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A Day in the Life of a Martian Scientist by
A Day in the Life of a Martian Scientist
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
February 08, 2004
Wearing two...
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936 |
NASA Test of Light Speed Extrapolation by
ralph sansbury
The evidence for light speed delay extrapolation beyond a second
is confounded by the delays of packing and unpacking bits in the
uplink and downlink streams...
( 1 2 3)
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Apocalypse NOW! by
Action Device to generate unidirectional force.
( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
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I will bring Mars nearer to earth by
Lester T. Linpord
It´s stupid to fly to Mars, because Mars is away millions of miles.
So the idea is to bring Mars here.We just need to catch Mars with a
giant rope like we...
February 12th 04 01:41 PM
by Mb
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459 |
Mars Rover Photos UFO by
Rudy Shumen
Folks all over the world have been studying the photos beamed back from
Mars, and some of the thing they find are really out of this world!
This photo shows a...
February 12th 04 10:24 AM
by Sam
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464 |
Science and reality... by
Alexander Whiteside
Is it just me, or is the definition of good science that it can have a
practical application? For example, as a philosopher, you could say that the
whole world...
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February 11th 04 08:04 PM
by Ron
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Orion 3" Apochromat by
Ed Majden
I just thought of something you may try. Why not write Orion and tell
them you would like to test their apochromat for photography. Include some
of your...
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JPL deserves a kick in the butt by
I love your outreach JPL. No one ever replies to emails, you never post
faq's, are slow to produce data, you hold boring press conferences with
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How dark is it inside a comets coma? by
Hi all....
Was thinking about comets last night and a question occured to me that I've
never seen addressed in the popular astronomy literature (not to say...
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Hubble ultra deep field. by
Does anybody know when they are releasing the pictures from this?
With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do
evil; but for...
February 10th 04 11:35 PM
by Chosp
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Planet_X: The Return of Nibiru by
Art Bell's Weekend Recap
"Sunday's guest, remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames (website
http://www.remoteviewing2004.com), discussed his latest...
February 10th 04 07:51 PM
by TdN
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February 10th 04 07:05 PM
by A A
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Hi there by
THis messege isfor tetsing by Sekar
February 10th 04 07:04 PM
by A A
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