Arctic and Antarctic sea ice by
Gerald Kelleher
The polar day/night cycle acts much like the daily cycle insofar as the warmest and...
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Venus and Regulus by
Gerald Kelleher
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Oh no, not again by
A former NASA scientists claims UFOs really are alien spacecraft, and the government has been covering it...
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Earth's magnetic field by
Gerald Kelleher
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Horrible heat, great observing by
I caught flashes of the rille in the Alpine Valley in a lowly little 90mm ETX at 250x. Supreme steadiness. So frying in the daytime paid-off. Too bad about...
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Saturn seasons by
Gerald Kelleher
In a little over a week, the South Pole will arrive at its maximum distance from the circle of illumination thereby will be at the center of the 33,312 mile...
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Climate spectrum by
Gerald Kelleher
Tomorrow it is Polar noon and midnight at the respective North and South poles when those latitudinal points are exactly halfway to the circle of illumination...
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The June Solstice by
Gerald Kelleher
It wasn't possible to create a necessary adjustment to seasonal cause through the usual channels as the components are so diverse technically and each point so...
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Lunar Warming? by
As if we didn't have enough to worry about:
However, how can the...
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Amateur Astronomy: Observatory Rehab by
I have donated my Takahashi TOA-150, my Astro-Physics 1200GTO CP4, and
my SBIG STL1100M camera
http://www.primordial-light.com/observatory.html#twoscopes to...
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Radio Meteor Obs. Bull. May 2018 by
Chris Steyaert
Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin No. 298 of May 2018 (48 K) is available now as
More information and the visual...
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