach results were announced. Before anyone (other than election officials) knew how any double-punched ballots existed, nor which ballot choices (for president) were double-punched. No democratic source has ever offered proof of this "vast number" of confused voters, and no Democratic operative has offered any explanation why "confusion" needs to be advertised and prompted for in a telemarketing phone blitz at any time other than this elections. This indicates that the actual number of voters actually "confused" is minor, and further indicates that the Gore-Buchanan "confusion" may exist ) The individuals who are suing now to revote that ballots are experienced democratic officials, donors, and activists - on even a formerly elected official. Democratic officials in Palm Beach County have not been able to explain why 15,000 ballots were double-punched in 1996 AND in 2000. The "butterfly ballots were NOT used in the previous Presidential election. Thus, there is a pattern not of massive error by the voters, but of continued fraud by the Democratic election committee members and local officials. Further indication of deliberate fraud is that there is no evidence of previous massive "voter error" in Democratic primaries, Democratic runoff's, or Congressional races the past years. Specifically, Massive "voter confusion" does appear in the democratic primaries (where Democratic votes must be accurate!) and where there was little effective opposition to the Democratic Congressman (Waxler) Symptoms of voter fraud by double punching will stand out by the number of the doubled punches, and by the remaining choices on the ballet. A Republican voter will have in almost every case have punched Bush + several other Republican candidates. So look for how many "Bush + Gore" ballots have mostly Republican choices below. THESE ARE FRAUDS. They represent Bush votes that were stolen. There are about 15,000 of these ballots. A "true" Buchanan voter would have punched Buchanan and a mix of other candidates....A Libertarian voter would most likely be choosing a variety of flowing positions, depending on his personal opinion of freedom and regulation. There will be about 2000-3000 of these ballots. A "mistaken" "Gore + Buchanan" voter would ALMOST CERTAINLY have chosen the Democrats in the rest of the ballot.....or, IF AS THEY CLAIM, those "Gore + Buchanan" voters that were "told to push the second hole" really meant "only followed directions" ---- THEN the rest of the ballot would be solid Democrat, or blank. There will be approximately 0.3% of the total ballots used (1380 out of 460,000) that are legitimate errors or protest votes with a several candidates selected. NOT "confused" 15,000 Bush voters in 1996....and 15,000 other "confused" Dole and Perot voters in 2000. Consider that there are very many other particles in the universe which will have relative motion with respect to A and B and that for any component of velocity which each and every other particle may have which is perpendicular to a plane coincident with the line A-B that emerging from the locations of A and B will be generated such vector fields that will also produce an attractive interaction between A and B. Every one of those vector fields will be nonlocal to the particles A and B and nonlocal to each other so that the total force calculated will be related to the sum of the individual forces produced in each frame and each individual force will be related to the magnitude of the relative motion (velocity) of each and every other particle in the universe because it is by that velocity that is determined the magnitude of dE/dt in each and every case. If two nearby particles of the same charge are in the same rest frame (overlapping in momentum space) and if they both entered that momentum space at the same time then the maximum time that will pass before they can interact is T(max)=Dp/2c but if they did not come into the same momentum space at the same instant then T(max)=(Dp-c(t2-t1))/2c where Dp is the interparticle distance, t1 is the time that the first particle enters a given momentum space and t2 is time that the second particle enters that same momentum space and t2=t1, c(t2-t1)=Dp, and c is the speed of light. If the two particles obtain to a common momentum space at the same instant so that t2=t1 then T(max)=Dp/2c. If c(t2-t1)=Dp then T(max)=0 and the particles will immediately begin to interact. not a chance. as D gets very large, the time gets very large too would this constitute spooky action at a distance? here's where i get off. sorry. Oh looky. You're using catch-phrases linked with knee jerk reactions. How cute. That's real 'scientific' of you. well, until i can see someone move things without touching them, i won't believe in telekinesis either. illusions, notwithstanding. nothing knee jerk about it. if it doesn't happen in the real world, its "pseudoscience" to me. You need to pay attention to the implications of Maxwell's equations. Particularly 1) Del X H = permittivity dE/dt If you have a charged particle, A, and some other particle, B, at any given distance begins to have relative motion with respect to it (with respect to A, that is) then in that particle's rest frame (B's rest frame) but perhaps very far from it that Del X H vector field will begin to emerge. It certainly isn't in A's frame since A cannot move with respect to itself. This emergence of the Del X H vector field is an immediate effect of B's motion with respect to A because A represents the source of an electric field that, by virtue of its relative motion with respect to B, is changing. A del X H vector field (mathematical description of a magnetic field) arises around a charged particle on a plane normal to the translational axis of motion of that charged particle. That motion is distinct and related only to the relative motion of some one other quantum particle (see axiom 1). The vector field is not detectable from the particle's rest frame but nevertheless it begins to arise immediately with the relative motion of some remote particle. i thought Einstein invented the idea of rest frames with his theory of relativity. I don't think he invented the idea of rest frames. He used the notion but I don't think there's any reason to believe that he's the person who originally came up with the concept. As n increases the probability will reach unity. Continuing to increase n will then mean that statistically the probability that more than one particle will be overlapping in momentum space with any given particle for some small given increment of time is = 1. As n increases then not just 3 particles, then 4 and so on will be overlapping in the same momentum space. This implies that n particles will be divided into j number of momentum spaces each occupied by k number of particles so that j*k=n. I suggest that there is a ratio between pairs of particles that are overlapping in momentum space and pairs of particles that are not overlapping in momentum space and that raising the temperature of a confined fusion fuel gas will not alter that ratio. This is important because I am suggesting that only those nuclei which are overlapping in momentum space can ever achieve nuclear fusion. This means that to achieve a successful design of a nuclear fusion reactor (one that is constantly at over breakeven) that a means must be found to fundamentally alter the ratio between pairs of fusion fuel nuclei that are overlapping in momentum space with respect to those pairs that are not. I've found the solution to this problem (controlling the momentum states of large numbers of fusion fuel nuclei) but I first need to convince the general physics community that if Maxwell's equations are true then that means that elementary charged particles must behave opposite to the expectations of Coulomb's Law if they are overlapping in momentum space. Now all of this is really very simple but in its simplicity it has destroyed the foundational assumptions behind the operations of stars because it demonstrates that star cannot possibly operate according to popularly accepted theories, that they cannot collapse into black holes. When we apply the fact If you reject this then you also must reject Maxwell's equations. as dull as i am, Maxwell or Einstein don't preclude each other, as far as I know. The fact is that there are very many remote particles in the universe which have relative motion with respect to any one given elementary charged particle and the relative motion of each of them produces a unique and distinct vector field emanating from the subject particle's location. Each of those vector fields are nonlocal to the particle and to each other. I know that you probably can't actually put this together in your head so it is likely that you will reject it. dumb it down for me. It already is dumbed down. I take pains to write exactly what I mean. Because in a universe of n particles any one particle can have n-1 motions then with respect to each particular motion which is a specific instance of relative motion with respect to some one other quantum particle (see Axiom 1) a Del X H vector field will be produced. Therefore n-1 such Del X H vector fields will exist surrounding the particle but none of them are in the same momentum space (this isn't strictly true as there would be a finite number of other particles in the same momentum space). In fact we could suggest that there are j particles in each momentum space and there are k possible momentum spaces so that j*k=n. But this only means that there are j*(k-1) particles each whose relative motion acts as the generator of a del X H vector field which would emerge from a given elementary charged particle. As n increases the probability will reach unity. Continuing to increase n will then mean that statistically the probability that more than one particle will be overlapping in momentum space with any given particle for some small given increment of time is = 1. As n increases then not just 3 particles, then 4 and so on will be overlapping in the same momentum space. This implies that n particles will be divided into j number of momentum spaces each occupied by k number of particles so that j*k=n. I suggest that there is a ratio between pairs of particles that are overlapping in momentum space and pairs of particles that are not overlapping in momentum space and that raising the temperature of a confined fusion fuel gas will not alter that ratio. This is important because I am suggesting that only those nuclei which are overlapping in momentum space can ever achieve nuclear fusion. This means that to achieve a successful design of a nuclear fusion reactor (one that is constantly at over breakeven) that a means must be found to fundamentally alter the ratio between pairs of fusion fuel nuclei that are overlapping in momentum space with respect to those pairs that are not. I've found the solution to this problem (controlling the momentum states of large numbers of fusion fuel nuclei) but I first need to convince the general physics community that if Maxwell's equations are true then that means that elementary charged particles must behave opposite to the expectations of Coulomb's Law if they are overlapping in momentum space. Now all of this is really very simple but in its simplicity it has destroyed the foundational assumptions behind the operations of stars because