July 23rd 03 01:43 PM
by Vernon
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2 inch EP / Filter - what thread size? by
Jim Barclay
dia, of filter is 49mm and TPI is 0.75mm.
Greg Campbell wrote:
Just unwrapped my first 2" filter and was surprised to see that my
budget 50mm...
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Meade Wedges? by
I have a 12-year-old Meade equatorial wedge for an 8" 'scope. Has the
Meade wedge been redesigned since mind was made, i.e., will this wedge
work with the...
July 23rd 03 10:32 PM
by Davoud
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Interesting Observation about Google by
I've found recently that the search engine Google
is very astronomy friendly....want a picture of
the whirlpool? Just type in 'M 51' and up comes
all the...
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Lens Cap for Pentax 40 by
Eddie Jones
I recently took delivery of a Pentax 40 XL. I hadn't previously
realized that the eyecone for the 40 doesn't adjust like the others,
with the full eye relief...
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What about Mars magnification? by
Am I missing something? Is my arithmetic off? Presently Mars is some 20 arc
seconds wide. This implies that at 100 X's magnification, it should be 2000
July 24th 03 04:30 AM
by Mick
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Mistaken Objective? by
Alan W. Craft
One early morning while it was still dark, several years ago
as I observed under the heavily light-polluted skies of Midtown
Memphis, I spotted Venus just...
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solar cover that "breaths". by
Is there a weather proof telescope cover that is "beathable" so condensation
can escape. I have a solar cover but it doesn't breath. A friend said he bought
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Light Bucket by
I am in the middle of building a large lidar and I am wondering about
cassegranian telescope alignment. The telescope that I am working on
consists of four...
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Who invented sidereal time? by
Howard Lester
Why, it was none other than Sy Derialowitz, famous clockmaker and fish
monger, in 387 B.C.
"Vutt time issit? Vutt time issit??? Thet's all I eveh hear from...
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Any good resources on astronomy/astrology? by
Brian Tung
Gary Hendricks wrote (for the N+1th time):
I'm a newbie to the world of astronomy/astrology.
Has anyone found out why this bozo persists in posting this...
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My deepest apologies by
To all astronomers in NE TN, NW NC, and SW VA:
I apologize for purchasing a new Nagler Type 6 5mm. It arrived
yesterday and that's why we are now...
July 24th 03 07:31 PM
by #MK
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Great APOD (Mars occultation) by
Check out the APOD for a great image of the Mars occultation!
Yep, great image.
But, what's...
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New Widescans by
Rich McMahon
I have both the 13 and 20 and like them very much.. Havent had a
chance to compare them against Uncle Al''s stuff yet. But for the
price there great.
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