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Foundation for the Study of Cycles and its Forum by Ray Tomes[_3_]
After struggling for sometime, the Foundation for the Study of Cycles is now operating properly again, and its Forum is also restarted. Please consider posting...
June 11th 21 08:21 AM
by Ray Tomes[_3_] Go to last post
0 17,848
Sagittarius A*, S62 and S1. by Nicolaas Vroom
Sagittarius A* is considered a large Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way. Around this BH a certain number of Stars (or mini Black Holes) are...
May 19th 21 03:05 AM
by Nicolaas Vroom Go to last post
1 3,537
Tales of Cataloguing XIII -- the first Hazard -- epilogue by Eric Flesch
At bottom is my posting of 9-Jan-2019 wherein I described finding the lost quasar "0440-168" on the basis of a strong NVSS radio source associated to the...
May 9th 21 09:01 AM
by Eric Flesch Go to last post
0 2,696
Might the M-sigma relation extend to galaxy clusters and higher? by stargene
I have a question which I can't resolve online and perhaps you might answer if you have the time. I'm familiar with the M-sigma relation for supermassive...
May 9th 21 08:53 AM
by stargene Go to last post
0 2,567
How well do we know the value of G? by jacobnavia
Le 10/03/2021 11:09, Phillip Helbig (undress to reply) a écrit : How well do we know the value of G? G is the constant (well, as far as we know) of...
April 6th 21 06:48 PM
by jacobnavia Go to last post
0 2,647
astronomy journals with sensible typesetting by Phillip Helbig
] Having been severely disappointed by the extremely low quality of production by two astronomy journals (at least one of which didn't have such problems...
March 30th 21 05:54 PM
by Eric Flesch Go to last post
1 2,764
The "o" band for Pan-STARRS and how to get it by Eric Flesch
Those who use Pan-STARRS data might bemoan the lack of a "u" band. There is a quick fix, of sorts -- the POSSI-O band which is centered on 4050A. While not...
March 29th 21 12:00 AM
by Eric Flesch Go to last post
0 2,620
How well do we know the value of G? by Phillip Helbig
How well do we know the value of G? G is the constant (well, as far as we know) of nature whose value is known with the least precision. How well do we know...
March 11th 21 07:44 AM
by undress to reply Go to last post
3 2,731
The European Physical Journal H and LaTeX by Phillip Helbig
I would appreciate it if someone who has published something in the European Physical Journal H via LaTeX could contact me via email.
February 26th 21 02:11 PM
by Phillip Helbig Go to last post
0 2,779
The sea of galaxies and a big question by jacob navia
Hi I have posted several times here about a "sea" of galaxies just beyond the limit of our telescopes. Two new obsevations start confirming the existence of...
February 25th 21 08:19 AM
by jacob navia Go to last post
0 2,644
Type of Tau Ceti and Toliman by Jos Bergervoet
Why is Tau Ceti a G-type star and Toliman (Alpha Cen B) a K-type? In terms of mass, Tau Ceti is actually the lighter one (78% of the Sun's mass vs. 90% for...
February 20th 21 11:45 PM
by Phillip Helbig Go to last post
1 2,769
MOND confirmed by jacobnavia
In a paper in the Astrophysical Journal, (The Astrophysical Journal, 904:51 (20pp), 2020 November 20) several researches cnfirm MOND's prediction of 1984:...
December 23rd 20 06:44 PM
by Phillip Helbig (undress to reply)[_2_] Go to last post
1 3,284
13th International LISA Symposium online 2020-Sept-01 through -03 by Jonathan Thornburg [remove -animal to reply][_3_]
The 13th International LISA Symposium is happening online today (2020-Sept-01), tomorrow (2020-Sept-02), and thursday...
0 3,690
Milliquas v6.6 released, includes SDSS-DR16Q by Eric Flesch
The Million Quasars (Milliquas) catalogue v6.6 is released with data from publications to 30-August-2020, with the count of fully classified type-I quasars &...
September 1st 20 10:50 AM
by Eric Flesch Go to last post
0 2,964
Hubble-Lemaitre constant online talk by Steve Willner
Some may be interested in a Jul 9 online talk "Relieving the Hubble tension with primordial magnetic fields" by Levon Pogosian. Details are at...
July 6th 20 07:46 PM
by Steve Willner Go to last post
0 3,589
LIGO/Virgo announce detection of a 23/2.6 M_sun black hole coalescence by Jonathan Thornburg [remove -animal to reply][_5_]
The LIGO/Virgo collaboration has just announced their detection of a gravitational-wave signal, GW190814 (observed on 2019 August 14), interpreted as the...
0 3,218
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: change in business model? by Phillip Helbig (undress to reply)[_2_]
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society has charged authors nothing; costs are covered (and more, as the commercial publisher makes a profit and also...
June 17th 20 02:29 PM
by Phillip Helbig (undress to reply)[_2_] Go to last post
1 3,280
OJ 287 proper time atricles in sci.astro needs comments by No Name
Please give comments OJ 287 binary black hole system articles of proper time general relativity analytic solution. Weinberg S. 1972 Gravitation and Cosmology...
June 9th 20 07:22 AM
by No Name Go to last post
0 3,259
Is the Universe Younger than We Thought? by Nicolaas Vroom
Accordingly to this article: https://medium.com/the-cosmic-companion/is-the-universe-younger-than-we-thought-e8a649a32ec8 "Is the Universe Younger than We...
(Multi-page thread 1 2)
June 7th 20 12:33 AM
by Phillip Helbig (undress to reply)[_2_] Go to last post
18 7,950
New Telescope Will Watch Entire Southern Sky in Infrared by Internetado[_4_]
When it's complete, a new infrared telescope in Australia will give astronomers an unprecedented glimpse of the universe. The Dynamic Red All-Sky Monitoring...
May 26th 20 08:55 PM
by Internetado[_4_] Go to last post
0 3,190
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