it demonstrates that star cannot possibly operate according to popularly accepted theories, that they cannot collapse into black holes. When we apply the fact "Explicit statistical evidence of massive ballot tampering in Palm Beach, Fl" Errors only Occurred in Presidential Races? Editor's Note: The following statistical analysis was sent to me by Robert Cook, PE, a nuclear engineer, with an MS in statistical quality control, a software testing specialist and QA manager, who has a track record for analyzing and correcting trends, errors, and mistakes in heavy construction projects (ships, power plants, nuclear reactors, military and aerospace vehicles, etc. for more than twenty years. Robert Cook presents here a remarkable statistical analysis of the Palm Beach presidential ballot controversy that deserves serious investigation. He says that the controversial 19,120 Presidential race ballots at issue there were "destroyed by deliberate double-punching ballots in Palm Beach County FL with a 'second punch' for Al Gore or Pat Buchanan. (In 1996, an additional 15,000 Dole and Perot ballots were destroyed by double-punching presidential ballots in Palm Beach County, FL. *) 09 November, 2000 By: Robert A. Cook, PE 425 Franklin Road, #520 Marietta, GA 30067 Ref: Statistical evidence establishes beyond reasonable doubt that 19,120 Presidential race ballots were destroyed by deliberate double-punching ballots in Palm Beach County FL with a "second punch" for Al Gore or Pat Buchanan. (In 1996, an additional 15,000 Dole and Perot ballots were destroyed by double-punching presidential ballots in Palm Beach County, FL. *) The national error rate of double-punching ballots is less than 1/2 of one percent, or at most, 1800 ballots in all of Palm Beach County, with the errors between all races and all candidates. 19,120 double punched ballots -all in one race, with "errors" only occurring two Presidential races against Republican opposition - is 33,000 "too many" to be an accident. References: (*9 Nov, 2000 CNN; Jim Smith, Former Florida Secretary of State; WSJ, 11-10-2000) (San Diego Union-Tribune, Nov 10, 2000, page A-12, Local Figure on Double Voting Only 0.3%; Haas Sees Red Flag in Florida Totals; by Caitlin Rother) (Los Vegas Sun, Nov 10, 2000. Statistics Point To More Than Random Error in Florida Vote; by Jace Radke) The news media is utterly focused on the Democratic Party spin that voters were "confused" in Palm Beach, FL. They are ignoring the 15,000 Bush and 3,400 Buchanan votes that statistical evidence can show were stolen by fraud in these 19,120 ballots. There is explicit statistical evidence of massive ballot tampering in Palm Beach FL. These ballots show Democratic voter fraud....NOT Republican fraud or "voter error" as publicized by the national media. Statistical evidence cannot prove any single ballot was tampered with, nor show which individual tampered with any single ballot. It can show specific places and times and methods where the fraud was done. (For example, if 15,000 dollars are missing from the register the day after your cashier left on a Los Vegas vacation, there is no direct evidence that the cashier stole the money. If, however, 19,120 dollars are missing from the register the next year when the cashier again leaves for vacation in Los Vegas, one has reason to investigate the cashier closely.) Consider these "unusual" ballot problems in Palm Beach, FL - every one of them adds more Gore votes, and removed Republican and Reform party votes. ONLY Palm Beach County Florida voters seem incapable of understanding and using this style of ballot. Palm Beach County has an error rate TEN TIMES larger than reported in ANY other county in the nation using paper punch ballots! No information is available about the number of ballots invalidated for previous primary, state, and the 1998 Congressional votes. Unless an equal number (equal proportion of "invalid ballots" per primary voter) of ballots was double-punched in the 1996 primaries, the 1998 primaries, and the 1998 Congressional races ..... the Palm Beach election officials are specifically guilty of deliberate ballot tampering fraud in the year 2000 Presidential elections.) ONLY in Palm Beach FL were 15,000 ballots "invalidated" (for double punched ballots) in the 1996 Presidential election. (This is almost unique among the entire nation! (Certain central city Democratic precincts in Chicago reported 120,000 double-punched ballots; and Duval County in Florida reported 22,000 double-punched ballots. Neither used the same arrangement of candidates as at Palm Beach. This shows that "lining up" buttons was NOT actually an issue at Palm Beach, but was created as an excuse to blame the symptoms of fraud at Palm Beach.) One early excuse given to the national news media by Democratic "spokesmen" to explain the Palm Beach fraud was that people were 'exchanging" their double-punched ballots - and were given new ones...If so, over 26 people per minute "were confused" and voted twice for President! This many errors were supposedly made, detected, and corrected (by handing out new ballots) while no person made any "error" in any other race. This excuse would also mean that more voters were being handed new ballots per minute than new voters were being signed in. (19,120 "double punched" Democratic ballots divided by 12 hours, there are fewer than 100 precincts in Palm Beach County where the precinct level returns are suspect . Significantly, the massive number of errors occurred only in a few of the precincts, and all of those precincts were strongly Democratic. In precinct 144F, for example, there was only one "counted" republican voter for president.) However, the "double-punched" ballots counted in the election were NOT exchanged, and were actually read by the voting machine. They are the symptom and the method of the fraud. There is no reason for this early Democratic Party statement other than that of beginning a cover-up for the double-punched ballots. Not surprisingly, this early fable was not maintained, and has not be repeated. It also has not been retracted or contradicted by follow-up stories in the national news media. ONLY in Palm Beach (and in ONLY the most heavily Democratic precincts) were 19,120 ballots rejected in 2000 for double punching....(This is a 4.4% error rate overall; in the rest of Florida there is less than 1/2 of ONE percent "double punch" error rate! (Unofficially, this error rate was 15% in predominately Afro-American precincts, and 10% in precincts with large numbers of Jewish retirees.) In strongly Republican precincts, the error rate was the "usual" 1/2 of one percent.) San Diego County has 800,000 voters, and (overall) has more senior, retired, minority, and new immigrants than does Palm Beach County. Since all of these were represented the 1992, 1996, and 2000 results in the San Diego double count totals, there can be no excuse for "innocent errors" in Palm Beach. ONLY in Palm Beach did this "double punch" error happen ONLY in the Gore-Bush-Buchanan selections for President. (In a truly random "error," the mistakes happen in every race, all at about the same rate. In Palm Beach, the massive errors (over 19,000) ONLY happened in the Presidential race.) ONLY in Palm Beach has the news media complained about "massive" ballot confusion. In the 43 counties in Missouri, also mostly Democratic voters, which use the same kind of ballot, there are NO complaints about "confused voters" at all. (St Louis Post Dispatch, Nov 8, 2000) Therefore, ONLY in Palm Beach FL do the Democrats have to "explain" a massive number of incorrect votes. ONLY in Palm Beach did Gore GAIN 750 votes in a recount. In 50 out of 67 counties in FL, the actual change in the recount was 5-7 votes, and in 63 out of 67 counties, the total change was less than 30 votes either way. Further, in 63 out of 67 counties the "changes" were somewhat evenly divided between ALL the candidates, in rough proportion to the original number of votes. This is the statistically expected result, and represents a true and legal recount of the ballots without any change in the ballots themselves. This means that Palm Beach FL had an error rate in favor of Gore more than 120 TIMES greater than any other county, (Two other heavily Democratic "inner city" counties (Flagler and Pinellas) had changes greater than 400 votes. Whether or not fraud existed in those counties is possible, but not analyzed here.) In a statistically valid recount, half of the errors would favor Bush, and half favor Gore. This extreme change from the normal in only three counties shows massive "tampering" towards Gore in those three counties between the original machine count (already tainted by fraud.) and the second machine recount. In EVERY precinct in Palm Beach where Gore got more votes than there are registered Democrats., Bush received less than 60% of the registered Republican votes. In NO precinct in Palm Beach County did Bush receive more than 80% of the number of registered Republicans. .... (Absentee ballots were equally distributed by percentage between the two parties at 8% each. Thus, there is specific evidence to show that the "level of interest" in the Presidential election was equal between the two parties.) It is ONLY in the "counted" turnout on Nov 7 that the democrats appear to "remove" 15,000 votes in the Presidential race. Or, it is ONLY in Palm Beach County that more than 20% of the registered Republicans "forgot" to vote for their party's presidential candidate. This 'lack of interest" by the republicans despite equally massive "get-out-the vote" efforts by both parties. As shown by the absentee ballot numbers, there WAS equal interest in the election by both parties; at least until the votes were "totaled". ONLY in Palm Beach did Bush receive LESS than 65% of the registered Republican voters. (Registered Republicans = 231,626 while Bush voters = 152,954.) On average, in every other county in FL Bush received MORE votes than there were registered Republicans. In the rest of the nation, poll results show more than 90% of registered Republicans actively supported the Republican candidate. (Also, unique in the entire state, the percentage of Republican voters COUNTED as voting in Palm Beach was much less than normal, despite the pre-election attention to Florida as a critical state; and massive Republican get - out-the-vote campaigns.) This is very significant when the Republican Senate race is examined. To compare similar counties in Florida, look at the 10 counties in Florida where there are more than 100,000 democratic voters for president. In every one of these counties - EXCEPT Palm Beach County - Gore received FEWER votes than Nelson, the democratic Senate candidate. In Palm Beach county, Gore received slightly more votes than Nelson, which is not by itself statistically significant. However, his "gain" over equally sized counties IS directly proportional to the number of "blank ballets" (or "protest votes") that were cast in Palm Beach County.) However, in 8 of 10 of these counties, Bush led McCollum (the Republican Senate candidate by a major proportional to the county size, with the margin being between 25,000 votes and 4000 votes. McCollum ONLY led Bush in Palm Beach County and Lee County (which is also the focus of fraud due to its change in votes during the recount.) The margin of