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Fed Up!

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Old August 4th 03, 05:54 PM
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a
Default Fed Up!

I'd like to see more sci.space.policy postings and less postings about Alan
Erskine. Yes he may be a kook, but I don't like to see his name posted all over
the newsgroup as useless filler. If you don't want anyone to pay attention to
him, then stop drawing attention to him, pleasse!

Old August 5th 03, 01:23 AM
Joann Evans
external usenet poster
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Default Fed Up!

TKalbfus wrote:

I'd like to see more sci.space.policy postings and less postings about Alan
Erskine. Yes he may be a kook, but I don't like to see his name posted all over
the newsgroup as useless filler. If you don't want anyone to pay attention to
him, then stop drawing attention to him, pleasse!


Anyone can be ignored (and some should well be), but there's no
limiting postings in an unmoderated newsgroup. He's 'filler' not because
of some editorial decision, but because he makes himself so.
Old August 5th 03, 03:56 AM
Alan Erskine
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a
Default Fed Up!

"Joann Evans" wrote in message
Anyone can be ignored (and some should well be), but there's no
limiting postings in an unmoderated newsgroup. He's 'filler' not because
of some editorial decision, but because he makes himself so.

No, I didn't make myself so. I am simply defending against the continued
attacks by a coward using anonymous remailers to hide behind. This same
kind of attack occurred some two years ago (from memory) and also used
anonymous remailers.

Someone sent me the following email:
"Good lord, man! Don't you remember? It was ~two years ago, and lasted for
months. It's when the Collective got their name; Daniel posted as Mountain
Camper out of somewhere in Colorado. Daniel posed as the most reasonable
member of the three, yet turned out to be the most treacherous. It was he
who contacted the employers of two or three regulars, while John and Paul
merely looked insane and paranoid, respectively. There were also a *lot*
of anonymous posts out of dizum during that period; I believe it was
Daniel, writing anonymously to preserve his "more reasonable" image."

Daniel is now posting as "Charleston".

Alan Erskine
Is Lewis Moran the type of father figure
John Howard wants for Australian children?


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