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druids' knowledge of astronomy? by
David Dalton
What is known of the ancient druids' knowledge of
astronomy? And that of the peoples that preceded
them in the British Isles, e.g. those responsible
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stella by starlite. by
and a nice jazz tune to listen to while lookin' at...
December 12th 12 02:18 PM
by meowmix
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Clever Dust are Alien Space Ships. by
Bucky Balls are nanospaceships. I have posted this over and over again
for many many years. It relates to us throwing notes in glass bottles
into our vast...
September 11th 12 09:45 PM
by CT2012
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#Solar eclipse! by
Dänk 42Ø
There will be an annular solar eclipse on May 20, and the center of the
path is just a 20mi drive from where I live. I ordered some eclipse
viewing glasses...
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What if (on Volcano) by
What if all planets have volanoes like Earth Venus,and Mars? Could
Jupiter have very active volcanoes that make its atmosphere so thick?
We can not see its...
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Duck Feet Is the Way to Go. O ya by
It don't splash Its quiet. It don't scare fish. I added it to my new
sail boat when there is no wind. I like this way to go and so do the
ducks that swim on...
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2,366 |
Can solar pave the way? by
I know this is the wrong section for solar "energy issues" so I posted in the misc section
But then realized...
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September 18th 10 01:17 PM
by mshane
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Solar Power Home by
On Jul 11, 3:02*am, haerulanam wrote:
Step by step guides and video.
Cut energy costs to...
August 19th 10 01:52 PM
by bert
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1,925 |
Alternative Sun Signs by
Academic Zodiac[_2_]
''The Sun is in Virgo for Halloween. It is in Libra for the birthday of
the avatar of truth, Sai Baba. After spending a...
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Olbers by
Who can give a GOOD and simple explanation why the sky at night is dark,
given the fact that there are ziljons and ziljons of stars, all emitting
light. ...
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Solar Power Home by
Tri Harijana
Step by step guides and video.
Cut energy costs to bill
Tri Harijana
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November 2009 Solar Swirl by
The big swirly happened last year. November I think. 11-07-09
does anyone have any data on this event...?
May 10th 10 09:15 AM
by the
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