ANN: SkyTools Real Time by
Greg Crinklaw
New Software Release: SkyTools Real Time Add-on
The first of many add-ons to come, SkyTools Real Time adds exciting and
innovative functionality to SkyTools...
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July 16th 03 10:56 PM
by edz
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Polishing and Multi-coating by
Alan W. Craft
Hi All,
I have an older(c. 1972) 60mm crown/flint doublet in need
of having some slight scratches polished out and then
multi-coated and correctly reassembled...
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Astronomical Scenario by
Alan W. Craft
The fabled Equatorial Mount fairy hovers over
your head, buzzing about trailing sparklies, and
holding two of your favorite mounts, one in
each hand: a Vixen...
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Free Cup Holder by
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Satellites Across the Moon ? by
Zan Hecht
I know that birds can appear as black discs when they are out of focus in
the telescope. There was a S&T article a few years back about several turn
of the...
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A Little Astronomy on the Side by
Tony Flanders
I recently returned from a car trip driving from Massachusetts
to eastern Utah and western Colorado. Astronomy was not one of
the motivations behind the trip,...
July 17th 03 01:51 AM
by edz
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Dangers with solar projection? by
Rune Allnor
Hi all.
I just got a recipe on how to use a spotting scope for solar projection.
The scheme involves reducing the scope aperture to some 30 mm and using
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Meade 6" LXD 55 f/8 Refractor by
Chris Knight
Hey all;
I am considering buying the Meade 6" LXD 55 refractor. Anybody tried it
yet?What do you think? Pros? Cons? Comparisons to the ED? I'm looking...
July 17th 03 05:14 AM
by Al
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Byers 58 Mount Help/Assistance by
Hi Folks, I have recently been contacted by a man who owns a Byers 58 EQ
Mount as I do, and he is experiencing problems with his drive corrector
unit. Seems...
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Clear Sky Clock Support by
Haven't seen this discussed, so I thought I'd make y'all aware that
the good folks who run the Clear Sky Clock site now have a mechanism
whereby we (users) can...
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Comet LINEAR O7, 2003/7/17 UT by
Dave Mitsky
I was able to observe C/2002 O7 (LINEAR) on Wednesday night during
astronomical twilight using the 17" f/15 classical Cassegrain at the
ASH Naylor Observatory....
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Mars Jul-15-03 by
Pete Lawrence
My first proper Mars session. Image available via my website (see
After some beautiful, clear nights, the one I chose to observe on was
dogged by high...
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Viewing Neptune & Uranus by
scott s.
Hi all,
I'm moderately adept at finding most things I wish to observe, but would not
consider myself "proficient" at starhopping. I usually use my charts &...
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What can be expected with solar filters? by
Rune Allnor
Hi all.
After geting strong advice from s.a.a not to risk the telscope and
eyepice on solar projection, I would like to check out solar filters
to be mounted...
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NexStar 114GT by
Don Scott
I inherited a cheap hand-me-down scope (department store type) and have
used it for a few years and have enjoyed it a lot. I am now considering
buying my...
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observing 7-15-03 and FIRST DSO by
Tom Markert
Finally some clear skies here in south eastern PA.
Monday night 7-14 was beautiful, but wouldn't you know I had already
made other unbreakable plans! But...
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