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Old September 7th 05, 07:27 AM
external usenet poster
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"Oz" wrote in message

Yeah Larsson is here with ideas in an interesting problem area also
without much discussion.

I think the appropriate wizards are impressed with larsson, but for most
he (and smith) are so far ahead only experts in the field can probably
follow it. They aren't here.

You'd think the problem itself could attract
a lot of interest even before reading the proposed solution. Francis
is even well known here. I consider Segal part of the Francis
discussion but so far it has not added much.

It may be superficially similar, but clearly NOT the same.


Segal has no expansion in the matter dominated inner solar
system but has expansion in the "empty" Pioneer inertial frame. Both
produce the same apparent acceleration but assign different realities
to the situation.

Yes, but one must critically also include that its compatible with mond,
and that's astonishing. The fact that it also does away with most
(possibly all) the 'missing matter', and the age problem(s) as well is
astonishing IMHO. Whether his theoretical basis is valid or not, the
phenomenological expression makes one stop and pause and consider it's

Segal has a Minkowski space for us on Earth/matter
dominated space in general and a conformal cone space for
Pioneer/mostly empty space in general. The conformal cone space
creates a cosmological constant which tries to accelerate the
expansion. It only recently (last 2 billion years I think) has become a
bigger effect than the expansion slowdown effect of matter/gravity.


In this context it might be appropriate to draw attention again to
Johan Masreliez' explanation to the Pioneer anomaly. It was recently
singled out by the Russian scientific newsletter CNews as the viable
candidate to competing MOND. Here is the link for the able reader:
Masreliez' Pioneer paper will soon appear in
Astrophysics and Space Science vol 299, pp. 83-108.

Masreliez claims that the anomaly is of cosmological origin and is
explained by inadvertent use of different coordinate representations
when estimating the observed and modeled frequencies.

/Kurt B.