Missile Launch Photos by
Brian Webb
Hi All:
My Space Archive web site is undergoing an upgrade and reorganization. One
of the things I've done is combine many of my separate missile...
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Meridiani soil close-ups by
Timothy Demko
Some of the raw microscopic imager photos from Opportunity of the soil
at the Meridiani Planum site are...
February 5th 04 01:54 PM
by Icarus
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February 5th 04 02:08 AM
by Ron
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UK Space Venture Proposal by
Announcement, for your information, browse and act as you see fit.
Sterling-Bond announced proposal for an independent commercial space
This UK...
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February 2nd 04 04:51 PM
by Dave
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Snow storms and winter wonderland on Mars! by
Abdul Ahad
Calling all Martian meteorology experts out there!
Given that we have seen sometimes quite prominent clouds over the
Martian polar regions, I wonder if it...
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February 2nd 04 06:40 AM
by Smiley
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MER Science Findings.. by
Richard Stewart
Hi All,
Apart from the fabulous photos both rovers are sending back, what else are
the scientists finding?
I'm trying to find readings on ambient temperature,...
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Meridiani outcrop by
Timothy Demko
My first impression of the much-talked-about Meridiani outcrop is that
it looks like a fractured, platey basalt flow, maybe even pahoehoe. In
the upper right...
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360 Deg. Mars Panorama in Stereo 3D by
Nude Anaglyphs
I posted my stereo panorama of the Spirit landing site. So, slap on
your 3D glasses, subscribe to alt.binaries.pictures.stereo, and take a
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Moon's altered orbit by
I asked this question at sci.space.tech, likely the wrong place.
If something physical or meta-physical happened whereby the Moon's
orbit was suddenly changed...
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816 |
MER-B Dimes images by
In 1 of the 3 DIMES images taken by Opportunity on its approach to the
surface (at 1404m), there is a brightly ringed crater and a distinct,
slightly diffuse...
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1,007 |
Supermassive black holes by
Hello all, I recently watched a show on Discovery about supermassive
black holes. Black holes have always fascinated me and this show what
also very...
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January 28th 04 08:07 PM
by Ron
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January 28th 04 02:29 AM
by Ron
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January 27th 04 09:42 PM
by Oleg
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Spirit color wheel not being used? by
Conan Ford
I wonder what the purpose of the color wheel is, when I see images like
Go to http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/?IDNumber=pia05015click
on the...
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