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Automatic Telescopic Tracking - WOW! by StarDust
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1JM_OZnvMQ Pretty creepy though?
November 26th 18 02:50 AM
by StarDust Go to last post
5 1,952
Gravitational lens talk at Ontario Science Centre by RichA[_6_]
That place has been turned into a science fiasco what with the emphasis on anthropology, sociology and promoting (at length) the concept of man-made global...
November 25th 18 10:03 AM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
1 2,070
Kepler's Somnium by Gerald Kelleher
https://books.google.ie/books?id=OdCJAS0eQ64C&pg=PA80&lpg#v=onepage&q&f=false It can be dismaying sometimes knowing how much of a tangle exists without any...
November 23rd 18 06:52 PM
by Quadibloc Go to last post
1 1,941
A Journey Around Earth in Real Time [4k] by StarDust
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xjs6fnpPWy4 Enjoy, before humans **** it up!
November 23rd 18 04:30 PM
by StarDust Go to last post
6 1,983
False hypothesis for proof of axiom by Gerald Kelleher
The axiom is that the Earth orbits the Sun along with the other planets while turning to the Sun each day as a function of daily rotation. The original...
November 19th 18 08:16 PM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
1 2,022
Even relatively honest but left-wing BBC sometimes publishes rubbish by RichA[_6_]
(Multi-page thread 1 2)
November 19th 18 11:14 AM
by RichA[_6_] Go to last post
17 2,865
Exoplanet discovered around neighbouring star by StarDust
https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-46196279 What size telescope (aperture) is needed to see Barnard's star?
(Multi-page thread 1 2)
November 17th 18 01:16 AM
by palsing[_2_] Go to last post
14 2,821
Black Holes do exist? by Rich
cientists using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory have discovered evidence of energetic plumes – particles that extend 300,000 light years into a massive...
November 15th 18 10:13 PM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
3 2,181
Supernova event as a transition phase by Gerald Kelleher
In 1990 I was working on stellar evolution and specifically the geometry of a pre-supernova star. In terms of the tug-of-war between density and volume in and...
(Multi-page thread 1 2)
November 15th 18 08:06 PM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
11 2,890
Neil DeGrasse Tyson headed down same loony road as Carl Sagan? by RichA[_6_]
Towards the end, Sagan, formerly a productive astrophysicist from Cornell and publicizer of astronomy became a bit of a pariah, wandering around, screeching at...
(Multi-page thread 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
November 15th 18 02:11 PM
by Gary Harnagel Go to last post
525 18,515
Precession of the Equinoxes by Gerald Kelleher
The moon in its monthly orbital circuit of the Earth will register the shifting of either the North or South poles relative to the Sun or the Earth's circle of...
November 15th 18 09:24 AM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
0 1,848
A better view of direct/retrogrades for Mercury/Venus by Gerald Kelleher
I sometimes see people scramble to put observations in proper context and that is fine,at least up to a point. The wayward video commentaries of Venus/Mercury...
(Multi-page thread 1 2)
November 14th 18 11:25 AM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
13 2,798
Exoplanet Beta Pictoris b by Gerald Kelleher
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cztuUUg-9M There is an adjustment to make when viewing the closed loop of this exoplanet in contrast to the circuits of Venus...
November 13th 18 03:04 PM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
0 1,686
APoD today by Gerald Kelleher
https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html At least people are learning how to describe and differentiate the illusory loops of the slower moving planets where...
November 10th 18 11:13 PM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
1 1,811
'Oumuamua by StarDust
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfi3w9Bzwik So, why not just use asteroid for space craft by attaching a few rocket engine to it, drill a few caves inside for...
November 10th 18 10:43 AM
by Martin Brown[_3_] Go to last post
1 1,780
Geostationary satellites by Gerald Kelleher
A satellite in a geostationary orbit is basically an extension of the Lat/Long system into space as a sat hanging over a particular longitude on the surface is...
November 10th 18 07:44 AM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
7 1,793
Gliese 710, means **** will hit the Earth? by StarDust
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gliese_710 Gliese 710 has the potential to perturb the hypothetical Oort cloud in the outer Solar System, exerting enough force...
November 8th 18 05:44 PM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
2 1,754
Radio Meteor Obs. Bull. October 2018 Draconids Leonids by Chris Steyaert
Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin No. 303 of October 2018 (71 K) is available now as http://www.rmob.org/rmobtext/rmob1810.txt More information and the...
November 6th 18 07:29 PM
by Chris Steyaert Go to last post
0 1,752
The North pole and Equator of the Sun by Gerald Kelleher
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipvfwPqh3V4&t=64s When it was discovered that the planets orbit the Sun, it became an issue of speculation as to why they did...
November 6th 18 09:03 AM
by Gerald Kelleher Go to last post
0 1,839
Keppler kicks the bucket, pity electric power can't be converted to thrust by RichA[_6_]
November 3rd 18 02:09 AM
by Quadibloc Go to last post
1 1,877
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