Bush's lead in two counties close to Palm Beach in population was 15,000 votes and 15,000 - equal to the number of Republican presidential voters "missing" when the number of registered Republicans is checked. The only way this could occur is if 15,000 registered Republican voters went to the polls, and "forgot" to cast their votes for president, or were "confused" and voted twice for President by did NOT replace their ballot at the polling booth; while remembering to correctly and accurately punch 15,000 votes for the Republican Senate candidate. The same number of "missing" Republican votes is found when the four Congressional races involved in Palm Beach County are checked. ONLY in Palm Beach County do the smaller (Congressional) races outdraw the Presidential race. Again, the number of total Republican votes "missing" (not counted in the presidential race) is equal to 15,000 Bush votes destroyed by double punching in the Presidential race. The only way this could occur is if 15,000 registered Republican voters went to the polls, and "forgot" to cast their votes for president, or were "confused" and voted twice for President but did NOT replace their ballot at the polling booth; while remembering to correctly and accurately punch 15,000 votes for the Republican Congressional candidate in their district. When the two "coincidences" of correct votes in two other races are included, it is impossible to accept "confusion" in the presidential race. ONLY in Palm Beach did Buchanan get less than HALF the of votes he received before in 1996. Buchanan's "lost" votes in that county in 2000 were much greater than in any other district in Florida. (Buchanan received over 8,000 votes in 1996 Republican PRIMARY (where only registered Republicans can vote; but he received only 3,407 under the Reform Party from ALL voters in the 2000 Presidential election. (Pat Buchanan has relatives who lives in Palm Beach County, and this local support greatly increase the number of local voters who choose Buchanan, compared to every other region of the country. There are over 14,551 members of the Reform party in Palm Beach County - which indicates that less than 1/5 of the Reform voters voted for their own candidate. The Fraud is NOT whether Gore voters were "confused" and voted for Gore, but rather WHY Reform Party and Libertarian voters were prevented from registering THEIR vote!) Much has been (erroneously) made of the number of apparent Buchanan votes, with some partial observers (paid by the democratic Party officials who started the first lawsuits requesting a recount) claiming that his total vote count "must" be wrong. It is important to note that Buchanan's running mate is the FIRST Afro-American to run for national office. Further, she is only the SECOND woman to run for national office. Given the demographics of the Palm Beach are, and its high concentration of minorities, it is perhaps surprising that Buchanan-Foster didn't get more votes than they are credited with receiving. There is a simple, single explanation for ALL of these 19,120 problems in ONE set of ballots in ONE district in ONE state. 15,000 Bush ballots, and 3,400 more Buchanan ballots, were double-punched to imitate a Gore vote, AFTER legitimate voters left their polling booth. Assume 45,000 ballots were stuck with a stiff wire or pointed tool. It would take somebody a little bit of privacy and about 15 minutes. A ream of paper is 1 inch thick, 45,000 many ballots can be carried by one person in one handcart or box, damaged, and returned to position very quickly. More simply, they could be punched several hundred at a time while the stack is lined before being read at the voting machine - since all the ballots would already be lined up and stacked neatly in order at that time. Originally, 3,000 = Buchanan 15,000 = Bush 25,000 = Gore (Gore has approximately a 2:1 margin over Bush in Palm Beach Cty.) 1,250 = other parties and random existing errors 750 = "blank" or "protest votes"- No vote for President; other spots may be filled in. After .... 3,000 Buchanan + Gore = thrown out. 15,000 Bush + Gore = thrown out. 25,000 Gore (+ Gore) = GOOD VOTES for Gore = counted already 1,250 + others + Gore = thrown out. 750 = "blank" + Gore = Gore additional "free" votes Stamping 45,000 ballots with a tool (or other device) THROUGH the Gore slot gives: Every Gore vote = still a valid Gore vote. (No change in the total, no change in the recount.) Every Bush, Buchanan, Workers Party, and Libertarian Party ballot IS IMMEDIATELY INVALID. They will be thrown out because they have two votes. They NEVER were counted in the first place = no change in the recount. The double-punch occurs ONLY in the presidential race, and no position on the ballot is disturbed. All other races are correctly counted. EVERY ballot that had no vote (a "protest vote" against both major candidates) becomes a Gore vote. All other races on the ballot are not disturbed, and are correctly counted. Evidence of fraud by selectively punching "empty" or "protest" ballots before the recount. Statewide, 2% of the voters deliberately chose NOT to select a presidential candidate. 2% of 45,000 ballots is 900, statistically equal to the 950 "votes" changed into 750 Gore votes, and 150 Bush votes during the recount. It is statistically impossible (odds of over 149 million to 1) to have ONE county out of 67 change its recount votes by over 900 votes if it is counting untainted, unaltered ballots, while the other 64 counties (using legal methods) change their recounts by less than 30 votes either way! Significantly, the recount results DO require that approximately 900 ballots be "blank" or "protest votes (originally) before tampering. From the first set of 45,000 tampered ballots, there would no "blank ballots" for the Presidential election - all would have an original vote, or be blank from a protest vote and be filled in by the original double-punching. Further, no additional double-punching could be done, or an additional 15,000 presidential votes would be canceled during the recount. However, the recount processed all ballots again, and thus allowed 900 "selected" blank ballots to be "newly counted" - rather than being left blank as in the original. The key to prosecuting the criminals involved: maintaining the double-punched ballots separate in the order they were originally received, and under evidentiary control for later prosecution. 1. RECOUNTING them by hand, recording the remainder of the votes on the ballot. Gloves are required to avoid contaminating the fingerprint evidence (if any) of who handled the ballots. Also, if available, precinct numbers of which precinct processed should be kept with the ballot. Note that continuing the "hand-recount" effort (as now demanded by the Democrats) will destroy any fingerprint evidence available, since all judges are handling the ballots with no protection.. 2. Finding out the order of the double punched ballots (in groups, one-by-one, or only at the top of box of ballots) will yield forensic evidence to indicate how the fraud was done, and who did it. 3. Looking for a pattern of tears, hanging remnants of paper, and misshapen holes - a pattern that will appear ONLY in those ballots that have duplicated votes - I have used this kind of paper-punch ballot for many years here in GA. A "valid" hole is created when you punch the ballot above the hole in the voting booth. IF the ballot has been "stacked" together and many ballots were punched at one time - the stacked ballots will have remnants, paper tears, misaligned holes, and oddly shaped holes......It is these violated 15,000 Bush votes that Gore wants to declare "Gore" votes....further violating the legal Bush vote already discarded by the voting machine. 4. The fraudulent double-punched ballots will show double punches ONLY in the presidential race....and no other errors in other races that are properly punched. A "valid error" in the first race (the presidential race) that was detected by the voter and replaced with another ballot - WILL NOT BE RECORDED. THOSE BALLOTS WOULD HAVE BEEN REPLACED ALREADY by the election official and the replacement put in the ballot box. 5. The double-punched ballots will ALWAYS include a Gore vote....legitimate errors will have randomly distributed errors in every position.... If the ballots include an overwhelming number of number of "Bush + Gore" votes, and almost no "Bush + Buchanan" votes, then that proves that this set of ballots were tampered with and never counted in the first place ... because the voting machine discards double punched ballots.. IF the ballots include "no" (or very few) Bush + Buchanan, or "Buchanan + somebody + Gore votes" else....then it shows that they were deliberately tampered with to exclude (throw out) otherwise valid Bush votes. There has been speculation that the tampering may have involved Buchanan duplicates "accidentally" punched in several thousand ballots cases by double-punching the Buchanan position. This creates a Buchanan "double-punch" rather than a "Gore" double punch. The same evidentiary and analysis rules apply. The result, as far as Bush is concerned, are the same. The valid Bush vote is voided, not by a Gore + Bush double punch, but by a Buchanan + Bush double punch. Any Gore votes in the group accidentally double-punched will be voided as well. Obviously.... Every tampered ballot WILL include a GORE vote, if the double punch was done by a Gore operative inserting a false Gore vote. Of all double-punched ballots, a certain number (0.3% of the original 460,000 ballots, or 7-9% of the 19,120 double-punched ballots) will contain "true" errors randomly spread among all the contenders. Or if an "error" was made in the tampering, the pattern would be a massive number of Gore + Buchanan and Buchanan + Bush double-punched ballots, plus the same 7% of randomly generated errors spread among all contenders. Further, if an error in double-punching fraud occurred, it is reasonable to assume that the error did not occur every time. The ratio of Gore + Buchanan and Gore + Bush and Buchanan + Bush ballots may vary between precincts, depending on how long the puncher was "confused" and how many operatives got "confused" between the Buchanan button and the Gore button. The combination of deliberate double-punched Gore + valid vote" ballots and confused "Buchanan + valid vote" ballots will total 19120 ballots. Approximately 1400 ballots will be random errors, and the remainder, deliberate (or accidental!) double-punched ballots To verify this.... count the doubled ballots, list each with what OTHER votes were cast. Almost NO "legitimate" Gore voter would choose other Republican choices, or at least very, very few would .. IF almost all of the Bush + Gore ballots had mostly Republican choices, or blanks where there is a Democrat running unopposed, then that shows additional evidence where a Bush vote was destroyed. ONLY when a Gore + Buchanan ballot shows almost all Democrats is there the potential for "confusion": these few ballots will show the few cases where some Gore supporter actually got confused! A Buchanan + Gore vote with a reform Party vote for Senator is evidence of a Buchanan vote that got destroyed. Approximately 2000 of these ballots are expected. There is a definite possibility that the double-punch fraud involves the Buchanan presidential vote