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Old September 24th 05, 04:34 AM
external usenet poster
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wrote in message
To Kurt
To resolve the apparent anomaly in the speed of the spacecraft and
subsequently the variations in projected distance travelled against
actual distance would require an re-alignment of most of astronomic
principles back to their original heliocentric format.

The major obstacle exists with the introduction of an alternative
explanation for retrograde motions by Newton in contrast to the
explanations of astronomers such as Galileo and Rheticus who refer
retrograde motions from the faster Earth taking an inner orbital
circuit against the apparent retrogrades of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

The original heliocentric insight did not require a resolution that is
speculative in nature and which constitutes the Newtonian line of
reasoning based on an observer on the Sun -
It is an enormous task to make a necessary re-alignment of astronomic
principles even for those focused on the matter and it would be an
injustice to imagine otherwise.


Coordinate transformations with cosmological implications take time to
full impact. So had Aristarchos' from Samos heliocentric ideas influence
on Kopernikus which eventually found its way outside scientific world.
And so will Masreliez´ coordinate manipulations with FRW standard
take its time till tentative acceptance.
In this context you might like to consider that another transformation to
a jovian centric system would give a fantastic fit for Titius-Bode´s law.
Why keep the Sun in origo?