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763 |
Teacher looking for a *good* lunar globe by
I am going to visit a class of 11-yr olds and I would like to teach
them about the phases of the Moon. One prop that I thought I would
bring, and leave with...
January 29th 10 07:27 PM
by OG
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January 14th 10 10:21 PM
by Fleetie
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Meteor shower, 00:30 1.1.2010 by
Hello, did anyone else see the meteor shower around 00:30 last night in
the English Midlands?
I havent seen the like before, a single light point, no tail,...
January 5th 10 09:15 PM
by jochta
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precession by
Paul Forsdick
Seeing the previous posts mentioning Precession prompted me to wonder what
is the actual lowest star we can see from a certain location over the full...
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NGC 147 & 185: two darf elliptical galaxies by
Danilo Pivato
Hi all,
this is a deep shot of the galaxies NGC147 & NGC185 in wide field: 1,4 ° x
Istrument Pentax SDUF II - D=100mm F= 400mm with ST-10XME
Exposed. 8...
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1,524 |
ukastroimaging: website down? by
I'm trying to access http://www.ukastroimaging.co.uk and am consistently
getting an "account suspended" page. Google's cache shows a snapshot from
December 24th 09 08:43 PM
by jochta
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1,415 |
Practical Astromer ????? by
Philippe HAAKE
Does anyone has any info about Practical Astronomer, I didn't receive
it for a long time....
Thanks for your info...
Best Greetings From...
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Looking for a good reflector by
Will Wilkinson
I've been offered the chance to get a decent 'scope as a Christmas
present from my wife - been using my birdwatching one for astro use for
the last few years...
( 1 2)
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Christmas presents:handbags for your family by
Christmas is right around the corner. Do you have a list handy? Do you
know exactly what you’re buying everyone, or what you’d like to buy?
Are you stressed...
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1,395 |
Pics of planets in other star systems??? by
A friend recently told me that people now know of many planets in
other star systems, and that they have excelent photos of them
from the Hubble 2. One in...
( 1 2 3)
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Planets occulting other Planets by
Paul Forsdick
I am doing a project to see how many times a planet passes in front of
another one and believe there to be 122 occurances like this in the 6000
years ...
November 28th 09 11:28 PM
by jochta
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