being duplicated - either accidentally (by error!) of a Gore operative double-punching the wrong ballot hole, or by a Buchanan operative adding votes for his candidate. The Democratic cover-up by Election Officials began before the ballots were "officially counted. Massive and continuing publicity that declares "voter confusion" before the ballots are "counted" or results released indicates that the "double-punch" error was known before the ballots were totaled "officially." Palm Beach County was one the last counties in Florida to release its voting results, and the Palm Beach County results were critical in a last minute "surge" in Gore votes that reduced Bush's lead from 50,000 votes (in Florida overall) to less than 1500. Late delivery of votes, with the specific precinct vote count delayed until the required number of votes is known, is classic symptom of local election fraud. It DOES NOT prove fraud, but late delivery of vote results is the most common way of tampering with the vote, and is essential if ballot tampering is involved in the vote fraud. Late delivery of fraudulent votes has happened in several previous democratic elections at the national level, showing that the individuals involved had close knowledge of previous fraud and its successes. Local Democrat officials are claiming that these are "double -punched! They know...and were told early this morning! to collect 3000 old folks who could claim they were confused...They quickly needed a cover story to explain that the ballots were "confusing" to create the 3000 Gore - Buchanan "voters" that they need. But in the remaining two days after the elections, no local democratic officials can physically identify the required number (19,120) "confused" witnesses who can attest to actually double-punching ballots. ANY citizen who realized that they double-punched a ballot at the polling booth was able to exchange ballots and resubmit his choices. IT IS CRITICAL TO UNDERSTAND THAT THESE "REPLACED" BALLOTS WERE SET ASIDE IMMEDIATELY, AND WERE NEVER COUNTED IN THE MACHINES. The 19,120 double-punched ballots include ONLY those actually an error (approximately 1300) and those double-punched by fraud. Note, after the first two days, the local party officials have softened their rhetoric and are only claiming "hundreds" of "confused voters." Again, no actual lists of these citizens have been released for confirmation or interviews by investigators. Further evidence of deliberate double-punching of ballots, and perhaps of making an error in the fraud itself by double-punching a Buchanan hole rather than a Gore hole is the immediate cover-up effort by democratic officials. The national Democratic Party hired a Texas telemarketing firm to call several thousand voters in Palm beach County late Tuesday night specifically to "prompt" Palm Beach citizens to declare "they were confused" by the ballots, and specifically to declare being "confused" between the Gore and Buchanan ballot positions. Further, the national democratic telemarketing campaign was instructing users in what to claim ballot positions to be "confused" with, and was specifically prompting the people that they called to declare a "Buchanan-Gore" confusion on Tuesday night, before midnight. This was approximately 5 hours BEFORE the Palm Beach results were released. Also, national democratic teams were in flight to Palm Beach immediately after midnight, again before the results were officially known to anyone. This indicates that democratic leaders at the precinct level (and thus the national level) knew about the "confusion" (accidentally/incorrectly double-punched Buchanan ballots) BEFORE the Palm Beach votes were counted, and several hours before they were released to the Florida election officials. Note too that this telemarketing campaign began before the Palm Beach results were announced. Before anyone (other than election officials) knew how any double-punched ballots existed, nor which ballot choices (for president) were double-punched. No democratic source has ever offered proof of this "vast number" of confused voters, and no Democratic operative has offered any explanation why "confusion" needs to be advertised and prompted for in a telemarketing phone blitz at any time other than this elections. This indicates that the actual number of voters actually "confused" is minor, and further indicates that the Gore-Buchanan "confusion" may exist ) The individuals who are suing now to revote that ballots are experienced democratic officials, donors, and activists - on even a formerly elected official. Democratic officials in Palm Beach County have not been able to explain why 15,000 ballots were double-punched in 1996 AND in 2000. The "butterfly ballots were NOT used in the previous Presidential election. Thus, there is a pattern not of massive error by the voters, but of continued fraud by the Democratic election committee members and local officials. Further indication of deliberate fraud is that there is no evidence of previous massive "voter error" in Democratic primaries, Democratic runoff's, or Congressional races the past years. Specifically, Massive "voter confusion" does appear in the democratic primaries (where Democratic votes must be accurate!) and where there was little effective opposition to the Democratic Congressman (Waxler) Symptoms of voter fraud by double punching will stand out by the number of the doubled punches, and by the remaining choices on the ballet. A Republican voter will have in almost every case have punched Bush + several other Republican candidates. So look for how many "Bush + Gore" ballots have mostly Republican choices below. THESE ARE FRAUDS. They represent Bush votes that were stolen. There are about 15,000 of these ballots. A "true" Buchanan voter would have punched Buchanan and a mix of other candidates....A Libertarian voter would most likely be choosing a variety of flowing positions, depending on his personal opinion of freedom and regulation. There will be about 2000-3000 of these ballots. A "mistaken" "Gore + Buchanan" voter would ALMOST CERTAINLY have chosen the Democrats in the rest of the ballot.....or, IF AS THEY CLAIM, those "Gore + Buchanan" voters that were "told to push the second hole" really meant "only followed directions" ---- THEN the rest of the ballot would be solid Democrat, or blank. There will be approximately 0.3% of the total ballots used (1380 out of 460,000) that are legitimate errors or protest votes with a several candidates selected. NOT "confused" 15,000 Bush voters in 1996....and 15,000 other "confused" Dole and Perot voters in 2000. But what you don't realize because of your extreme intellectual dullness is that to reject this you have to also reject Maxwell's equations. Go ahead, though. That's your last resort. See, you're caught like a rat in the trap of logic and there's no way out except for you to just go into a state of denial. hold me by the hand and lead me to acceptance. so far you have nothing but thought experiments and hope. come up with a definitive exclusive argument and experiment. you already have a hypothesis. take it to the next level. I have taken it to many levels beyond but you're not being astute enough to follow along. Wake up. Pay attention. These aren't just thought experiments but reflections on how one considers the real physics of Axiom 1) coupled with Maxwell's equations. Two particles that obtain to a common momentum space at the same instant in time that are on the order of 10 nuclear diameters apart (5e-14 meters) will begin to interact in a maximum time of 8.337E-23 seconds. This force, which if between nuclei will be strongly attractively interactive, is a short time scale force which means that particles which could interact will have to be on the order of a mean free path distance apart from one another and that T(max) has to be on the order of the mean free path flight time. Particles for which Dp the mean free path will likely be perturbed before the reaction can begin. So, this force, which is normally interpreted as the nuclear strong force is not so much a short distance scale or short range force but rather a short time scale availability force and you can see that it is entirely electromagnetic in character. Also, this force is the sum of the forces generated by the number of particles which have motion with respect to A and B so it is a very strong force as well as being a short time scale availability force. I used the terms 'local' and 'nonlocal' in a manner which may be a little nonstandard so please let me explain how I mean them. Definition: nonlocal; adjective, A good definition here is a quote from Nick Herbert's, Quantum Reality, p. 214,Anchor paperback: "A nonlocal interaction is, in short, unmediated, unmitigated, and immediate." Nonlocal interactions do not diminish with distance, "They are as potent at a million miles as at a millimeter." Nonlocal interactions are not delayed in time. "Nonlocal influences act instantaneously." Nonlocal interactions are unmediated. "...no amount of interposed matter can shield this interaction." He tells us nonlocal interactions are not limited to light speed. Consider two particles A and B which suddenly have relative motion between them. As stated earlier a vector field will emanate from B's location due to A's relative motion. Now it doesn't matter how far away B is from A when they first achieve relative motion. They can be light years apart but as soon as they begin to have relative motion A causes a field to emanate from B's location and B causes a field to emanate from A's location. this is patently BS This is the part where when you say that 'this is patently BS' you are simultaneously saying that Maxwell's equations are BS. You've just never had the wit sense of humor? i'm laughing on the inside. to actually work out the implications of Axiom 1) coupled with Maxwell's equations. You're simply not smart enough to get it. nothing can travel at the speed of light. there's no exclusion to travelling faster. do a rapid sketch of the Lorentz equations and note the available spaces and asymptotic limits. c is one of them. now, if you are talking tachyons and reaction before action, and can prove it, then you'd be saying something. i gotta admire your tenacity, if nothing else. Pay attention. Relationships and changes to them are immediate. You've been painted into a corner and you don't like it so you're knee jerk reaction is rejection. Too bad that you reject certainty in physics. hmmm. seems that its not me that rejecting objective reality. find an experimental flaw in Coulomb's law. bet you can't, thought experiments aside. Cooper Pairing is one. The existence of multiple protons in the nuclei of atoms is another. Right in front of you like the purloined letter but you've accepted alternative explanations for both of these examples. The field emanating from A's location is nonlocally generated per Herbert's description but it also happens to an unobservable with respect to A's vantage point or rest frame simply because A cannot move with respect to itself and hence vary its electric field with respect to itself. So, in this sense it is also not present in A's frame and hence in this context is also not local to A. In the same context it is local to B because it is in B's rest frame even though it will take an amount of time which