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Empirical Theoretical Physics by Pentcho Valev
Sabine Hossenfelder: "Many of my colleagues believe this forest of theories will eventually be chopped down by data. But in the foundations of physics it has...
April 13th 17 04:58 AM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
2 1,180
The Albert Einstein Institute Will Unify 2+2=5 and 2+2=4 by Pentcho Valev
"Professor Hermann Nicolai, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), has received one of the prestigious...
April 14th 17 06:23 AM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 988
The End of Relativity and Cosmology by Pentcho Valev
"Today the speed of light, or c as it's commonly known, is considered the cornerstone of special relativity - unlike space and time, the speed of light is...
April 14th 17 05:10 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 910
Einstein's 1905 Light Postulate Was Inseparable from the Ether Theory by Pentcho Valev
"There are various remarks to be made about this second principle. For instance, if it is so obvious, how could it turn out to be part of a revolution -...
April 17th 17 01:23 AM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
3 1,020
Tragicomical Thermodynamics by Pentcho Valev
"Established during the 19th century, the Kelvin-Planck statement of the Second Law says, "It is impossible for any device that operates on a cycle to receive...
April 19th 17 11:50 AM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
0 912
Insane Physicists by Pentcho Valev
This video shows water placed in a strong electric field, obviously able to produce unlimited amount of work at the expense of heat absorbed from the...
April 19th 17 12:31 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
2 939
Cassini has taken another spectacular image of its home planet by Internetado
Cassini has taken another spectacular image of its home planet (Eric Berger) Earth's Moon is also visible in a zoomed-in...
April 21st 17 10:20 AM
by [email protected] Go to last post
1 1,341
Celestial Photos: Hubble Space Telescope's Latest Cosmic Views by Internetado
Celestial Photos: Hubble Space Telescope's Latest Cosmic Views See amazing photos from the Hubble Space Telescope, NASA's iconic observatory in...
April 21st 17 09:36 PM
by Internetado Go to last post
0 952
Einstein's Special Relativity Does Not Remove Newton's Absolute Time by Pentcho Valev
In 1905 Einstein deduced, from his two postulates, that "the clock moved from A to B lags behind the other which has remained at B":...
April 23rd 17 03:25 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 1,003
Denial of Neil deGrasse Tyson's Science by Pentcho Valev
"Science deniers "rising to power" now create a "recipe for the complete dismantling of our informed democracy," Tyson says in a powerful new video that he...
April 24th 17 06:58 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
3 1,554
The Scientific Method in Physics by Pentcho Valev
http://www.sciencemag.org/sites/default/files/styles/inline__699w__no_aspect/public/March%20London%20by%20Erik_0.jpg?itok=C7kLlO24 "At the train station, he...
April 24th 17 07:34 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
2 1,025
Hypocritical March for Science by Pentcho Valev
"On Earth Day, tens of thousands turned out for the March for Science in Washington, D.C., despite the rain, celebrating ideas, facts, and empirical data..." ...
April 25th 17 09:04 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 933
Linear extrapolated fossil data tries to tell that perhaps Earth andMoon formed as a planet couple ? by Hannu Poropudas[_2_]
How to calculate with my extrapolated fossil data of Pannella G.: T’ = length of the month recorded by marine life (= synodic month) t’ = length of the...
April 27th 17 03:26 PM
by dlzc Go to last post
1 1,079
Einstein's Idiocies: Time Travel into the Future by Pentcho Valev
Wikipedia: "The theory of relativity states that the speed of light is invariant for all observers in any frame of reference; that is, it is always the same....
April 27th 17 09:50 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
2 1,090
How Einsteinians Rejected Newton's Emission Theory of Light by Pentcho Valev
"There is another obvious possibility, which is called the emitter theory: the light travels at 186,300 miles per second relative to the source of the light....
April 28th 17 01:47 AM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 959
How Einsteinians Prove Time Dilation by Pentcho Valev
"But the fact that you can see cosmic ray muons at all is enough to prove that relativity is real. Think about where these muons are created: high in the upper...
April 28th 17 12:33 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 1,122
Einstein's Idiocies: Length Contraction by Pentcho Valev
All consequences of Einstein's 1905 false light postulate are idiotic. Length contraction implies that unlimitedly long objects can gloriously be trapped, "in...
April 29th 17 01:17 AM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 1,115
String Theory Is Not Even Wrong; How About Einstein's Relativity? by Pentcho Valev
"Why String Theory Is Still Not Even Wrong. Peter Woit: "I'm pretty ignorant about most subfields of science. Of the two I know best, one (fundamental...
April 29th 17 01:33 AM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 1,064
The End of Einstein Is Around the Corner by Pentcho Valev
Divine Albert's Divine Theory is surrounded by silence nowadays - only Einstein's sex life is discussed. Famous Einsteinians are silent, Science and Nature are...
April 29th 17 06:16 AM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
2 963
Quantum Gravity: Humbug or Idiocy? by Pentcho Valev
Marek Abramowicz, Professor of Theoretical Physics at Göteborg University, Sweden: "No quantum-gravity theory has been found so far, despite laborious...
May 1st 17 09:47 AM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 920
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