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Physics Is Dead, Long Live Physics! by Pentcho Valev
Peter Woit: "...as seems increasingly all too possible, we're now at an endpoint of fundamental physics..."...
February 19th 21 05:20 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
2 1,263
The Speed of Light Is Variable as per Newton by Pentcho Valev
Richard Feynman's and Banesh Hoffmann's texts unwittingly but strongly suggest, if not prove, that the speed of light is VARIABLE AS PER NEWTON'S THEORY. In a...
February 18th 21 02:14 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 1,325
Einstein's General Relativity Is Obviously Wrong by Pentcho Valev
"Any sign that general relativity is wrong...would revolutionize physics." https://science.sciencemag.org/content/371/6525/116 It is OBVIOUSLY WRONG. The...
February 17th 21 07:11 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
0 1,326
The Universe Shifts around Einstein's Idiocies by Pentcho Valev
Michelle Thaller: "All of the universe shifts around this constant, the speed of light." https://youtube.com/watch?v=DO7J2YIz8tY "In special relativity, the...
February 16th 21 09:31 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
0 1,297
Einstein: The Speed of Light Is a Law of Physics by Pentcho Valev
Here https://bartleby.com/173/7.html Einstein advances an idiotic premise: c = 300,000 km/sec is a law of physics. The idiotic consequence: c â‰* 300,000...
February 15th 21 03:48 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
0 1,303
LIGO's Gravitational Wave Hoax: Too Many Achilles Heels by Pentcho Valev
"On 8:41 am EDT August 17, 2017, LIGO detected a new gravitational wave source, dubbed GW170817 to mark its discovery date. Just two seconds later NASA's Fermi...
February 11th 21 09:27 AM
by AndreK Go to last post
1 1,567
Criminal Behavior in Theoretical Physics? by Pentcho Valev
In 1905 Albert Einstein found it profitable to introduce an axiom that he had "borrowed" from the theory of the nonexistent ether: Albert Einstein: "I...
February 9th 21 01:06 AM
by AndreK Go to last post
5 1,548
Any Relevant Experiment Proves Variable Speed of Light as per Newton by Pentcho Valev
Originally ("without recourse to contracting lengths, local time, or Lorentz transformations"), the Michelson-Morley experiment directly proved Newton's...
February 9th 21 12:52 AM
by AndreK Go to last post
2 1,585
Who/What Killed Physics? by Pentcho Valev
Peter Woit: "...as seems increasingly all too possible, we're now at an endpoint of fundamental physics..."...
February 9th 21 12:03 AM
by AndreK Go to last post
3 1,619
Einstein-Free Physics: Constant Wavelength of Light by Pentcho Valev
Richard Feynman: "I want to emphasize that light comes in this form - particles. It is very important to know that light behaves like particles, especially for...
February 8th 21 11:34 PM
by AndreK Go to last post
2 1,422
Lie and Truth in Post-Truth Physics by Pentcho Valev
Natalie Wolchover: "The effort to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity means reconciling totally different notions of time. In quantum mechanics,...
February 8th 21 11:16 PM
by AndreK Go to last post
2 1,371
Exploding Black Hole and Big Bang by Jeff Spiegel
Martin Rees states, "Implosion to a colossal density (around, for instance, a small black hole) could trigger the expansion of a new spatial domain..."--Before...
February 8th 21 09:23 PM
by AndreK Go to last post
1 1,356
Einsteinians Doubt Einstein's Black Holes (Leave the Sinking Ship) by Pentcho Valev
"But are they really seeing the mysterious, featureless pits in space and time predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of gravity, general relativity? Could...
February 4th 21 12:39 PM
by General Failure Go to last post
2 1,761
Consensus in Post-Truth (Einsteinian) Science by Pentcho Valev
If Doppler effect in light is taught, only the moving-source scenario is discussed, for the simple reason that in the moving-observer scenario the speed of...
January 2nd 21 06:59 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 1,531
Dead Physics and the Ideologues of the Einstein Cult by Pentcho Valev
The ideologues of the Einstein cult know that Einstein killed physics and try to jump into the bandwagon of the impending revolution (resurrection): Dennis...
January 1st 21 03:49 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 1,284
Einstein Reveals the Achilles' Heel of His Theory by Pentcho Valev
Albert Einstein: "If the speed of light depends even in the least on the speed of the light source, then my whole theory of relativity, including the theory of...
January 1st 21 11:15 AM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
2 1,409
The Gravitational Wave Fraud and the Gullible World by Pentcho Valev
"On 8:41 am EDT August 17, 2017, LIGO detected a new gravitational wave source, dubbed GW170817 to mark its discovery date. Just two seconds later NASA's Fermi...
December 29th 20 10:12 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
2 1,518
The Foundation of Future, Einstein-Free Physics by Pentcho Valev
The texts below unwittingly lay the foundation of future, Einstein-free physics. Speed and frequency of light vary proportionally, wavelength (speed/frequency)...
December 29th 20 09:34 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
0 1,466
Albert Einstein and Michio Kaku Save the World by Pentcho Valev
"Einstein’s ‘astounding’ theory could save Earth from space threat. A BLACK HOLE heading towards Earth could be devastating for humankind, but Albert...
December 29th 20 03:12 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
0 1,438
Obviously Variable (Newtonian) Speed of Light by Pentcho Valev
Doppler effect in light (moving observer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bg7O4rtlwEE The speed of the light pulses as measured by the stationary observer...
December 21st 20 11:03 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 1,391
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