is equal to the distance between A and B divided by the speed of light for it to physically be present at B's location. X2 What a loon you are. A charged particle cannot move with respect to itself and hence the magnetic field generated by its relative motion which Maxwell's equations depict as Del X H cannot be in the rest frame fo the particle itself. It cannot be local to the particle from which it appears to emanate. true enough. however, the field can only effect another particle within the light cone included by the time between cause and effect. Great. I agree. But if A and B are within say 10 nuclear diameters of each other and suddenly drop into the same momentum space then the relative motion of some remote particle, C, will bring about the emergence of a pair of vector fields, one from A and one from B. As soon as those fields can come in contact with each other which will be in a length of time equal to half of their interparticle distance divided by the speed of light then the particles will begin to interact. Now it doesn't matter how far away C is just so there is some component of its relative velocity which is normal to the plane containing A and B. Consider that there are very many other particles in the universe each of which has some component of its velocity normal to a plane containing A and B. Definition: overlapping in momentum space or occupying common momentum space - Two particles which have a common de Broglie wavelength [calculated from a center of momentum frame] that is equal to or greater than the interparticle distance can be said to be overlapping in momentum space or occupying a common momentum space. This is just a direct manner which one may quantify what it means for two particles to be 'at rest' with respect to one another without requiring that there be no motion at all. if i can paraphrase, what you are saying is that any two or more particles that happen to have an overlapping wave function are already interacting? You not only mis-paraphrased but you did a really bad job of it, too. I've never hinted that two particles which are overlapping in momentum space are already in a state of interaction. This can occur in specific instances as I pointed out earlier but it is not a generalization. the paraphrase comes with your contention that spooky action at a distance is valid. if so, there are no limits to how far this effect is felt. oh. i get it. if B, then A. ???? No, you don't get it. You're still using a catchphrase which isn't physically valid. It would be spookier if the motion of a remote particle did not generate a vector field emerging from a charged particle. It would mean that Maxwell's equations aren't consistent with reality. "Explicit statistical evidence of massive ballot tampering in Palm Beach, Fl" Errors only Occurred in Presidential Races? Editor's Note: The following statistical analysis was sent to me by Robert Cook, PE, a nuclear engineer, with an MS in statistical quality control, a software testing specialist and QA manager, who has a track record for analyzing and correcting trends, errors, and mistakes in heavy construction projects (ships, power plants, nuclear reactors, military and aerospace vehicles, etc. for more than twenty years. Robert Cook presents here a remarkable statistical analysis of the Palm Beach presidential ballot controversy that deserves serious investigation. He says that the controversial 19,120 Presidential race ballots at issue there were "destroyed by deliberate double-punching ballots in Palm Beach County FL with a 'second punch' for Al Gore or Pat Buchanan. (In 1996, an additional 15,000 Dole and Perot ballots were destroyed by double-punching presidential ballots in Palm Beach County, FL. *) 09 November, 2000 By: Robert A. Cook, PE 425 Franklin Road, #520 Marietta, GA 30067 Ref: Statistical evidence establishes beyond reasonable doubt that 19,120 Presidential race ballots were destroyed by deliberate double-punching ballots in Palm Beach County FL with a "second punch" for Al Gore or Pat Buchanan. (In 1996, an additional 15,000 Dole and Perot ballots were destroyed by double-punching presidential ballots in Palm Beach County, FL. *) The national error rate of double-punching ballots is less than 1/2 of one percent, or at most, 1800 ballots in all of Palm Beach County, with the errors between all races and all candidates. 19,120 double punched ballots -all in one race, with "errors" only occurring two Presidential races against Republican opposition - is 33,000 "too many" to be an accident. References: (*9 Nov, 2000 CNN; Jim Smith, Former Florida Secretary of State; WSJ, 11-10-2000) (San Diego Union-Tribune, Nov 10, 2000, page A-12, Local Figure on Double Voting Only 0.3%; Haas Sees Red Flag in Florida Totals; by Caitlin Rother) (Los Vegas Sun, Nov 10, 2000. Statistics Point To More Than Random Error in Florida Vote; by Jace Radke) The news media is utterly focused on the Democratic Party spin that voters were "confused" in Palm Beach, FL. They are ignoring the 15,000 Bush and 3,400 Buchanan votes that statistical evidence can show were stolen by fraud in these 19,120 ballots. There is explicit statistical evidence of massive ballot tampering in Palm Beach FL. These ballots show Democratic voter fraud....NOT Republican fraud or "voter error" as publicized by the national media. Statistical evidence cannot prove any single ballot was tampered with, nor show which individual tampered with any single ballot. It can show specific places and times and methods where the fraud was done. (For example, if 15,000 dollars are missing from the register the day after your cashier left on a Los Vegas vacation, there is no direct evidence that the cashier stole the money. If, however, 19,120 dollars are missing from the register the next year when the cashier again leaves for vacation in Los Vegas, one has reason to investigate the cashier closely.) Consider these "unusual" ballot problems in Palm Beach, FL - every one of them adds more Gore votes, and removed Republican and Reform party votes. ONLY Palm Beach County Florida voters seem incapable of understanding and using this style of ballot. Palm Beach County has an error rate TEN TIMES larger than reported in ANY other county in the nation using paper punch ballots! No information is available about the number of ballots invalidated for previous primary, state, and the 1998 Congressional votes. Unless an equal number (equal proportion of "invalid ballots" per primary voter) of ballots was double-punched in the 1996 primaries, the 1998 primaries, and the 1998 Congressional races ..... the Palm Beach election officials are specifically guilty of deliberate ballot tampering fraud in the year 2000 Presidential elections.) ONLY in Palm Beach FL were 15,000 ballots "invalidated" (for double punched ballots) in the 1996 Presidential election. (This is almost unique among the entire nation! (Certain central city Democratic precincts in Chicago reported 120,000 double-punched ballots; and Duval County in Florida reported 22,000 double-punched ballots. Neither used the same arrangement of candidates as at Palm Beach. This shows that "lining up" buttons was NOT actually an issue at Palm Beach, but was created as an excuse to blame the symptoms of fraud at Palm Beach.) One early excuse given to the national news media by Democratic "spokesmen" to explain the Palm Beach fraud was that people were 'exchanging" their double-punched ballots - and were given new ones...If so, over 26 people per minute "were confused" and voted twice for President! This many errors were supposedly made, detected, and corrected (by handing out new ballots) while no person made any "error" in any other race. This excuse would also mean that more voters were being handed new ballots per minute than new voters were being signed in. (19,120 "double punched" Democratic ballots divided by 12 hours, there are fewer than 100 precincts in Palm Beach County where the precinct level returns are suspect . Significantly, the massive number of errors occurred only in a few of the precincts, and all of those precincts were strongly Democratic. In precinct 144F, for example, there was only one "counted" republican voter for president.) However, the "double-punched" ballots counted in the election were NOT exchanged, and were actually read by the voting machine. They are the symptom and the method of the fraud. There is no reason for this early Democratic Party statement other than that of beginning a cover-up for the double-punched ballots. Not surprisingly, this early fable was not maintained, and has not be repeated. It also has not been retracted or contradicted by follow-up stories in the national news media. ONLY in Palm Beach (and in ONLY the most heavily Democratic precincts) were 19,120 ballots rejected in 2000 for double punching....(This is a 4.4% error rate overall; in the rest of Florida there is less than 1/2 of ONE percent "double punch" error rate! (Unofficially, this error rate was 15% in predominately Afro-American precincts, and 10% in precincts with large numbers of Jewish retirees.) In strongly Republican precincts, the error rate was the "usual" 1/2 of one percent.) San Diego County has 800,000 voters, and (overall) has more senior, retired, minority, and new immigrants than does Palm Beach County. Since all of these were represented the 1992, 1996, and 2000 results in the San Diego double count totals, there can be no excuse for "innocent errors" in Palm Beach. ONLY in Palm Beach did this "double punch" error happen ONLY in the Gore-Bush-Buchanan selections for President. (In a truly random "error," the mistakes happen in every race, all at about the same rate. In Palm Beach, the massive errors (over 19,000) ONLY happened in the Presidential race.) ONLY in Palm Beach has the news media complained about "massive" ballot confusion. In the 43 counties in Missouri, also mostly Democratic voters, which use the same kind of ballot, there are NO complaints about "confused voters" at all. (St Louis Post Dispatch, Nov 8, 2000) Therefore, ONLY in Palm Beach FL do the Democrats have to "explain" a massive number of incorrect votes. ONLY in Palm Beach did Gore GAIN 750 votes in a recount. In 50 out of 67 counties in FL, the actual change in the recount was 5-7 votes, and in 63 out of 67 counties, the total change was less than 30 votes either way. Further, in 63 out of 67 counties the "changes" were somewhat evenly divided between ALL the candidates, in rough proportion to the original number of votes. This is the statistically expected result, and represents a true and legal recount of the ballots without any change in the ballots themselves. This means that Palm Beach FL had an error rate in favor of Gore more than 120 TIMES greater than any other county, (Two other heavily Democratic "inner city" counties (Flagler and Pinellas) had changes greater than 400 votes. Whether or not fraud existed in those counties is possible, but not analyzed here.) In a statistically valid recount, half of the errors would favor Bush, and half favor Gore. This extreme change from the normal in only three counties shows massive "tampering" towards Gore in those three counties between the original machine count (already tainted by fraud.) and the second machine recount. In EVERY precinct in Palm Beach where Gore got more votes than there