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Is there a space program veterans organization?

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Old April 18th 05, 10:14 PM
external usenet poster
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Default Is there a space program veterans organization?

I was a NASA employee at KSC during the Gemini and Apollo programs. Is
there any kind of alumni organization?

I worked at the Central Instrumentation Facility in Karl Sendler's
organization doing telemetry.

Adario (not my real name)
Old April 18th 05, 10:46 PM
Jim Oberg
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

"Adario" wrote .
I was a NASA employee at KSC during
the Gemini and Apollo programs. Is
there any kind of alumni organization?

Contact the 'NASA Alumni League'
in care of

Old April 18th 05, 11:04 PM
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 18 Apr 2005 21:14:16 GMT, Adario

I was a NASA employee at KSC during the Gemini and Apollo programs. Is
there any kind of alumni organization?

I worked at the Central Instrumentation Facility in Karl Sendler's
organization doing telemetry.

Adario (not my real name)

....Uh-uh. You're not getting away from this group *that* easily. We
want info, stories, and tall-tales from that era. We *thrive* on that
sort of stuff!



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his country. He won it by making the other | Sergeant-At-Arms
poor dumb ******* die for his country." | Human O-Ring Society

- General George S. Patton, Jr
Old April 19th 05, 01:03 AM
Scott Hedrick
external usenet poster
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"OM" om@our_blessed_lady_mary_of_the_holy_NASA_researc h_facility.org wrote
in message ...

...Uh-uh. You're not getting away from this group *that* easily. We
want info, stories, and tall-tales from that era. We *thrive* on that
sort of stuff!

And if you *don't* pony up, we're gonna hunt you down and play LaToya's
posts on a repeating loop using multi-kW speakers until your brain oozes out
the door and cries for mercy, moments before it explodes.

Old April 21st 05, 01:41 AM
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 18 Apr 2005 21:46:59 +0000, Jim Oberg wrote:

"Adario" wrote .
I was a NASA employee at KSC during
the Gemini and Apollo programs. Is
there any kind of alumni organization?

Contact the 'NASA Alumni League'
in care of


And to the others, I am busy now but will try to get back and tell some

I did telemetry and at its peak the Saturn V/ Apollo had around 5,000
telemetered measurements carried on 26 RF links. The data was acquired
using special hardware programmed in machine language.


Old April 23rd 05, 10:00 PM
Jeff Clark
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

"Jim Oberg" wrote in news:nVV8e.10301$h6.5565
"Adario" wrote .
I was a NASA employee at KSC during
the Gemini and Apollo programs. Is
there any kind of alumni organization?

Contact the 'NASA Alumni League'
in care of

Another group is the "Missile, Range and Space Pioneers" group. Their
webpage is
www.rangepioneers.org. No relation, except that I keep reading
their name in the Florida Today newspaper.

Jeff Clark

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