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solar flare - can it erase hard drives? by
Mad Scientist
I was wondering if someone could put to rest this question:
Can the electromagnetic radiation from this solar flare erase hard
disks or other magnetic media?
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The solar upheavals... by
Brian Gaff
So, what is the current thinking on how the sun can suddenly become more
active than in the so called 11 year max? Is it just that nobody really
knows what...
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Eclipse Question by
I was fortunate to see this evening's lunar eclipse. I noticed, when it
was 3/4 dark that I could see a dim orange glow that was in the shadow region.
I could...
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Jupiter question by
Larry G
Here's a question I've always wondered about. How come no space probe (that
I'm aware of) has taken photos inside Jupiter's (or any of the large
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4-D in Relativity (was Moi) by
G EddieA95
Klein Bottle. You really need 4-d to
properly embed it without self intersection and/or bending. It's
simply a mobius strip with the two sides of the...
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November 9th 03 08:35 AM
by George
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Some Thoughts on the Sun's Recent Outbursts by
Sean Steele
We are witnessing in real time the fact that stellar atmospheric dynamics
are much more complex than anyone admits to. The observed eleven year solar
cycle is...
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solar flare protection by
WE have developed a new shield that protects your computers hard drive
from harmfull effects of...
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