are registered Democrats., Bush received less than 60% of the registered Republican votes. In NO precinct in Palm Beach County did Bush receive more than 80% of the number of registered Republicans. .... (Absentee ballots were equally distributed by percentage between the two parties at 8% each. Thus, there is specific evidence to show that the "level of interest" in the Presidential election was equal between the two parties.) It is ONLY in the "counted" turnout on Nov 7 that the democrats appear to "remove" 15,000 votes in the Presidential race. Or, it is ONLY in Palm Beach County that more than 20% of the registered Republicans "forgot" to vote for their party's presidential candidate. This 'lack of interest" by the republicans despite equally massive "get-out-the vote" efforts by both parties. As shown by the absentee ballot numbers, there WAS equal interest in the election by both parties; at least until the votes were "totaled". ONLY in Palm Beach did Bush receive LESS than 65% of the registered Republican voters. (Registered Republicans = 231,626 while Bush voters = 152,954.) On average, in every other county in FL Bush received MORE votes than there were registered Republicans. In the rest of the nation, poll results show more than 90% of registered Republicans actively supported the Republican candidate. (Also, unique in the entire state, the percentage of Republican voters COUNTED as voting in Palm Beach was much less than normal, despite the pre-election attention to Florida as a critical state; and massive Republican get - out-the-vote campaigns.) This is very significant when the Republican Senate race is examined. To compare similar counties in Florida, look at the 10 counties in Florida where there are more than 100,000 democratic voters for president. In every one of these counties - EXCEPT Palm Beach County - Gore received FEWER votes than Nelson, the democratic Senate candidate. In Palm Beach county, Gore received slightly more votes than Nelson, which is not by itself statistically significant. However, his "gain" over equally sized counties IS directly proportional to the number of "blank ballets" (or "protest votes") that were cast in Palm Beach County.) However, in 8 of 10 of these counties, Bush led McCollum (the Republican Senate candidate by a major proportional to the county size, with the margin being between 25,000 votes and 4000 votes. McCollum ONLY led Bush in Palm Beach County and Lee County (which is also the focus of fraud due to its change in votes during the recount.) The margin of Bush's lead in two counties close to Palm Beach in population was 15,000 votes and 15,000 - equal to the number of Republican presidential voters "missing" when the number of registered Republicans is checked. The only way this could occur is if 15,000 registered Republican voters went to the polls, and "forgot" to cast their votes for president, or were "confused" and voted twice for President by did NOT replace their ballot at the polling booth; while remembering to correctly and accurately punch 15,000 votes for the Republican Senate candidate. The same number of "missing" Republican votes is found when the four Congressional races involved in Palm Beach County are checked. ONLY in Palm Beach County do the smaller (Congressional) races outdraw the Presidential race. Again, the number of total Republican votes "missing" (not counted in the presidential race) is equal to 15,000 Bush votes destroyed by double punching in the Presidential race. The only way this could occur is if 15,000 registered Republican voters went to the polls, and "forgot" to cast their votes for president, or were "confused" and voted twice for President but did NOT replace their ballot at the polling booth; while remembering to correctly and accurately punch 15,000 votes for the Republican Congressional candidate in their district. When the two "coincidences" of correct votes in two other races are included, it is impossible to accept "confusion" in the presidential race. ONLY in Palm Beach did Buchanan get less than HALF the of votes he received before in 1996. Buchanan's "lost" votes in that county in 2000 were much greater than in any other district in Florida. (Buchanan received over 8,000 votes in 1996 Republican PRIMARY (where only registered Republicans can vote; but he received only 3,407 under the Reform Party from ALL voters in the 2000 Presidential election. (Pat Buchanan has relatives who lives in Palm Beach County, and this local support greatly increase the number of local voters who choose Buchanan, compared to every other region of the country. There are over 14,551 members of the Reform party in Palm Beach County - which indicates that less than 1/5 of the Reform voters voted for their own candidate. The Fraud is NOT whether Gore voters were "confused" and voted for Gore, but rather WHY Reform Party and Libertarian voters were prevented from registering THEIR vote!) Much has been (erroneously) made of the number of apparent Buchanan votes, with some partial observers (paid by the democratic Party officials who started the first lawsuits requesting a recount) claiming that his total vote count "must" be wrong. It is important to note that Buchanan's running mate is the FIRST Afro-American to run for national office. Further, she is only the SECOND woman to run for national office. Given the demographics of the Palm Beach are, and its high concentration of minorities, it is perhaps surprising that Buchanan-Foster didn't get more votes than they are credited with receiving. There is a simple, single explanation for ALL of these 19,120 problems in ONE set of ballots in ONE district in ONE state. 15,000 Bush ballots, and 3,400 more Buchanan ballots, were double-punched to imitate a Gore vote, AFTER legitimate voters left their polling booth. Assume 45,000 ballots were stuck with a stiff wire or pointed tool. It would take somebody a little bit of privacy and about 15 minutes. A ream of paper is 1 inch thick, 45,000 many ballots can be carried by one person in one handcart or box, damaged, and returned to position very quickly. More simply, they could be punched several hundred at a time while the stack is lined before being read at the voting machine - since all the ballots would already be lined up and stacked neatly in order at that time. Originally, 3,000 = Buchanan 15,000 = Bush 25,000 = Gore (Gore has approximately a 2:1 margin over Bush in Palm Beach Cty.) 1,250 = other parties and random existing errors 750 = "blank" or "protest votes"- No vote for President; other spots may be filled in. After .... 3,000 Buchanan + Gore = thrown out. 15,000 Bush + Gore = thrown out. 25,000 Gore (+ Gore) = GOOD VOTES for Gore = counted already 1,250 + others + Gore = thrown out. 750 = "blank" + Gore = Gore additional "free" votes Stamping 45,000 ballots with a tool (or other device) THROUGH the Gore slot gives: Every Gore vote = still a valid Gore vote. (No change in the total, no change in the recount.) Every Bush, Buchanan, Workers Party, and Libertarian Party ballot IS IMMEDIATELY INVALID. They will be thrown out because they have two votes. They NEVER were counted in the first place = no change in the recount. The double-punch occurs ONLY in the presidential race, and no position on the ballot is disturbed. All other races are correctly counted. EVERY ballot that had no vote (a "protest vote" against both major candidates) becomes a Gore vote. All other races on the ballot are not disturbed, and are correctly counted. Evidence of fraud by selectively punching "empty" or "protest" ballots before the recount. Statewide, 2% of the voters deliberately chose NOT to select a presidential candidate. 2% of 45,000 ballots is 900, statistically equal to the 950 "votes" changed into 750 Gore votes, and 150 Bush votes during the recount. It is statistically impossible (odds of over 149 million to 1) to have ONE county out of 67 change its recount votes by over 900 votes if it is counting untainted, unaltered ballots, while the other 64 counties (using legal methods) change their recounts by less than 30 votes either way! Significantly, the recount results DO require that approximately 900 ballots be "blank" or "protest votes (originally) before tampering. From the first set of 45,000 tampered ballots, there would no "blank ballots" for the Presidential election - all would have an original vote, or be blank from a protest vote and be filled in by the original double-punching. Further, no additional double-punching could be done, or an additional 15,000 presidential votes would be canceled during the recount. However, the recount processed all ballots again, and thus allowed 900 "selected" blank ballots to be "newly counted" - rather than being left blank as in the original. The key to prosecuting the criminals involved: maintaining the double-punched ballots separate in the order they were originally received, and under evidentiary control for later prosecution. 1. RECOUNTING them by hand, recording the remainder of the votes on the ballot. Gloves are required to avoid contaminating the fingerprint evidence (if any) of who handled the ballots. Also, if available, precinct numbers of which precinct processed should be kept with the ballot. Note that continuing the "hand-recount" effort (as now demanded by the Democrats) will destroy any fingerprint evidence available, since all judges are handling the ballots with no protection.. 2. Finding out the order of the double punched ballots (in groups, one-by-one, or only at the top of box of ballots) will yield forensic evidence to indicate how the fraud was done, and who did it. 3. Looking for a pattern of tears, hanging remnants of paper, and misshapen holes - a pattern that will appear ONLY in those ballots that have duplicated votes - I have used this kind of paper-punch ballot for many years here in GA. A "valid" hole is created when you punch the ballot above the hole in the voting booth. IF the ballot has been "stacked" together and many ballots were punched at one time - the stacked ballots will have remnants, paper tears, misaligned holes, and oddly shaped holes......It is these violated 15,000 Bush votes that Gore wants to declare "Gore" votes....further violating the legal Bush vote already discarded by the voting machine. 