Ion propulsion bypassed from PNN by
pnn calmagorod
As shown in the graph www.asps.it/trustgra.jpg the ionic propulsion is overtaken by the PNN
Everything happens through the violation or circumvention of the...
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"Futurist spaceflight meditations" by
Doctor Who[_2_]
From: Giulio Prisco
My new book "Futurist spaceflight meditations" is available for
readers to buy on Amazon (Kindle |...
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"Futurist spaceflight meditations" by
Doctor Who[_2_]
From: Giulio Prisco
My new book "Futurist spaceflight meditations" is available for
readers to buy on Amazon (Kindle |...
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crew2 booster thruster firings by
NSF video coverage of Crew2 benefited from time of day and excellent
weather, with 2 different cameras catching the first stage, after stage
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INDURANCE next martian rover :-))) by
pnn calmagorod
Il giorno mercoledì 19 maggio 2021 alle 19:58:41 UTC+2 Lillo ha scritto:
Il 19/05/2021 18:48, pnn calmagorod ha scritto:
eccovi il grafico
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It is getting crowded on Mars by
Alain Fournier[_3_]
NASA has a rover, a helicopter and a few satellites.
UAE has the Al-Amal research satellite.
China has a satellite and a lander with a rover soon to be...
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NASA's Deep Space Plan by
Dean Markley
The following explains perfectly how selecting the SpaceX Starship allows NASA to stay on track and within...
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SN15 Hop Test Spoiler Alert by
David Spain
So far so good.
What I thought might have been a fire at the base of the rocket, might
have been an intentional methane flare off. The computer I was...
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SN15 Hop Test by
David Spain
May only be 15 minutes away. Stay tuned.
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Sylvia you are out of luck by
pnn calmagorod
Thanks to idiots with a bang like you and Musk, America will be overtaken in the new space race with the PNN
For the “nemo propheta in patria”...
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10 grams of push of PNN SUB321N ! by
pnn calmagorod
Dal nostro agente americano sperimentatore Michael:
“Congrats on being invited to APEC! I heard from Gabriel. I'll be around to help explain the concept....
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Findley why you run away? 😊 by
pnn calmagorod
Don't run away Jeff :-)
you just have to say if this event of electrodynamic forces between open circuits:
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Siyvia why you run away? 😊 by
pnn calmagorod
Don't run away Sylvia help ...
you just have to say if this event of electrodynamic forces between open circuits:
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SN15 Hop Attempt This Afternoon by
David Spain
SpaceX is going for a hop test on SN15 this afternoon, weather
permitting. Should be interesting. Lots of overcast clouds so there will
be transition periods...
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