Einstein's Moving-Clocks-Run-Slow Hoax by
Pentcho Valev
It follows logically from Einstein's 1905 postulates that, if two clocks are in relative motion, either clock is slow as judged from the other clock's system...
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The Root of All the Evil in Physics by
Pentcho Valev
The root of all the evil in physics is special relativity, or, more precisely, Einstein's 1905 false constant-speed-of-light axiom. Physicists try to tell the...
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Abandoning Einstein's Sinking Ship by
Pentcho Valev
Nowadays all Einsteinians know that the speed of light is VARIABLE AS PER NEWTON. Many of them silently leave Einstein's sinking ship and promptly become...
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Why Einsteinians Abuse Logic by
Pentcho Valev
Brian Greene: The moving clock is slow, the stationary one is fast:
Is this ASYMMETRIC time dilation a valid result in...
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Gravitational Time Dilation Does Not Exist by
Pentcho Valev
Ideologues in the Einstein cult teach that the gravitational redshift, as measured in the Pound-Rebka experiment, gloriously proves Einstein's gravitational...
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NYT: "Is Albert Einstein Finally Dead? Yes." by
Pentcho Valev
Dennis Overbye: "Is Albert Einstein finally dead? Yes. The old sage took his last breath and muttered his last indecipherable words, in German, on April 18,...
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Superluminal Motion in Post-Truth Physics by
Pentcho Valev
Experiments regularly show that both superluminal motion (not necessarily of light) and subluminal motion of light in a vacuum are possible. However the...
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Do Physicists Know the Truth about Einstein? by
Pentcho Valev
Yes physicists do know the truth about Einstein. In 2001 Lee Smolin and Joao Magueijo discovered that Einstein's special relativity is "the root of all the...
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The Nonsensical Foundation of Modern Physics by
Pentcho Valev
Modern physics is entirely predicated on Einstein’s 1905 constant-speed-of-light axiom:
"He opened by explaining how Einstein's theory of relativity is the...
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Post-Truth Physics Journals by
Pentcho Valev
Natalie Wolchover, senior editor of Quanta Magazine: "The effort to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity means reconciling totally different notions...
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How Albert Einstein Killed Physics by
Pentcho Valev
Einstein "borrowed" the constant-speed-of-light falsehood from the nonexistent ether and convinced the world that it is an absolute non-negotiable. The...
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The Paralyzing "Logic" of the Einstein Cult by
Pentcho Valev
Premise 1: The laws of physics are the same in every inertial frame (principle of relativity).
Premise 2: Einstein said that the speed of light is a law of...
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The "Paradoxes" That Killed Physics by
Pentcho Valev
"Lee and I discussed these paradoxes at great length for many months, starting in January 2001. We would meet in cafés in South Kensington or Holland Park to...
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Richard Feynman: Light Behaves like Particles by
Pentcho Valev
Richard Feynman: "I want to emphasize that light comes in this form - particles. It is very important to know that light behaves like particles, especially for...
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