4. The fraudulent double-punched ballots will show double punches ONLY in the presidential race....and no other errors in other races that are properly punched. A "valid error" in the first race (the presidential race) that was detected by the voter and replaced with another ballot - WILL NOT BE RECORDED. THOSE BALLOTS WOULD HAVE BEEN REPLACED ALREADY by the election official and the replacement put in the ballot box. 5. The double-punched ballots will ALWAYS include a Gore vote....legitimate errors will have randomly distributed errors in every position.... If the ballots include an overwhelming number of number of "Bush + Gore" votes, and almost no "Bush + Buchanan" votes, then that proves that this set of ballots were tampered with and never counted in the first place ... because the voting machine discards double punched ballots.. IF the ballots include "no" (or very few) Bush + Buchanan, or "Buchanan + somebody + Gore votes" else....then it shows that they were deliberately tampered with to exclude (throw out) otherwise valid Bush votes. There has been speculation that the tampering may have involved Buchanan duplicates "accidentally" punched in several thousand ballots cases by double-punching the Buchanan position. This creates a Buchanan "double-punch" rather than a "Gore" double punch. The same evidentiary and analysis rules apply. The result, as far as Bush is concerned, are the same. The valid Bush vote is voided, not by a Gore + Bush double punch, but by a Buchanan + Bush double punch. Any Gore votes in the group accidentally double-punched will be voided as well. Obviously.... Every tampered ballot WILL include a GORE vote, if the double punch was done by a Gore operative inserting a false Gore vote. Of all double-punched ballots, a certain number (0.3% of the original 460,000 ballots, or 7-9% of the 19,120 double-punched ballots) will contain "true" errors randomly spread among all the contenders. Or if an "error" was made in the tampering, the pattern would be a massive number of Gore + Buchanan and Buchanan + Bush double-punched ballots, plus the same 7% of randomly generated errors spread among all contenders. Further, if an error in double-punching fraud occurred, it is reasonable to assume that the error did not occur every time. The ratio of Gore + Buchanan and Gore + Bush and Buchanan + Bush ballots may vary between precincts, depending on how long the puncher was "confused" and how many operatives got "confused" between the Buchanan button and the Gore button. The combination of deliberate double-punched Gore + valid vote" ballots and confused "Buchanan + valid vote" ballots will total 19120 ballots. Approximately 1400 ballots will be random errors, and the remainder, deliberate (or accidental!) double-punched ballots To verify this.... count the doubled ballots, list each with what OTHER votes were cast. Almost NO "legitimate" Gore voter would choose other Republican choices, or at least very, very few would .. IF almost all of the Bush + Gore ballots had mostly Republican choices, or blanks where there is a Democrat running unopposed, then that shows additional evidence where a Bush vote was destroyed. ONLY when a Gore + Buchanan ballot shows almost all Democrats is there the potential for "confusion": these few ballots will show the few cases where some Gore supporter actually got confused! A Buchanan + Gore vote with a reform Party vote for Senator is evidence of a Buchanan vote that got destroyed. Approximately 2000 of these ballots are expected. There is a definite possibility that the double-punch fraud involves the Buchanan presidential vote being duplicated - either accidentally (by error!) of a Gore operative double-punching the wrong ballot hole, or by a Buchanan operative adding votes for his candidate. The Democratic cover-up by Election Officials began before the ballots were "officially counted. Massive and continuing publicity that declares "voter confusion" before the ballots are "counted" or results released indicates that the "double-punch" error was known before the ballots were totaled "officially." Palm Beach County was one the last counties in Florida to release its voting results, and the Palm Beach County results were critical in a last minute "surge" in Gore votes that reduced Bush's lead from 50,000 votes (in Florida overall) to less than 1500. Late delivery of votes, with the specific precinct vote count delayed until the required number of votes is known, is classic symptom of local election fraud. It DOES NOT prove fraud, but late delivery of vote results is the most common way of tampering with the vote, and is essential if ballot tampering is involved in the vote fraud. Late delivery of fraudulent votes has happened in several previous democratic elections at the national level, showing that the individuals involved had close knowledge of previous fraud and its successes. Local Democrat officials are claiming that these are "double -punched! They know...and were told early this morning! to collect 3000 old folks who could claim they were confused...They quickly needed a cover story to explain that the ballots were "confusing" to create the 3000 Gore - Buchanan "voters" that they need. But in the remaining two days after the elections, no local democratic officials can physically identify the required number (19,120) "confused" witnesses who can attest to actually double-punching ballots. ANY citizen who realized that they double-punched a ballot at the polling booth was able to exchange ballots and resubmit his choices. IT IS CRITICAL TO UNDERSTAND THAT THESE "REPLACED" BALLOTS WERE SET ASIDE IMMEDIATELY, AND WERE NEVER COUNTED IN THE MACHINES. The 19,120 double-punched ballots include ONLY those actually an error (approximately 1300) and those double-punched by fraud. Note, after the first two days, the local party officials have softened their rhetoric and are only claiming "hundreds" of "confused voters." Again, no actual lists of these citizens have been released for confirmation or interviews by investigators. Further evidence of deliberate double-punching of ballots, and perhaps of making an error in the fraud itself by double-punching a Buchanan hole rather than a Gore hole is the immediate cover-up effort by democratic officials. The national Democratic Party hired a Texas telemarketing firm to call several thousand voters in Palm beach County late Tuesday night specifically to "prompt" Palm Beach citizens to declare "they were confused" by the ballots, and specifically to declare being "confused" between the Gore and Buchanan ballot positions. Further, the national democratic telemarketing campaign was instructing users in what to claim ballot positions to be "confused" with, and was specifically prompting the people that they called to declare a "Buchanan-Gore" confusion on Tuesday night, before midnight. This was approximately 5 hours BEFORE the Palm Beach results were released. Also, national democratic teams were in flight to Palm Beach immediately after midnight, again before the results were officially known to anyone. This indicates that democratic leaders at the precinct level (and thus the national level) knew about the "confusion" (accidentally/incorrectly double-punched Buchanan ballots) BEFORE the Palm Beach votes were counted, and several hours before they were released to the Florida election officials. Note too that this telemarketing campaign began before the Palm Beach results were announced. Before anyone (other than election officials) knew how any double-punched ballots existed, nor which ballot choices (for president) were double-punched. No democratic source has ever offered proof of this "vast number" of confused voters, and no Democratic operative has offered any explanation why "confusion" needs to be advertised and prompted for in a telemarketing phone blitz at any time other than this elections. This indicates that the actual number of voters actually "confused" is minor, and further indicates that the Gore-Buchanan "confusion" may exist ) The individuals who are suing now to revote that ballots are experienced democratic officials, donors, and activists - on even a formerly elected official. Democratic officials in Palm Beach County have not been able to explain why 15,000 ballots were double-punched in 1996 AND in 2000. The "butterfly ballots were NOT used in the previous Presidential election. Thus, there is a pattern not of massive error by the voters, but of continued fraud by the Democratic election committee members and local officials. Further indication of deliberate fraud is that there is no evidence of previous massive "voter error" in Democratic primaries, Democratic runoff's, or Congressional races the past years. Specifically, Massive "voter confusion" does appear in the democratic primaries (where Democratic votes must be accurate!) and where there was little effective opposition to the Democratic Congressman (Waxler) Symptoms of voter fraud by double punching will stand out by the number of the doubled punches, and by the remaining choices on the ballet. A Republican voter will have in almost every case have punched Bush + several other Republican candidates. So look for how many "Bush + Gore" ballots have mostly Republican choices below. THESE ARE FRAUDS. They represent Bush votes that were stolen. There are about 15,000 of these ballots. A "true" Buchanan voter would have punched Buchanan and a mix of other candidates....A Libertarian voter would most likely be choosing a variety of flowing positions, depending on his personal opinion of freedom and regulation. There will be about 2000-3000 of these ballots. A "mistaken" "Gore + Buchanan" voter would ALMOST CERTAINLY have chosen the Democrats in the rest of the ballot.....or, IF AS THEY CLAIM, those "Gore + Buchanan" voters that were "told to push the second hole" really meant "only followed directions" ---- THEN the rest of the ballot would be solid Democrat, or blank. There will be approximately 0.3% of the total ballots used (1380 out of 460,000) that are legitimate errors or protest votes with a several candidates selected. NOT "confused" 15,000 Bush voters in 1996....and 15,000 other "confused" Dole and Perot voters in 2000. wouldn't that predicate a pretty nutty existence? or, could it be as simple as the particles that make up our universe are interacting at some real size/distance frame. if your idea constitues some understanding of dark matter or dark energy, i'm all ears. Well, if you're all ears then why does it seem that the word "BS" keeps pouring out of your mouth (or keyboard)? we are what we eat. In fact, you're afraid of the notion of 'spooky action at a distance' because it is a catchphrase used by persons (Einstein and others) who simply didn't understand the universe. it depends what universe you are in. my universe prevents things from happening at a distance without some sort of mediating particle. i can't speak for yours You're not even speaking properly for yours. I've already shown that the motion of a remote particle can generate a pair of vector fields for two like charged particles that are near if you simply said "very close together" i wouldn't argue. each other and overlapping in momentum space which will cause those particles to become attractively interactive. That remote particle can be light years the problem is this idea that light years apart is meaningful, except over periods of years, and of course, the influence of that particle inversely varies as the 4th power. Wrong. Relative motion is a direct relationship and the relationship is direct and real no matter how far away other particle might be. away but the interaction between the two nearby particles will begin to take place on a very short timescale. Of course that remote particle is only one of many in the universe all of which individually contribute to the magnitude of the reaction between the two particles. yes. but all these particles are doing their own thing, possibly in a quantum soup. That's a null content response. If you're interested in the nature of dark matter then you should be interested in the fact that this physics leads right to its nature and how and why it comes into being. i agree. dark energy and dark matter are nothing more than book keeping conventions. i know that you are going to go wild on me for saying this, as ugly as DE and DM are, until something better comes along, its the best we've