Sub-Forums : Astronomy and Astrophysics |
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(sci.astro) Astronomy discussions and information. Post here when your post is not relevant to other groups.
June 16th 21 12:31 AM
20,889 |
164,558 |
(sci.astro.amateur) Dedicated to the discussion of topics relating to the hobby of amateur astronomy including observations, equipment, astrophotography, astronomy software and tips and techniques for amateur astronomers.
March 24th 19 06:46 PM
29,258 |
278,132 |
(sci.astro.ccd-imaging) To discuss the techniques and processes related to the acquisition of the digital data and the processing of that data into images or quantitative astrometric information.
February 26th 16 08:09 PM
801 |
2,050 |
Moderated. Discussion of astronomy and astrophysics including current or historical research, observations of astrophysical phenomena of interest to researchers (novae, supernovae, variable stars) and announcement of publications.
June 11th 21 09:21 AM
1,583 |
9,277 |
(sci.astro.fits) This newsgroup will provide a forum for the discussion of all topics concerning the FITS [Flexible Image Transport System] data format.
December 24th 20 12:43 AM
615 |
1,121 |
(sci.astro.satellites.visual-observe) Discussion and visual observing of artificial satellites. Topics include reports of observations of artificial satellites and space probes using naked eye, binoculars, telescopes, video, or photography.
March 12th 21 01:07 AM
361 |
1,574 |
(sci.astro.hubble) Moderated. For the dissemination of information about the operations and status of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). A platform for problems, requests, suggestions and needs of the scientific community for further research.
August 18th 11 02:51 PM
1,544 |
1,552 |
(sci.astro.seti) Discussion of the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, including SETI projects (such as SERINDIP, Phoenix,SETI@home, BETA, ARGUS), the SETI@home client and the possibilities of Alien life (Drake equation, planetary abundance).
April 15th 21 09:18 AM
1,966 |
13,162 |
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