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Watching Mercury today by Gerald Kelleher
https://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/LATEST/current_c3.gif https://www.theplanetstoday.com/ Remember now, the back and forth motions of the slower moving...
(Multi-page thread 1 2 3)
January 28th 19 09:04 PM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
23 3,640
CERN plans to build what the U.S. should have 23 years ago by RichA[_6_]
(Multi-page thread 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
January 27th 19 04:40 PM
by Quadibloc Go to last post
52 4,537
Science Proves Its Critics Wrong by Quadibloc
This news article https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/people-with-extreme-anti-science-views-know-the-least-but-think-they-know-the-most-study is...
(Multi-page thread 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
January 26th 19 10:18 PM
by Ninapenda Jibini Go to last post
51 4,462
Blood Moon fotos by StarDust
Very nice pictures! https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46943592
January 23rd 19 04:47 PM
by Martin Brown[_3_] Go to last post
4 2,192
RASC Toronto. Why hold observing nights a week before eclipse?? by RichA[_6_]
Funny, they hold an observing session at a city park, just days before a total lunar eclipse! Why not hold it DURING the eclipse? They might even have seen a...
January 23rd 19 04:19 AM
by Quadibloc Go to last post
3 2,095
A true engineering achievement by Gerald Kelleher
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VVCiPp67vI&t=206s The only other time we can look at the inner solar system and the Sun is during a solar eclipse yet here,...
January 22nd 19 09:13 PM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
1 2,166
Resolution of the Galileo affair by Gerald Kelleher
The direct/retrograde motions of the faster moving Venus and Mercury are entirely different to the illusory direct/retrograde loops of the slower moving...
January 19th 19 04:14 PM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
1 1,651
The brexit/empirical mentality by Gerald Kelleher
It is no surprise that the quagmire in British political circles has its roots in academic empirical circles where so much is explained with so little or...
January 16th 19 09:08 PM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
0 2,019
Do "starshades" make sense? by RichA[_6_]
It's mentioned in this speculative space telescope video. The idea is to create an eclipse using a large, calculated shade which would allow a star to be...
(Multi-page thread 1 2)
January 15th 19 08:00 AM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
10 2,714
Cosmos 90GT WIFI, new toy by StarDust
https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/yMMAAOSwvJNbfAPf/s-l500.jpg Picked up this new gadget on ebay for $90 incl. shp. + came with NexStar hand controller too. I...
January 13th 19 04:16 PM
by StarDust Go to last post
3 2,260
Mysterious radio signals from deep space detected by StarDust
https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-46811618 ET home!!!!! There are a number of theories about what could be causing them. They include a neutron...
January 11th 19 09:13 AM
by Martin Brown[_3_] Go to last post
6 1,970
Cake and eat it by Gerald Kelleher
The British were involved in the two systems that represent the links between astronomy and timekeeping but unfortunately adopted a cake-and-eat-it approach...
January 10th 19 09:22 AM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
5 1,480
New Horizons "stellar" course? by JBI
Cannot find this information anywhere, but curious where New Horizons would be heading in the long term, in other words what star? And also are there any...
(Multi-page thread 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
January 9th 19 07:26 PM
by Martin Brown[_3_] Go to last post
43 3,905
Back to supernova geometry by Gerald Kelleher
The issue thankfully resolves the notion of whether galaxies came first or individual stars and solar systems. https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap141110.html The...
January 6th 19 08:49 AM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
6 1,739
Radio Meteor Obs. Bull. December 2018 Geminids by Chris Steyaert
Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin No. 305 of December 2018 (64 K) is available now as http://www.rmob.org/rmobtext/rmob1812.txt More information and the...
January 5th 19 06:35 PM
by Chris Steyaert Go to last post
0 1,698
Chinese lander by Gerald Kelleher
Orbital motion is an independent motion to daily rotation which is why the analogy of an outstretched arm continuously pointing at a centre is roughly why we...
(Multi-page thread 1 2)
January 5th 19 04:08 PM
by Paul Schlyter[_3_] Go to last post
11 2,152
IMG 1040 by StarDust
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7_rIzTazNg Wow! Moves 100 deg/sec? This is for tracking fast flying objects, planes and rockets? PlaneWave L350 direct drive...
January 5th 19 01:23 PM
by StarDust Go to last post
0 1,744
New theory of the universe. A bubble floating in a high (4th?) dimension by RichA[_6_]
https://phys.org/news/2018-12-universe-extra-dimension.html Interesting, but I still think nk string theory prevails. If they could find a way to measure...
(Multi-page thread 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
January 4th 19 01:15 AM
by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn Go to last post
38 3,192
New Horizons probe shots of that asteroid(?) will take a while by RichA[_6_]
Ever see a cop show where they take a shot from a 400line surveillance camera, then zoom in on the fuzzy image only to come with a crystal-clear rendering of...
January 3rd 19 03:50 PM
by Chris L Peterson Go to last post
3 1,639
The star of Bethlehem by Quadibloc
At least you are less confused than the authors of this book: https://archive.org/details/GalileoWasWrongTheChurchWasRightSungenisVol13Complete John Savard
January 2nd 19 08:31 AM
by Quadibloc Go to last post
0 1,408
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