got. unless you can find that niche in the current theories where everything breaks down, or gets violated. so far, this discussion is discouraging Because you're not paying attention. My goal was to show that using just Maxwell's equations and the principle that all motion is relative that one can show that elementary charged particles which are overlapping in momentum space will, in fact, act opposite to the expectations of Coulomb's Law. This means that if two like charged particles are overlapping in momentum space then they'll be strongly attractively interactive and if two unlike charged particles are overlapping in momentum space then they will be repulsively interactive. Our whole experimental history with the interactive behavior of elementary charged particles mainly deals with charges that have lots of relative motion and which consequently behave according to the expectations of Coulomb's law. However, we do have instances where electrons, for example, pair up (as Cooper Pairs) in superconduction regimes. The effort of the community of plasma physicists involved with attempts to harness nuclear fusion has been centered almost totally around concepts and technologies the sole aim of which is to increase the relative motion (velocity) of fusion fuel nuclei in order to produce nuclear fusion reactions. My analysis is that this approach is all wrong and that one can see that in any confined fusion fuel gas ensemble of n particles that there is at any given instant exactly ((n^2)-n)/2 pairwise relationships between the fusion fuel nuclei. One can see that for n particles where n is 1 that statistically there is a positive probability that for any given particle at a given instant that there will be at least one other nucleus which will be overlapping in momentum space with it. NO! (inf^2-inf)/2 is still infinity its a soup of interactions You're back to being confused. nope. this is not a normalized equation. for 1000 particles, plug it in and what do you get? a number of pairs. (1000^2 - 1000)/2 = 999,000/2 = 499,500 pairs. big deal. probability is 1 that there will be pairs. you've "proven" not but the obvious. (inf^2-inf)/2 is a meaningless expression. I don't use infinities since they are not meaningful in a universe of n quanta. As n increases the probability will reach unity. Continuing to increase n will then mean that statistically the probability that more than one particle will be overlapping in momentum space with any given particle for some small given increment of time is = 1. As n increases then not just 3 particles, then 4 and so on will be overlapping in the same momentum space. This implies that n particles will be divided into j number of momentum spaces each occupied by k number of particles so that j*k=n. I suggest that there is a ratio between pairs of particles that are overlapping in momentum space and pairs of particles that are not overlapping in momentum space and that raising the temperature of a confined fusion fuel gas will not alter that ratio. This is important because I am suggesting that only those nuclei which are overlapping in momentum space can ever achieve nuclear fusion. This means that to achieve a successful design of a nuclear fusion reactor (one that is constantly at over breakeven) that a means must be found to fundamentally alter the ratio between pairs of fusion fuel nuclei that are overlapping in momentum space with respect to those pairs that are not. I've found the solution to this problem (controlling the momentum states of large numbers of fusion fuel nuclei) but I first need to convince the general physics community that if Maxwell's equations are true then that means that elementary charged particles must behave opposite to the expectations of Coulomb's Law if they are overlapping in momentum space. Now all of this is really very simple but in its simplicity it has destroyed the foundational assumptions behind the operations of stars because it demonstrates that star cannot possibly operate according to popularly accepted theories, that they cannot collapse into black holes. When we apply the fact fact? that a gravitational field is a time gradient field to this analysis of the behavior of elementary charged particles then we can prove that a gravitational field must display a charge separation effect. this is another one that gets me. WTH is a time gradient? dt/dt? incremental time over incremental time? dt/dd? or worse, incremntal time over incremental distance? wouldn't this be ln v or something equally meaningless? can you get a X product? can you multiply it by a scalar.... A gravitational field can be thought of as a series of concentric shells like onion layers. Each layer is an gravitational equipotential quasi surface and the clocks on a given layer all run at the same rate with respect to any outside observer. Clock on layers closer to the source run slower than those further from the source. Therefore a gravitational field has a time rate gradient or is a time rate gradient field (shortened to time gradient field). (It is pretty simple really, because what can be shown is that elementary particles in a strong time gradient field will begin to overlap in momentum space and such overlap for oppositely charged particles means that they will be strongly repulsively interactive.) If a gravitational field treats electrons differently from protons (which it must) then the central postulate of General Relativity which is the Equivalence Principle is shown to be false. And guess what, folks, all of this came not from the invention of ficticious forces (like the nuclear strong force and its associated baggage of intellectual fabrications like quarks and gluons) but rather from known data, accepted physical principles like the relativity of motion and Maxwell's equations. And it was derived not from the pseudoscientific process of 'theory making' but rather emerged directly from deductive logic applied to foundational axioms together with known data. So, my argument is rather simple. If you believe in Maxwell's equations belief has nothing to do with it.... It has for you up to now. What's changed? You believe in things not because they have been rigorously demonstrated to be true but rather because you have chosen to believe a particular interpretation of the data which isn't substantiated by the facts (particularly the data where particles are overlapping in momentum space). Charles Cagle |
You idiots are bleeding onto forums that you don't belong. Please don't
include SCI.OPTICS as this subject is totally off-topic for the newsgroup! Go away and trash some other newsgroup with your science free nonsense. -- Bob May Losing weight is easy! If you ever want to lose weight, eat and drink less. Works evevery time it is tried! |
sorry. i wasn't paying attention to the header. this'll be the last
time you see my handle.... |
Yeppie, but you aren't talking physics with this topic and definitely not
the mechanics of optical work. Take your nonsense theories elsewhere where they can be giggled about by the readers. Light doesn't travel instantly from one place to another and there is too much practical things done with light to suddenly assume such nonsense! Now, go away and don't bother us. We all know better here at SCI.OPTICS to bother with such stupidity. -- Bob May Losing weight is easy! If you ever want to lose weight, eat and drink less. Works evevery time it is tried! |
Charles, in case you haven't looked recently, the Subject title of this
thread is "Electric Gravity&Instantaneous Light" and I refer to you the Sandsbury IFS part of the Subject "Instantaneous Light" which is the really stupid part. Ralphie IFS, is a well known kook on SCI.OPTICS as he spent several months trying to get us to believe his nonsense of how light goes from one place to another instantly but yet takes time to be converted into another form of information at the far end. The ultimate farcial end of this was a long argument as to how radio waves (long wave versions of light) were instantly adsorbed by an antenna that wan't even pointed as one of the Pioneer spacecraft and then that data gest spit into the following electronics some 20 hours or so later. It is all Information Free Sciensce so go away and stop bothering the practical engineering that is SCI.OPTICS. We aren't interested in your stupidities. Trying to point me towards alt.flame is purely a waste of time on your part as you have noticed from this post. -- Bob May Losing weight is easy! If you ever want to lose weight, eat and drink less. Works evevery time it is tried! From the small mind of Charles Cagle First of all, loon, no one said light travels instantaneously from place to place. This means that you can't read too well or that at least you lack the intellect to grasp what is being written. My suggestion is that you don't make the attempt since you've proven yourself too stupid to do it correctly. Second of all, you don't know the difference between a theory and a model. Third, you don't speak for anyone but yourself at sci.optics and the fact that you think you do and so state makes me want to post every post with a trailer leading over to sci.optics even if the subject was knitting. If any of your nitwit friends at sci.optics happen to agree with you then you shouldn't pre-empt their postings. Let them post their own whinings. But in the meantime until you get a signed document declaring that all who sign it are the entire group of people who read sci.optics then you should consider that you don't speak for them all. Quit trying. Fourth, besides being a loon you're trying to be a net kop and that doesn't work with me. Fifth, you first said that you are bothered and then you say you're not. You can't get your story straight. The problem is that you are bothered. It ****es you off, you loonish net kop, to think that someone might post a post that you think is off topic. Too bad. Live with it you squeeky mouse. Last, you're so used to the pseudophysics of the mainstream physics community that you are not fit to judge what is reasonable physics with respect to what is not since you've obviously adopted much that isn't already with your witless nodding in agreement to all that the mainstream pseudoscientists tell you. You're main problem is that you need to get both manners and a brain. You're mother should have helped with the first but since she didn't that means that you came from a low class family environment. No one taught her so she couldn't teach you. If you aren't trailer trash by birth then you've made yourself that way by ignoring what you should have been and probably were taught when young. Now finally we come to the part where you need to get a brain. No doubt you have one but the sad reality is that you haven't a clue about how to use it so getting another one would do you any good at all. You're screwed and there's no way out for you. It's best you keep your mouth shut so as to avoid showing the portion of the world that reads some of these newsgroups what a jackass you really are. Now **** off, Bob, go back to your little corner and quit whining. CC |
In article , Bob May
wrote: Trying to point me towards alt.flame is purely a waste of time on your part as you have noticed from this post. It probably worked alright and you never noticed. |
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